900字范文 > 公共财政制度 public finance system英语短句 例句大全

公共财政制度 public finance system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-21 08:38:17


公共财政制度 public finance system英语短句 例句大全

公共财政制度,public finance system

1)public finance system公共财政制度


1.On Reconstruction OfGovernment Budget System On Request Of Public Finance System;按公共财政制度的要求重建我国政府预算制度

2.TO Perfect the Public Financial System and Push to Equalizethe Public Service to;完善公共财政制度 推进公共服务均等化

3.On Improvement of Public Finance System and Realization of Public Service Equalization;完善公共财政制度 逐步实现公共服务均等化

4.To Improve Fiscal Policy and Bring Fair to Public Service;完善公共财政制度逐步实现公共服务均等化

5.To Arrange the Income According to the Expenditure:the Selection of Financial Management s Idea;公共财政制度下理财思想的选择:量出为入

6.The Study of the Public Finance System and Hygiene Orchestration Development in Taian County;台安县公共财政制度与卫生统筹发展研究

7.Institutions of China s Rural Public Goods Provision:Public Finance or Public Choice?;农村公共品供给制度:公共财政还是公共选择?

8.On Constructing the Financial System of Education within the Framework of public Finance;如何构建公共财政框架下的教育财政制度

9.Research Report on Public Finance Issues of China’s Collective Forest Tenure System Reform集体林权制度公共财政问题调研报告

10.Study on Financial Management System of Public Fiscal Fund for National Student Loan;国家助学贷款公共财政资金财务管理制度研究

11.Research on the Rural Old-age Insurance System under the Guide of Public Finance;公共财政体制下我国农村养老保险制度研究

12.On the relation of finance and state-owned enterprises within the framework of public finance and the management system by capital investors;公共财政框架和出资人管理制度中财政与国企的关系

13.This needs to set up the performance evaluation system of public expenditure.这就需要建立公共财政支出绩效评价制度。

14.Reforms and Innovations about Intergovernmental Transfer System in the Frame of Public Finance;论公共财政框架下转移支付制度的改革与创新

15.On the Urban and Rural Lowest Living Guarantee System in the Angle of Public Finance;公共财政视角下的城乡最低生活保障制度

16.On System Environment and Model Selection of China s Rural Public Finance Construction;论农村公共财政建设的制度环境与模式选择

17.The Supply of Rural Public Goods and New Paths in Rural Public Finance;中国农村公共品供给与农村财政制度创新

18.The Suggestions on the Budget Management System and Financial Frame Construction;公共财政与预算管理制度改革的几点建议


Countryside Public Finance System农村公共财政制度

3)public financial system for education公共教育财政制度

4)public finance system公共财政体制

1.How to keep the melting of urban and rural areas should be done as following: strengthening the support and protection to agriculture,building employment system of urban and rural areas andpublic finance system,and developing the social guarantees of rural area.如何促使城乡有机融合主要从以下方面着手:加大对农业的支持和保护力度,建立城乡统筹的社会就业体系,公共财政体制,发展农村社会保障等。

2.Perfectingpublic finance system is the basis of building a socialist harmonious society andpublic finance system promotes the realization of socialist harmonious society by playing its inherent functions, with financial support, policy practice, system guarantee.公共财政体制的完善是构建社会主义和谐社会的基础,公共财政通过发挥其固有的职能,从财力支持、政策推动、体制保障上推动社会主义和谐社会的实现。

5)public financial system公共财政体制

1.An Analysis of the Effects of the Public Financial System Reform on the Mechanism of Investment and Financing;公共财政体制改革对上海投融资机制的影响

2.the county-level government must convert the financial system firstly, and construct actively thepublic financial system on the conditions of the market economic system.县级政府要实现职能转换,首先必须转变财政体制,积极探索构建市场经济条件下的公共财政体制。

6)public finance公共财政体制

1.Conceive of Building Country Public Finance to Urge the Construction of Little Towns;建立促进小城镇建设的农村公共财政体制构想

2.The paper tries to use this philosophy(especially use "song") to analyze how to construct Chinesepublic finance system,and to provide some constructive advice.传统哲学模式———《周易》的运用在过去是经常且成熟的,文章尝试通过传统的哲学模式(尤其《讼》)对我国公共财政体制的建立进行分析,并提出一些建设性的意见,从而希望提供一种新的经济分析方法。


