900字范文 > 思想变化 thoughts changes英语短句 例句大全

思想变化 thoughts changes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-15 08:51:39


思想变化 thoughts changes英语短句 例句大全

思想变化,thoughts changes

1)thoughts changes思想变化

1.By analyzing Tao Yuanming sthoughts changes during his five in s and out s of court,the text aims at elaborating on the transition and its conflict in him from dedication to the country to withdrawal so as to restore the original background and reveal the basic reason why there had a transition happened to Tao Yuanming s life pursuit.本文通过对陶渊明仕途五进五出期间的思想变化的分析,旨在阐述陶渊明由立志报国到归隐田园的思想矛盾斗争过程,还原陶渊明由从仕到归隐的真实背景,揭示陶渊明人生追求转折的根本原因。


1.To Discuss the Process of Zuo Si s Thoughts Changingfrom His Yong Shi;从左思《咏史》诗看其思想变化之轨迹

2.Thought pluralism and Marxism in China思想变化发展与马克思主义中国化问题分析

3.Marxist evolutionary economic thoughts on technological changes;马克思关于技术变迁的演化经济思想

4.On The Evolution of Marx s Thoughts of Oriental Legal Culture;马克思东方社会法律文化思想的演变

5.Discussion on the Change of Social Thoughts from the Language Change of Spouse-seeking Notice;从征婚启事语言变化看社会思想变迁

6.The Change of Birds Imagery and the Transformation of Tao Yuanming s Thought;论鸟意象的变化与陶渊明思想的转变

7.The Constant and Variable:Sun Zhongshan’s Thought of National Assimilation变中的不变:论孙中山的民族同化思想

8.Joining WTO s influence on public thought and new strategy of ideological work;“入世”后公众思想的变化及思想工作的对策

9.Reflection on the Innovation of Consciousness and Concept;对思想文化潜意识与观念变化的若干反思

10.The New Changes in China′s Education Thoughts During the 20th Century--A Review of 100 years′Evolution of Education Thought;20世纪中国教育思想的新变化——百年教育思想演变回顾

11.Since that time, my thinking has changed enormously."可后来,我的思想发生了很大变化。

12.A great change in the peasants thinking has come about.农民的思想发生了很大变化。

13.the development of his ideas took many years; the evolution of Greek civilization; the slow development of her skill as a writer.他的思想的发展变化经历了很多年。

14.The frontier has worked him over inside.边疆生活已使他的思想起了很大变化。

15.How they have changed in their ideas and feelings!他们的思想感情有了多大的变化啊!

16.New Changes of Ideological and Political Education since Reform and Opening-up;改革开放30年思想政治教育的新变化

17.Relations between "the direct and the indirect thought" and athletic sports tactic change;孙子奇正思想与竞技体育战术的变化

18.The Change of the Social Structure and the Innovation of Publicity and Ideological Work;论社会结构变化与宣传思想工作创新


changing units变化量思想

3)changes of thoughts of literature and art文艺思想变化

4)ideological change patterns思想变化规律

1.This paper begins with how to fix the position of the university studentsideological change patterns, and then determines the locating point.准确掌握大学生思想变化规律 ,研究并确认定位点 。

5)ideas in solution变化中的思想


1.Influence of the Thoughtstransmutation at the End period of East-Han Dynasty on Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases;汉末思想嬗变对《伤寒杂病论》的影响


气候要素日变化和年变化气候要素日变化和年变化diurnal variation and annual variation of climatic elementsq ihou yaosu ribianhua hen一anb一anhua气候要素日变化和年变化(diurnal varia-tion and annual variation of elimatieelements)由地球自转和公转所引起的以l」、年为周期的气候要素变化。日变化以气温为例,其日变化与地面加热状况直接有关,最高值在14一15时出现,最低值在日出前后测点的纬度、海拔高度、下垫面条件、季节以及人气干湿状况都可影响气温日变化,但不改变其主要性质)干旱地区夏季的气温日变化最显著,日较差(最高温度与最低温度之差)最大。气温日较差人小对农作物生长有收要意义,是农业气候分析的项目之一水汽压的日变化决定于地面加热条件、地面湿润状沉和湍流交换强弱。在充分湿润的地区和季节.水汽压最高值是午后最大,玄青晨最小,在其它地区,水汽压日变化曲线人多旱双峰型,两个高值分别出现在9时和「1落前后,两个低值发生在日出前和午后〔如图所示、风速日变化上要取决于近地层中湍流交换的日变化,11间因湍流加强,地面风速也增大,午后风速达最大值,夜间风速最小。沿海的海陆风现象及山区山谷风现象也属风的日变化,它们的速度和方向均有周日变化。年变化气候要素年变化与太阳辐射年变化有关最明显的是气温年变化,在北回归线以北的北半球大陆上,l月气温最低,7月最高,气温年变曲线比之天文辐射年变曲线约有一个月的位相落后。在海洋l比日︸1一一 。dq\汉俐田仁书5言 1 2 16时间/h20 24水气压的日变化上气温年变曲线的位相落后更多。从各地气温年变化特点就可看出海陆影响的程度(见大陆度)。降水的年变化也很明显,中国东部地区因受季风影响,夏季6一8月降水最多,冬季最少,干湿季竹交替明显地中海沿岸降水年变化具有冬季降水充沛,夏季少雨的特点,形成特殊的地中海气候。在英lfil各地,全年各月降水墩分配相当均匀,年变化较小,反映出典型的海洋性气候相对湿度的年变化与气温年变化相反,一般是夏季小冬季人。气温、降水、相对湿度等要素年变曲线的配置特点,可反映出各地气候的特点(翁笃鸣)
