900字范文 > 朱轼 Zhu Shi英语短句 例句大全

朱轼 Zhu Shi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-25 12:21:11


朱轼 Zhu Shi英语短句 例句大全

朱轼,Zhu Shi

1)Zhu Shi朱轼

1.Zhu Shi have undergoesed Kangxi, Yong Zheng, Qianlong three Emperors, officialed to Wenhua Palace bachelor, was honored as“emperor the teacher senior statesman”.朱轼历仕康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝,官至文华殿大学士,被誉为“帝师元老”。

2)The History Thoughts of Zhushi朱轼史学思想研究

3)ci which sing the praises of things轼

1.Most of Sushi sci which sing the praises of things expressed his mixed emotion depending on sundry things,thus reflected his complexed thoughts and contradictory world outlook.苏轼的咏物词多为借物抒情,体现了词人复杂的思想和矛盾的世界观。


1.On the Relation of Poet SU Shi to Alcohol Addiction;意趣 情趣 理趣——苏轼与酒

2.Su Shi: Take Essays’ and Research’s Criterion as Poetry’s;苏轼:以文、学为批评——以苏轼的杜诗“诗史”批评为例

3.Change of The Philosophy of Su Shi from His Southward and Northward Migration--Reading The Poems Written at Dayu Range;从苏轼南迁和北归看其人生价值观的变化——读苏轼过大庾岭诗

4.The Connections and Similarities of Style Asthetic between Su shi and Sikong Tu;苏轼之风格论与司空图的相似性——苏轼《书黄子思诗集后》风格论意义

5.The non-conservative Shu Shi in Wang Anshi s reformation: a comparison of economic thoughts of Wang Anshi and Shu Shi;王安石变法时期苏轼不属于保守派——王安石、苏轼经济思想之比较

6.The Cultural Meaning of Su Shi Remaining Moral in plight;再论苏轼学陶“固穷节”的文化内涵──兼谈陶渊明与苏轼理想人格模式

7.What Mr. Mao Yushi has Impressed Me--A contribution to celebrating his eightieth birthday茅于轼老师留给我的印象——为“庆祝茅于轼先生八十华诞”而作

8.As has been mentioned, Su Dongpo had once spent five whole days waiting in vain for it to appear.苏轼为观海市白白等了5天。

9.Su Shi"s Political Moral Character and His Achievements in Dingzhou论苏轼的政治品质及知定州的政绩

10.He got down from the chariot to examine the enemy"s wheel-tracks, then mounted the arm-rest of the chariot to look afar. He said, "Now we can pursue!"下视其辙,登轼而望之,曰:可矣。

11.Implication and origin on“insipidity”viewpoint of Sushi苏轼“平淡”美的意蕴及其思想渊源

12.Crystallization of difference cultures:probing into theoretics between poems and paintings of Lessing and Su Shi异文化的结晶:莱辛与苏轼诗画异同说

13.Tke Philosophy of Art in Su Shi’s Prose Writngs论苏轼的艺术哲学─—以文学散文为中心

14.Among the poets in Song Dynasty, Su Shi is the highest in poetic achievement.宋代诗人中,成就最高的当属苏轼。

15.The Influence of Chuang-tzu Philosophy on the Personality Construction and Literature Theory of Su Shi;论苏轼“人格”与“文格”的庄学渊源

16.The Evolution of Su Shi s Calligraphy at the Sight of Social Background of the Northern Song Dynasty;北宋社会背景视角下的苏轼书法嬗变

17.A Study on the CiFu-Verse Written by Su Shi, Su Zhe and the Four Scholars of the Su Group;苏轼兄弟及“苏门四学士”辞赋研究

18.SuShi s "Qi Yu Shuo" as to Tao Yuan Ming s Poetry and the Zen Culture;苏轼陶诗“绮腴说”的提出与禅宗文化


The History Thoughts of Zhushi朱轼史学思想研究

3)ci which sing the praises of things轼

1.Most of Sushi sci which sing the praises of things expressed his mixed emotion depending on sundry things,thus reflected his complexed thoughts and contradictory world outlook.苏轼的咏物词多为借物抒情,体现了词人复杂的思想和矛盾的世界观。

4)Crested Ibis朱

1.The Growth of Nestling ofCrested Ibis Hand-rearing;笼养条件下朱雏鸟的饲养管理和生长发育

2.Study on natural reproduction of Crested ibis on condition of artificial feeding;人工饲养条件下朱鹮自然繁殖研究

5)Nipponia nippon朱

1.Crested ibis,Nipponia nippon,as an endangered bird in the world,has been said to be one of the four natural treasures in China.朱曾广泛分布于中国、日本、朝鲜半岛和俄罗斯的远东地区。

2.Since the discovering ofNipponia nippon in 1981, the environment for the reproduction ofNipponia nippon has improved alot during these 20 years.198 1年重新发现朱后 ,至 2 0 0 0年的 2 0年中 ,朱的繁殖状况有了明显改善 。

6)crested ibis (Nipponia nippon)朱


参寥上人初得智果院会者十六人分韵赋诗轼得【诗文】:涨水返旧壑,飞云思故岑。念君忘家客,亦有怀归心。三间得幽寂,数步藏清深。攒金卢橘坞,散火杨梅林。茶笋尽禅味,松杉真法音。云崖有浅井,玉醴常半寻。遂名参寥泉,可濯幽人襟。相携横岭上,未觉衰年侵。一眼吞江湖,万象涵古今。愿君更小筑,岁晚解我簪。【注释】:原题:参寥上人初得智果院会者十六人分韵赋诗轼得心字【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷十八
