900字范文 > 大蒜浸提液 garlic extracts英语短句 例句大全

大蒜浸提液 garlic extracts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-06 16:50:08


大蒜浸提液 garlic extracts英语短句 例句大全

大蒜浸提液,garlic extracts

1)garlic extracts大蒜浸提液


1.Effects of Garlic Extraneous Liquid on the Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Pepper大蒜浸提液对辣椒种子发芽和幼苗生长的影响

2.Study on Elimination Effect of Garlic Extract on Nitrite大蒜浸提液对亚硝酸盐清除作用的效果分析

3.Effects of Alleochemicals in Garlic Extract on the Seed Germination of Kidney Bean大蒜浸提液中化感物质对菜豆种子萌发的影响

4.Allelopathy of Aqueous Extracts of Different Garlic Varieties;不同品种大蒜植株水浸液的化感作用

5.Study on the Production of Garlic Fruit Wine by Ethanol Extraction and Semi-fermentation酒精浸提半发酵法酿制大蒜酒的研究

6.The Allelopathy and Inhibitory Effect of Garlic Plant Aquepus Extracts;大蒜植株水浸液的化感作用和抑菌作用

7.Study on Extractive Conditions of Flavonoids From Garlic By Immersion Extraction大蒜黄酮类化合物的浸提工艺条件研究

8.a press for extracting juice from garlic.从大蒜中提取汁液的用具。

9.Experimental Study of the Preventive Effect of the Dips from Garlic Seeds on the Infection by the Schistosoma Japonicum Cercariae大蒜籽浸液预防日本血吸虫尾蚴感染的实验研究

10.Inhibition of Garlic Extract of the Major Pathogens in Tomato大蒜提取液对番茄主要病原真菌的抑制作用

11.Research on Toxic Effect of the Crude extract from Garlic against the Larvae of Mosquito and Fly大蒜粗提液对蚊蝇幼虫的杀灭效果研究

12.Study on the extraction of allicin in the Saimaiti garlic赛买提大蒜中大蒜素的提取工艺研究

13.The Studies on the Extraction and Separation of Alliin and Polysaccharides in Garlic;蒜氨酸和大蒜多糖提取分离实验研究

14.Clinical Study on Allactin Injection in Reducing Side Reaction of Cisplatin;大蒜素注射液减轻顺铂化疗副反应提高患者生活质量的临床研究

15.Study on Inhibition of Components in Garlic Extracts for Pathogens and Its Mechanism;大蒜提取液有效成分抑菌活性及其作用机理研究

16.The Inhibition Effect of Garlic Extraction Solution on Pseudomonas solanacearum and Phytophthora parasitica var nicotianae大蒜提取液对烟草黑胫病和青枯病的防治效果初探

paring Studies on the Stability of Garlic and Ginger Extracts and Its Eliminating Free Radicals Rules大蒜、生姜提取液清除自由基性能及稳定性比较研究

18.Clinical observation on allicin injection in reducing toxic and adverse reactions of cisplatin chemotherapy大蒜素注射液减轻化疗不良反应及提高患者生活质量的临床观察


Extraction from jinger and garlic姜蒜浸提液

3)water extract of Allium Sativum L大蒜水浸液

1.Study on EST isoenzyme of Oncomelania hupensis affected bywater extract of Allium Sativum L.;大蒜水浸液对钉螺的酯酶同工酶有明显影响,开始2天,因受刺激,酶活性(比较对照)增强,随着处理时间延长,酶活性变弱。

4)garlic extract大蒜提取液

1.The inhibitory diameter observed and the concentration ofgarlic extract showed in Phthium aphanidermatum, Phytophthora melonis, Phthium aphanidermatu.抑菌圈实验表明 ,大蒜提取液对黄瓜猝倒病、甜瓜疫病和西瓜绵腐病存在着不同程度的抑杀效应 ,出现抑菌圈的大蒜提取液浓度分别为 1% ,2 %和 5 %。

2.4g/mL ofgarlic extract could inhibit mycelium growth and conidia spore germination of the fungi completely,which concentration ofgarlic extract could prevent plants against the infection of the fungi effectively.测定了大蒜提取液对白菜黑斑病菌的抑制作用和对白菜苗期黑斑病的防治效果。

3.The inhibition ofgarlic extract of 4 pathogens in tomato was studied by using aimiao,the imported fungicide,and carbendazim,the commonly used fungicide at home,as the contrast.以进口杀菌剂爱苗和国内常用杀菌剂多菌灵为对照,研究了大蒜提取液对番茄4种病原真菌的抑制作用。

5)soaking liquid of fresh Allium sativum大蒜各部水浸液

6)garlic root aqueous extracts大蒜根系水浸液

1.Pot experiment of non-continuous cropping and continuous cropping soil was conducted by usinggarlic root aqueous extracts treatment.【方法】以甜瓜品种‘金蜜’为试材,盆栽于连作与非连作土壤中,用大蒜根系水浸液处理幼苗,处理后30天,测定叶绿素含量、气体交换和叶绿素荧光参数。


大蒜黄瓜材料: 后腿肉丝100克,大黄瓜200克。调料: 精盐、味精各1/2小匙,鸡蛋清少许,色拉油两大匙,大蒜一根,辣椒一只。做法: ①大蒜切段,辣椒切斜片,大黄瓜切薄片,肉丝用蛋清腌渍。②将两大匙色拉油加热,放入腌渍过鸡蛋清的肉丝,高火2分钟。③再放入黄瓜、大蒜、辣椒、精盐、味精,高火5分钟即可。
