900字范文 > 内涵阐释 connotation interpretation英语短句 例句大全

内涵阐释 connotation interpretation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-28 22:48:34


内涵阐释 connotation interpretation英语短句 例句大全

内涵阐释,connotation interpretation

1)connotation interpretation内涵阐释


1.Perlocutionary Act:Connotation,Interpretation and Related Verbs取效行为的内涵阐释与取效行为动词

2.An Elaboration on the Cultural Connotations of Dancings in Wei, Jin, South and North Dynasties魏晋南北朝舞蹈的文化内涵阐释——兼论古典舞与文学的共生性

3.A New Explanation of the Connotation of "Xing" in China Poetry;中国诗学中“兴”之内涵的现代阐释

4.Modern Interpretation: the Image of White Lady and the Cultural Connotation in the Legend of the White Snake;《白蛇传》的文化内涵和白娘子形象的现代阐释

5.A Cognitive Study of English Sense--Connotation,Psychological Mechanism and Application;英语语感的认知阐释——内涵、心理机制及应用

6.Explaining the Connotation of the Teacher s Professional Ethics Intension with Scientific Development View;用科学发展观阐释教师职业道德的内涵

7.Connotation of the Economic Globalization and the Explanation of Related Issues;经济全球化的内涵及对相关问题的阐释

8.Rational explanation of "Sunshine sports"“阳光体育运动”内涵、地位及意义的再阐释

9.Function Structure of Image and Its Interpretation Study--On the direct proportion between denotation and connotation of image形象的功能结构及其阐释学——论形象外延与内涵的正比例关系

10.The Study of the Connotation and the Translation of Color-words in Classical English and Chinese Literature from the Perspective of Hermeneutics;从阐释学看英汉古典文学作品中色彩词的内涵及翻译

11.Paper on the Explanation of the Epirit Connotation of the Mongolian Epic Jinggar Weing Sculpture Language;论用雕塑语言阐释蒙古族史诗《江格尔》的精神内涵

12.Illuminating Dawang Petrogram from the View of the Book of Changes--Dissecting Religious Conntation of Wenshan Petrogram(part one);大王岩画的易学阐释——文山岩画的宗教内涵剖析之一

13.An approach into the value of iconicity in Wittgenstein′s aRb pattern:A philosophic explanation about the world and the language;维特根斯坦aRb命题象似性内涵对世界与语言关系的哲学阐释意义

14.Discriminate the Meanings of Both Congcepts,Meridian and Blood Vessel,Beginning with Tang Zonghai Explained the Meaning of Meridian with Aerification Opinion“经脉”与“脉”概念内涵辨析——从唐宗海用气化观点阐释“经脉”说起

15.The meaning of the poem was admirably brought out.这首诗的涵义阐释得非常清楚。

16.The Meaning of "Taste"--Liang Qichao s Aesthetic Interpretation of "Taste";“趣味”的意涵——梁启超对“趣味”的审美阐释

17.Implications of the Plots of Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Readers" Interpretations《三国演义》情节的蕴涵与读者的阐释

18.Try on excavating and explain these characteristic in this text, so that the diet culture intension in the Shanxi can be understood for common people more deeply.本文试对这些特徵给予挖掘和阐释,以使山西面食文化内涵能更多地为世人了解。


The Connotation Interpretation of Modernity现代性的内涵阐释

3)New Explanation of Connotation for Responsibility责任内涵的新阐释

4)Explanation of Cultural Meaning文化涵义阐释

5)connotation of the explanatory notes注释内涵

6)the concept of administrative authority内涵诠释


