900字范文 > 武术课 Wushu course英语短句 例句大全

武术课 Wushu course英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-19 11:11:59


武术课 Wushu course英语短句 例句大全

武术课,Wushu course

1)Wushu course武术课

1.An experimental study on the self-aid teaching inWushu course;高校武术课运用自主法教学的实验

2.Through the course of learning and teaching Wushu by myself 1 summarize several pieces of advice on how to learnWushu course, hoping that they can help P.本文作者通过自己学习武术和亲自教授武术的过程,总结了高师体育生要想学好武术课的几点建议,希望能对高师体育生学习武术课遇到的困难起到一点帮助和促进作用。


1.Why Female Students in Teachers College in Northwest Hubei Select Wushu;鄂西北高师女生选修武当武术课的归因分析

2.A Survey and Analysis of Martial Arts Morality in Martial Arts Classes of Some Fujian Universities福建省部分高校武术课武德教育的调查分析

3.On the Curriculum Reform of Wushu in Vocational Colleges;高职院校武术课程改革实施方案探索

4.Establishment of aesthetic field in the universities wushu teaching;论高校武术课教学中如何构建审美场

5.Application of a physical and mental relaxation method in the ending session of Wushu classes;身心放松法在武术课结束部分的应用

6.The Application of Separate Class Teaching in the Teaching of Wushu Technique in Colleges;分层次教学法在高校武术课中的应用

7.Analysis of Teaching Effects on the Major of Wushu in P.E Department of Normal University;高师体育专业武术课的教学效果探析

8.Discussion on Applying Multi-media Techniques TeachingMartial Arts in Colleges and Universities;对高校武术课运用多媒体教学的探讨

9.The Basic Principles to Choose Sports Game in Wushu Teaching;武术课教学选择体育游戏的基本原则

10.Inquiry into Normal Schools Offering Wu Shu Course Facing Countries;师范院校面向农村开设武术课的探讨

11.On the Design to the System of Wushu s Course in General University;普通高校武术选项课课程体系的设计

12.On the Teaching Art of College Wushu Course;普通高校武术专选课教学艺术的探讨

13.The Feasibility of Wudang Martial Arts for Grade-one Students;一年级开设武当武术选修课的可行性研究

14.Study on Teaching Materials and Teaching Method of Wushu in Primary and Middle School Physical Education in China;我国中小学体育课武术教材教法研究

15.Reform of Wushu compulsory classes in institutes of P.E.;体育院校武术普修课程教学内容改革

16.Happy Orientation of Wushu Teaching in Middle School under the New Courses Standard;新课标下中学武术教学的“快乐”取向

17.My Opinions on How to Improve Martial Art Course for Sports Majors in Colleges and Universities;体育教育专业武术普修课改革的构想

18.Research on Current Situation of Wushu Elective Teaching and Countermeasures in Normal University;高师武术选项课教学现状及对策研究


Wushu teaching武术课

1.It has made an investigation of the present situation ofWushu teaching at Hubei Normal University.对湖北师范学院武术课的教学现状进行了调查。

3)WuShu course武术课程

1.Research on PE profession’sWuShu course education content reformation in General Institutions of Higher Learning;普通高校体育教育专业武术课程教学内容改革研究

2.By the methods of literature information,questionnaire investigate and logical analysis,it investigates and analyzes face to face to the present situation of Wushu course of physical education in Jujian province,and advances that teaching innovation of Wushu course will be push soon.采用文献资料、问卷调查、逻辑分析等研究方法,对福建省体育教育专业武术课程教学现状进行调查与分析,提出武术课程教学改革势在必行,必须向"淡化套路,突出技法,强调应用,重视学生能力的培养"的方向改革。

3.Department of Huaihua University by generally analyzing the present situation of Wushu course, and inquired into countermeasure which would be carried out in Wushu course better by discussing these problems.通过对武术课程在怀化学院体育系现状的初略分析 ,找出所存在的一些问题 ,并通过对存在问题的讨论 ,探讨武术课程能更好实施的对

4)wushu class武术课堂

1.Based on documentary、examination、mathematical statistics,obsenation on the sport stueied female students psychological cause and influential factors of asking for nup inwushu class.运用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,研究女中学生武术课堂求助行为的心理原因及影响因素。

5)optional course of martial arts武术选项课

1.inoptional course of martial arts present teaching situation in college of Jiangsu Province.主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法等对江苏省普通高校武术选项课的理论教学、教学组织形式、教学方法、教师教学能力等方面进行调查与研究,并提出相应的发展对策。

2.By the methods of questionnaire,interviews and statistics,the article has investigated and analyzed the present situation of the students perception for the teaching of theoptional course of martial arts.采用问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,调查与分析右江民族医学院学生对参加武术选项课教学认识的情况,结果表明:在体育教学改革不断深入的过程中,大多数学生对参加武术选项课教学持有比较明智的学习态度,并取得了一定的成绩,同时也存在着不足之处。

3.This essay provides an investigation and an analysis into the present situation of theoptional course of martial arts in Jiangsu ordinary universities by way of document reference、questionnaire and statistics.本文主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等对江苏省普通高校武术选项课教学现状进行了调查、研究与分析,并提出相应的对策。

6)Martial public lesson武术公共课

1.TheMartial public lesson as the main means to carry out these targets is also an important course of P.武术公共课教学作为实现这些目标的主要手段,又是高等体育教育的一门重要课程,其作用和地位正在逐步地显现和提高。


