900字范文 > 武术功法 Wushu Gongfa英语短句 例句大全

武术功法 Wushu Gongfa英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-30 09:53:28


武术功法 Wushu Gongfa英语短句 例句大全

武术功法,Wushu Gongfa

1)Wushu Gongfa武术功法

1.As the important elements of the Chinese Wushu,Wushu Gongfa is the core of the Chinese traditional Wushu practice.武术功法是中华武术的重要组成部分,也是中华传统武术训练的核心,它体现了更多的中国文化内涵,武术的发展不能没有功法运动。


1.The Traditional Wushu Power Training Methods and Modern Core Strength Training中国传统武术功法与现代核心力量训练的研究

2.Feasible Research on Offering Wushu Course in Colleges and Universities高等院校开设武术功法课的可行性研究

3.Feature of Wushu Super Power and Consideration Induced by Its Social Practice;武术功法的特征及其在社会实践中引发的思考——突破武术发展瓶颈的理论探讨

4.The Analyse of Refining Internality System in Taoism and the Method of Increasing Inner Vigour about Wushu;析道教的“内丹”修炼体系与武术的“内练”功法

5.On the Development of Wushu from the Evolvement of the Wushu s Value Function;从武术的价值功能演变看武术的发展

6.A Study on the Development of Wushu from the Perspective of Its Social Functions;从武术的社会功能看武术运动的发展

7.On the New Classification of Wushu from the Evolution of Value Function;从武术价值功能的演进看武术新分类

8.Chinese Wushu and Qigong are matchless in the world.中国武术、气功,举世无双。

9."Then, how about the qigong and the martial arts?"那么,武术与气功呢?

10.Research on Wushu Skill Teaching Reform;武术套路运动技能教学改革研究——多功能组合式教法的创新模式

11.With the Qinggong of Chinese Wushu one can come and go as swiftly as the wind and do everything as effectively as God does.中国武术中的轻功,来去如风,其功若神。

12.The China martial arts cultural source is far to flow long, race martial arts the effort be great and deep.中华武术文化源远流长,民族武术功夫博大精深。

13.On the Development of Colleges and Universities Wushu from the View of Present Age Wushu Function and Value of Wushu;从当代武术的功能价值审视高校武术的发展

14.Feasibility of the Entry of Wushu s Gongli into Wushu Class;武术功力成为学校武术教学内容的可行性研究

15.The Penetration Tradition Martial Arts Look at the Pole Merit to the Modern Martial Arts Influence;透过传统武术看桩功对现代武术的影响

16.Role of School Wushu in the Development of Wushu Sports;刍议学校武术在武术运动发展中的功效

17.On Wushu Spread on the Basis of its Functions and Characteristics从武术的功能和特性角度试述当今武术的推广

18.On the International Development of Wushu from Health Keeping Function从武术的健身功能谈武术的国际化推广


traditional Wushu skills传统武术功法

1.China straditional Wushu skills are all kinds of special exercises designed for mastery and improvement of Wushu routine training and competition techniques,aim to promote certain special human physical skills,and inspire the human potentials needed in Wushu.传统武术功法是为掌握和提高武术套路及格斗技术,提高人体某一方面的特殊技能,激发武技所需的人体潜能而编创的各种专门练习。

3)wushu instruction武术功法教学

4)Wushu functions武术功能

5)Martial arts skills武术功力

6)basic requirements of Wushu武术基本功


地表移功计算概率积分法地表移功计算概率积分法probability integration method for calculation of surface movementd lb.oo yrdong jlsuan 9011自J.fenfo地表移动计算概率积分法(probab,l‘ty in‘e-gration method for ealeulation of surfaee move-ment)把岩层移动看作服从统计规律的随机过程,从而将开采引起的地表下沉剖面表示成概率密度函数积分公式的预计方法。该法由波兰克诺特(St.Kn以he)等人于20世纪5。年代提出。后来波兰季特维尼申(JI一:twinlszyn)将岩层看作随机介质来研究地表移动,也导出了相同结果。概率积分法的基本思路是把地表和岩层移动现象视为随机事件,将采区分解为无限多个微小单元,由此人手计算所有单元对岩层或地表影响的总和,并计算地表移动和变形值。地表移动计算概率积分法在煤矿得到广泛应用。该法主要适用于矿体水平成层或缓倾斜成层的情况,对大多数金属矿山,有较大局限性。该法关于下沉曲线理论值对称于拐点与实际情况有所不符,因此已出现一些修正方法。
