900字范文 > 动作表象 movement of impression英语短句 例句大全

动作表象 movement of impression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-26 22:05:48


动作表象 movement of impression英语短句 例句大全

动作表象,movement of impression

1)movement of impression动作表象

1.Exercise-assistance ways have important psychological function in process of movement technologic formation, which build wholemovement of impression, strength feedback information, help practitioner to avoid Plateau of Appearance in complex movement of whole exercise .帮助练习法在动作技能形成的过程中 ,对建立完整的动作表象、加强反馈信息、帮助练习者在复杂动作的完整练习中避免“高原现象”具有重要的心理学意义。


1.Application of Image Training of Action in the Teaching of Football Dribbling Technique;动作表象训练在足球突破技术中的运用

2.Survey of the course and characters during the image training of aerobics;健美操成套动作表象训练实施的过程与特征

3.The Study on Improving the Shot Rate by Extending Motor fantasy of Action;延伸动作表象过程提高罚球命中率的研究

4.Motion Representation in Football Teaching in Higher Education;在高校足球教学中运用动作表象法的探讨

5.An Experimental Study on the Image Training ofAction in the Wushu Teaching;动作表象演练用于武术教学的实验研究

6.Application of Image Training of Action in the Teaching of Spiking Technique;动作表象训练在排球扣球技术教学中的运用

7.Animate the selected text, image, or list将选定的文本,图象或列表制作成动画

8.On the expression of animals in "The Book of Odes"论《诗经》中动物物象的情感表达作用

9.The Effect of Oral Expression of Idea on the Infant s Congition Activities;表象的口语表述在幼儿认知活动中的作用

10.To move a chart from its own sheet to an object, you must first remove all chart objects embedded in the sheet.要将图表从本身的工作表中移动到某对象,必须先删除工作表中所有嵌入的图表对象。

11.Animate the selected text, image, or list with visual effects将选定的文本、图象或列表制作出动画视觉效果

12.A word which imitates the sound of a thing or an action is called an onomatopoeic.象声词是模拟、表示物体或动作声音的词。

13.A Brief Analysis on the Applications of the Presentative Training in Wushu Jump Training;浅析表象训练在武术跳跃动作训练中的应用

14.Discussion about the application of image training in the sports training;论表象训练原理及其在运动训练中的作用

15.Data report making and sharing system of regional automatic weather station in Liaoning province区域自动气象站资料报表制作与共享系统

16.Typical or indicative of prayer, as a mannerism, gesture, or facial expression.祈祷者式的在风格、动作或脸部表面等方面象征或表示祈祷(者)的

17.The Relation between the Feel of Badminton Player and the Wrist Movement Memory Image;羽毛球运动员球感与腕关节动作记忆表象的关系

18.The process or operation of giving something the surface appearance of marble.刻大理石纹将某物的表面做得象大理石面的过程和动作


image training动作表象训练

1.It is proved that theimage training of action in spiking technique teaching can improve the accuracy of action,and it achieved satisfactory results.动作表象训练即心理学训练方法不仅适应于体育运动训练,而且同样适宜体育教学。

3)image drilling of action动作表象演练

4)enactive representation stage动作表象阶段

5)wrist movement memory image腕关节动作记忆表象

6)stage of enactive representation动作再现表象阶段


表象法表象法imagery表象法(i magery)心理咨询和治疗的方法之一,指让来访者想像自己已经选择并实施了某种途径,体验可能会产生的情绪和结果,从而提高积极性。这是心理学家拉扎鲁斯(Lazarus)于1977年提出的,临床运用有一定效果。如让一个酗酒者想像戒酒后的自己,能清醒、轻松、愉快地出现在各种社交场合,得到别人的尊重和理解。也可让来访者对自己的心理障碍或躯体疾病进行表象性的想像治疗。举例来说,一个患高血压的病人,想像自己的血压在一个什么程度,这时就出现了血压在这一程度波动的表象。自己又想像,我要放松,心情要平稳,使血压下降,又看到表象中的血压好像真的通过不断的放松使血压降低。(朱永新赵拼派撰梁宝勇审)
