900字范文 > 意义阐释 meaning interpretation英语短句 例句大全

意义阐释 meaning interpretation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-12 11:34:36


意义阐释 meaning interpretation英语短句 例句大全

意义阐释,meaning interpretation

1)meaning interpretation意义阐释


1.A Discussion of Close Reading and Discourse Theory;论《金沙洲》的版本修改及意义阐释

2.On Honesty of Confucius and Its Modern Sense;孔子“诚信观”探微及现代意义阐释

3.Intertextuality and QIAN Zhong-shu s Elucidatory Strategies of Meaning;互文性理论与钱锺书的意义阐释策略

4.On Wangyao s Explication of the Definition to “Scholar LuXun”;略论王瑶对“学者鲁迅”的意义阐释

5.Signs and Symbols:Illustration on the Significance of Characters in Classical Novels符号与象征:古典小说人物意义阐释

6.The Implied "Absence"--An Interpretation of the Phenomenon of Caddy s Absence as a Narrator;“空白”的意指——凯蒂叙事主体缺位现象意义阐释

7.To interpret or explain the moral meaning of.教化阐释或解释道德方面的意义

8.The Contemporaneity Interpretation on Ouyang Xiu s Essence of Shijing;“诗意”与“诗义”:欧阳修“诗本义”的现代阐释

9.The Connotation Diagram and Culture Explanation of Spring Festival Gala Evening (SFGE) and Mid-Autumn Joyful Festival Evening (MJFE);“春晚”和“秋晚”的意义图式与文化阐释

10.The explanatory power of Conceptual Blending theory in Construction of Meanings;概念整合理论在意义构建中的阐释力

11.University Concept:Interpretation of Significance and the Conversion of Paradigm;大学理念:意义的阐释与范式的转换

12.A comparison of the symbolic meanings of lions in Chinese and English cultures;从指称到意义:英汉狮文化的阐释对比

13.Phenomenon and Significance--On the Literary Expositive Viewpoint of Qian Zhongshu;现象与意义——试论钱锺书的文学阐释观

14.Philosophical Interpretation of the Confucian Thinking of Destined Fate in Han Dynasties;两汉儒家天命思想哲学意义上的阐释

15.Is Translation of Poetry Merely the Hermeneutics and Reconstruction of Meaning?;诗歌的翻译就是意义的阐释和重建吗?

16.The Hermeneutics and Reconstruction of Meaning--On the Translatability of Poetry;意义的阐释与重建——论诗的可译性

17.a Structural Analysis of Consciousness of Ideal Life in The Thorn Birds;结构主义对《荆棘鸟》生命意识的阐释

18.Psychoanalytic School of Thought on the Meaning of the Interpretation of Fairy Tales简述精神分析学派对童话意义的阐释


prevalence significance意义与阐释

3)hermeneutic paradigms of meaning意义阐释范式

4)modern explanatory meaning现代阐释意义

5)interpretation approach阐释意向

6)explainnation by artistic conception意境阐释

1.Their Style s theories on Ci have very poetic expression、explainnation by artistic conception、artistic conception s composition and so on characteristics,and is symbol of mature of the Style s theories on Ci in ancient.他们的词品理论具有诗意表现、意境阐释、意象组合的特点,标志着古代词学风格理论的成熟。


