900字范文 > 热镀锌 Hot-dip galvanizing英语短句 例句大全

热镀锌 Hot-dip galvanizing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-22 10:08:37


热镀锌 Hot-dip galvanizing英语短句 例句大全

热镀锌,Hot-dip galvanizing

1)Hot-dip galvanizing热镀锌

1.Trivalent chrome passivation process using in the hot-dip galvanizing of insulator hardware fittings;三价铬钝化在绝缘子金具热镀锌上的应用

2.Technique of continuous removing ferric ion in plating auxiliary with hot-dip galvanizing;连续清除热镀锌助镀剂中铁离子的工艺技术


1.Aplataer process热镀锌法 -铅锌法热镀锌

2.FEM Simulation of Strip Edge Over Coating During Hot-Dip Galvanizing热镀锌过程边部过镀锌的有限元仿真

3.The cold rolled coils are delivered from cold rolling mill into the hot dip galvanizing workshop. The coils leave hot dip galvanizing workshop in form of galvanized coils as final product.冷轧卷从冷轧车间送至热镀锌车间,成品镀锌卷离开热镀锌车间。

4.continuous bright heat treat furnace中、高热镀锌光辉连续炉

5.Coating surface defect on hot-dip galvanized steel sheet and its preventive measures热镀锌板镀层表面缺陷及其消除措施

6.Analysis and Improvement of Dross Pick-up in Hot Dip Strip Coating热镀锌带钢镀层锌渣缺陷形成分析及改进技术

7.Over fifty thousand tons zinc slag is produced in hot zinc plated industry every year.热镀锌行业每年产生5万余吨的锌渣。

8.Zinc Recovering from Hot Galvanized Scraps by Vacuum Distillation热镀锌渣真空蒸馏回收金属锌的研究

9.Recovering Metal Zinc and Preparing the Various Zincic Salts from the Hot Dip Zinc-coated Slag由热镀锌渣中回收金属锌和制备各种锌盐

10.Recovery of Metallic Zinc Dross and Ash Formed in Hot Galvanizing Zinc by Means of Hydrometallurgy由热镀锌灰、锌渣湿法再生金属锌的研究

11.A Brief Introduction to High Al-Zinc Alloy Hot Dip Galvanizing Technology for Baosteel CR 3~# CGL宝钢冷轧3号热镀锌机组采用的高铝锌合金热浸镀生产技术简介

12.The technique of hot dip Zn-Ni alloy coating is an effective method for solving the reactive steel problem in hot dip galvanizing.热浸锌镍合金镀层技术是解决活性钢热镀锌问题的有效方法。

13.Online Measuring Technology of Ferrous Ion in Flux of the Hot-Dip Galvanizing热镀锌助镀剂中亚铁离子在线检测技术

14.Coating default on hot-dip galvannealed sheet for automobile and its preventive measures汽车用合金化热镀锌板镀层缺陷及其防止措施

15.Research and Application of Solvent Circulation on Line of Hot Dip Zinc Plating热镀锌助镀液在线循环使用的研究与应用

16.Peeling Behavior of Hot-Dipped Galvanizing Alloying Coating on Automobile Steel Sheets汽车用合金化热镀锌板镀层剥离行为的分析

17.Theoretical and Experimental Study on Electromagnetic Separation of Zinc Dross from Galvanizing Zinc Melt热镀锌液中锌渣的电磁分离理论及实验研究

18.hot dip galvanizing bolts and nuts热浸镀锌螺丝、螺帽


hot dip galvanizing热镀锌

1.It was found that organic/inorganic compound chromate-free agent has better composite performance,parameters of roll coaters are very important for thickness and surface quality of the film,and reasonable drying and cooling equipments and process are something to guarantee the quality of final products through comparison and analysis between traditional and newhot dip galvanizing proce.概述了热镀锌钝化及无铬钝化技术的发展历程。

2.2hot dip galvanizing line are briefly introduced.介绍了马钢2号连续热镀锌生产线工艺特点、主要设备性能及主要技术参数。

3.The effect of two processes on the properties ofhot dip galvanizing sheet was investigated.以在普通热镀锌线生产低碳铝镇静钢深冲热镀锌板为目标,根据CQ、DQ级热镀锌板生产线的工艺特点,设计了以前罩式退火和后罩式退火生产深冲热镀锌板的工艺方案,分别研究了2种工艺对低碳铝镇静钢热镀锌板性能的影响。

3)hot galvanizing热镀锌

1.Determination of bad element content inhot galvanizing solution by atomic absorption spectrometry;原子吸收法测定热镀锌液中有害元素的含量

2.The development ofhot galvanizing technology was described.阐述了热镀锌工艺的发展,介绍了热镀锌工艺的生产工艺流程,如碱洗、酸洗、助镀等,分析了热镀锌工艺产生的环境污染并提出了相关治理措施。

4)galvanizing by dipping热镀锌

1.To introduce process ofgalvanizing by dipping for steel wire, of phosphating on Zn coat and of coating LLDPE by heat melting.介绍钢丝热镀锌工艺、镀锌层的磷化工艺和热熔涂LLDPE工艺 ,并给出具体工艺配方。

2.To describe effect of treating variety of plat supporting agent in steel wiregalvanizing by dipping,the way of the agent treating,variety of plate supporting agent.论述钢丝热镀锌助镀剂处理的作用 ,助镀剂处理的方式 ,应用的热镀锌助镀剂种类 ,重点介绍无烟雾或少烟雾助镀剂 ;给出了 9个专利配方 ,以便尽可能优化车间的工作条件并减轻周边的环境污染。


1.Hot dipgalvanizing product is widely used for home appliances,vehicle and ship manufacturing,building,sole plate of color coating plate,etc.热镀锌板广泛应用于家用电器、车船制造业、建筑业、彩色涂层钢板的基板等,St03Z是冲压级热镀锌产品,适用于复杂零件的弯曲、冲压和成型。

2.In this article we analyze the characteristic of producing process of EDDQ hot dipgalvanizing strip and its effects on the product properties , summarize the progress of the new product development of EDDQ hot dipgalvanizing strip of BX Steel.结合本钢现有生产技术装备水平,阐述了EDDQ特深冲热镀锌板的生产工艺特点,分析了所采用的工艺制度对产品性能的影响,总结了本钢特深冲热镀锌板的开发研制过程。

6)zinc-plated镀锌 热镀锌


表面合金化镀锌钢板表面合金化镀锌钢板surface-alloyed galvanized steel sheet裹面合金化镀锌钢板(surfaee一alloyedgalvanized steel sheet)由普通镀锌钢板经合金化处理而成的钢板。其镀层表面呈银白色,具有良好的耐蚀性、加工工艺性和涂装性,可焊性也比普通镀锌钢板好。其镀层结构主要受扩散、退火温度、时间、镀锌层厚‘望以及镀液中锌含量等因素的影响。不同的工艺条件,可使合金化层形成不同的相结构。合金化镀锌钢板的使用性能与镀层结构有密切关系。铁一锌合金化层中,铁的含量对合金化层的耐蚀性、涂装性及加工性有重要影响。从综合性能考虑,以镀层中含铁8%时为最佳。合金化镀锌钢板可简化表面处理工序.省去酸洗、喷砂等工序,有较好的经济效益。在农业机械产品上的应用有:施肥机械、施肥播种机、中耕施肥机的肥料箱和种子箱:手扶拖拉机的带轮罩壳等薄板件;金属粮仓的仓体、仓盖等;种子加工机械的窝眼筒、筛板等;农用汽车的薄板件;谷物和茶叶烘干机的薄板件等。(王广扬)
