900字范文 > 钱伟长教育思想 Qian Wei-changs educational thought英语短句 例句大全

钱伟长教育思想 Qian Wei-changs educational thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-07 16:02:59


钱伟长教育思想 Qian Wei-changs educational thought英语短句 例句大全

钱伟长教育思想,Qian Wei-chang"s educational thought

1)Qian Wei-chang"s educational thought钱伟长教育思想


1.Education revolution and experts cultivation -Qian Weichang s education theories;教学改革与人才培养——钱伟长教育思想谈

2.Qian Wei-chang s Educational Thoughts and the Development of Shanghai University;钱伟长教育思想对上海大学发展的作用及启示

3.Put into Practice Qian Wei-chang s Educational Thoughts and Foster the Spirit of Constantly Striving for Self-perfection;实践钱伟长教育思想,高扬自强不息的上大精神

4.A Practice of Qian Wei-chang s Educational Thinking--The Evergreen "Three Systems" in Shanghai University;钱伟长教育思想在我校教育教学改革中的实践——浅论与时俱进的上海大学“三制”特色

5.Applying the Newest Result of Sinicization of Marxism to Qian Wei-chang s Educational Thoughts;以马克思主义中国化的最新成果为指导,认真学习、研究和实践钱伟长教育思想

6.On Qian Weichang s philosophy of education;关于钱伟长先生教育哲学思想的探讨

7.The Combinatio of Science and Humanism--The Forming of Qian Wei-chang s Thinking in College Education and Its Enlightenment;科学教育与人文教育的结合——钱伟长大学教育思想的形成及启示

8.The comprehensive development of people as the prime purpose of higher education -Qian Weichang s higher education theories;人的全面发展是高等教育的第一要义——钱伟长高等教育思想初探

9.A Study of Professor Qian Weichang s Concept on College Quality Education;钱伟长大学素质教育观及其时代意义

10.The great confributions of Deng Xiaoping s educational ideolgy to current" Quality- oriented Education Project;邓小平的教育思想对当今素质教育的伟大贡献

11.The great signification of Deng Xiaoping s thought on the promotion of ideal and faith;邓小平关于加强理想信念教育思想的伟大意义

12.Confucius was not only a great educator but also a well-known thinker.孔子不仅是伟大的教育家,也是著名的思想家。

13.Confucius (Kong Zi) is one of China"s greatest thinkers and educationists.孔子是中国最伟大的思想家、教育家之一。

14.On the Formation and Great Significance of DENG Xiao-pings Educational Ideologies;论邓小平教育思想的形成及其伟大作用

15.On Qian Mu’s "Chinese" Education--Study of Qian Mu’s Thought about Moral Education during New Asia Period论钱穆的“中国人”教育——钱穆新亚书院时期德育思想研究

16.CaiYuanpei is a great democratic revolutionist, educationist, thinker in Chinese modern history.蔡元培是中国近代历史上伟大的民主革命家、思想家、教育家。

17.a great ancient Chinese thinker and educator around three thousand years old.一个大约三千年以前的中国古代的伟大思想家和教育家。

18.Recalling the Century Great ManPractising Deng Xiaoping s Educational Idea;缅怀世纪伟人,践行邓小平教育思想——纪念邓小平诞辰一百周年


Qian Wei-chang钱伟长

1.Qian Wei-chang s Educational Thoughts and the Development of Shanghai University;钱伟长教育思想对上海大学发展的作用及启示

2.Applying the Newest Result of Sinicization of Marxism toQian Wei-chang s Educational Thoughts;以马克思主义中国化的最新成果为指导,认真学习、研究和实践钱伟长教育思想

3.A Written Discussion on Selected Works ofQian Wei-chang;学习《钱伟长文选》笔谈

3)Chien Wei-zang钱伟长

1.Preliminary Study onChien Wei-zang"s Academic and Educational Ideology;钱伟长治学理念及教育思想初探

4)Qian Weichang钱伟长

1.Qian Weichang s ideas of creative education;钱伟长创新教育思想探析

2.The comprehensive development of people as the prime purpose of higher education -Qian Weichang s higher education theories;人的全面发展是高等教育的第一要义——钱伟长高等教育思想初探

5)ideological education思想教育

1.Research onideological education of poor college students;高校贫困生思想教育问题的研究

2.Correlation between theideological education and psychological education;思想教育与心理教育的相关性研究

3.Enhancing theideological education among college students in physical activities;以体育活动为载体 加强大学生思想教育工作

6)educational thought教育思想

1.Reasonable explorations ontoeducational thoughts and concepts;关于教育思想与教育观念的理性探讨

2.On the Proletariat Educationist and Revolutionist of Zhao Juntao’s Educational Thought;赵君陶——无产阶级革命家教育家的教育思想研究


伟长1.奇伟超群。 2.高大。 3.汉末文学家徐干的字。
