900字范文 > 当代中国教育公平 educational equity of modern China英语短句 例句大全

当代中国教育公平 educational equity of modern China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-23 18:38:44


当代中国教育公平 educational equity of modern China英语短句 例句大全

当代中国教育公平,educational equity of modern China

1)educational equity of modern China当代中国教育公平

1.It will define in three aspects:the formation of Sun Yat-sen’s thoughts on educational equity,main content and apocalypse abouteducational equity of modern China.本文拟对孙中山教育公平思想做一研究,从孙中山教育公平思想的形成、主要内容以及对当代中国教育公平的启示这三个方面来进行阐述。

2)contemporary Pedagogy of China当代中国教育学


1.Human in Education--Based on Contemporary Pedagogy of China;教育中的人:基于当代中国教育学立场的思考

2.Moral Value in Poem Teaching;中国现当代文学诗歌教学的育人价值

3.On the Humanity Education in the Program of Contemporary Chinese Literature;《中国当代文学》课程中的人文教育

4.China s Contemporary Literary Trend and the Humanity in Education;中国当代文学思潮与教育中的人文性

5.Dislocation:Literature Teaching of China s Contemporary Times in Normal College & Education of Chinese Language in Middle School;错位:高师中国现当代文学教学与中学语文教育

6.Research on Contemporary Undergraduate Model of Legal Education in China;当代中国特色法学本科教育模式研究

7.Research on Democratic and Legal System Perspective Education among Present College Students;当代中国大学生民主法制观教育研究

8.Development and Policy Analysis of Education for Studying Abroad in Contemporary China;当代中国留学教育的发展与政策分析

9.Yang Wuzhi--China Contemporary Outstanding Matheducator;杨武之——中国当代杰出的数学教育家

10.The Chinese Traditional Civilization for College Students;中国传统文化与当代大学生素质教育

11.Some reflections on the educational guiding principles in Chinese contemporary university;对中国当代大学教育理念的若干思考

12.The Study of Chinese Modern Science Education and Contemporary Elementary and Middle Schools Reforms in Science Education;中国近现代科学教育与当代中小学科学教育改革研究

13.The Education of the Spirit of Humane Studies Should Be Strengthened in Chinese Present-day Literature Teaching;中国现当代文学教学应加强人文精神教育

14.The Context of Political Culture and Contemporary China s Modernization of Law Education;政治文化语境与当代中国法学教育现代化

15.The significance of the university chancellors as educationalists in contemporary China;中国近代大学校长成为教育家的当代意义

16.Bestandsaufnahme,Reflexionen und Aussichten der Bildung im Studiengang deutsche Rechtswissenschaft im gegenwrtigen China;当代中国德国法学教育的现状、反思与展望

17.On Education Specialists Become the President of Universities in China Nowadays;对教育学家成为当代中国大学校长的思考

18.Study on the Modernity Essentials of Education in Contemporary China--A Viewpoint of Development Education;当代中国教育现代性核心因素研究——一种发展教育学的视角


contemporary Pedagogy of China当代中国教育学

3)educational plays of contemporary China中国教育当代剧

4)traditional Chinese education当代中国画教育

5)education of China当代中国教育

6)Chinese contemporary music education中国当代音乐教育

1.The paper utilizes the deepl discussion to the questions of theChinese contemporary music education,and studies the following questions seriously.在对中国当代音乐教育存在的问题进行深入探讨的同时,就我国当前的人文环境、音乐教育的师资队伍、社会音乐教育、现代化音乐教学手段、残疾人的音乐教育、领导对音乐教育的重视程度等问题进行了认真细致的研究。


