900字范文 > 热镀锌钢板 Galvanized steel英语短句 例句大全

热镀锌钢板 Galvanized steel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-23 01:48:17


热镀锌钢板 Galvanized steel英语短句 例句大全

热镀锌钢板,Galvanized steel

1)Galvanized steel热镀锌钢板

1.Now more and more galvanized steels are used in vehicle manufacturing process because of its good performance on corrosion resistance, which lead to electrodes wear serious.电阻点焊工艺在车身制造过程中所占比重极大,是汽车制造的重要连接工艺,但大量的热镀锌板被应用于车身制造过程中造成点焊热镀锌钢板电极磨损极其严重,电极消耗成本增加。


1.Influence of Zinc Bath Temperatrue and Hot Dip Galvanizing Time on Surface Quality for Hot Dip Galvanizing Steel Sheet锌锅温度和浸镀时间对热镀锌钢板表面质量的影响

2.Research on Improving the Corrosion Resistance of Passivation Film on Hot-dip Galvanized Steel提高热镀锌钢板钝化膜耐腐蚀性能研究

3.Effect of pitting on electrode service life in spot welding hot galvanization steel plate热镀锌钢板点焊的点蚀对电极使用寿命的影响

4.Preparation and Corrosion Resistance of Silane Film on Hot-dip Galvanized Steel热镀锌钢板表面硅烷膜的制备工艺与耐蚀性能

5.Reasons and Preventive Measures for Pock Flaws on Coating Surface of Galvanized Steel Sheet热镀锌钢板镀层表面麻点缺陷的产生原因及预防措施

6.Corrosion Resistance of Silane Films on Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel by Molybdate Post-Sealing钼酸盐封闭后处理的热镀锌钢板硅烷膜的耐蚀性

7.Continual hot-dip zinc-coated steel sheets and stripsGB/T2518-1988连续热镀锌薄钢板和钢带

8.Continual hot-dip aluminium zinc silicon alloy coated steel strips and sheetsGB/T14978-1994连续热浸镀铝锌硅合金镀层钢带和钢板

9.Corrosion-resistant Properties of Hot-dip Galvannealed Steel Sheets热镀锌合金化钢板的耐腐蚀性能研究

10.Effect of Added Titanium on Hot Dip Galvanizing Steel Plate添加Ti元素对热浸镀锌钢板的影响

11.Effects of Skin Pass on Mechanical Properties of Hot-dip Galvanized IF Steel Sheet光整对热镀锌IF钢板力学性能的影响

12.Experimental Study of High Strength Hot Dip Galvanizing Plate S550GD+Z八钢高强度热镀锌板S550GD+Z的试验研究

13.Effect of zinc coating on arc heating behavior for joining Al and zinc coated steel by welding-brazing process镀锌层对铝/镀锌钢板CMT熔-钎焊电弧加热行为的影响

14."The welder is used for coil joining in a hot dip galvanizing line, where material to be processed is cold-rolled low carbon steel. "在热镀锌线中焊机用于连接冷轧低碳钢板卷

15.Study on Laser Brazing with Filler Wire for Galvanized Steel Sheets and Numerical Simulation of the Thermal Process;镀锌钢板激光填丝钎焊工艺与热过程数值模拟

16.The Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Properties and Second-Phase Particles of 0.4 mm Galvanized Ti-IF Steel退火温度对0.4mm热镀锌Ti-IF钢板组织和性能的影响

17.Aplataer process热镀锌法 -铅锌法热镀锌

18.Influence of pH on Electrochemical Behaviors of Hot-dip Galvanized Auto Steel Sheet and IF Substrate in NaCl SolutionspH值对热镀锌汽车板和IF钢基板在NaCl溶液中电化学行为的影响



1.The surface quality, mechanical performance and corrosion resistance ofgalvalume products were introduced,such as DX51D,DX52D and S250GD.介绍了攀枝花钢铁(集团)公司热镀铝锌机组开发的DX51D、DX52D和S250GD铝锌镀层产品的产量、合格率、表面质量、力学性能、耐蚀性能和涂装性能,并对热镀铝锌钢板生产中应严格控制的工艺要点作了详细阐述。

3)finishing hot galvanizing steel光整热镀锌钢板

1.The parkerizing technology offinishing hot galvanizing steel was introduced, and the effects of process parameters and main impurity ions on quality of parkerizing film and adhesion of coating were discussed.介绍了光整热镀锌钢板的磷化技术 ,讨论了磷化工艺参数、主要杂质离子浓度对磷化膜质量和涂膜附着力的影响 ,提出磷化槽液中Al3+浓度的检测和去除方法。

4)hot dipped galvanized low carbon steels热镀锌低碳钢板

5)deep drawing quality galvanized IF steel深冲热镀锌IF钢板

6)galvanized sheet steel镀锌钢板

1.The commercial hot-dipgalvanized sheet steel was investigated for its corrosion behavior in three different seawater zones in Qingdao with electrochemical measurement,weight loss test and SEM.开展了热镀锌钢板在青岛不同海水区带的实海腐蚀测试,并利用电化学测试、失重腐蚀测试和扫描电镜研究了镀层的海水腐蚀行为。

2.With the rapid development of Chinese economy, demands forgalvanized sheet steels increased significantly because of the rapid development of construction and automotive industry during the last decade.随着国内经济的持续稳定发展,在过去的中,由于建筑和汽车行业的快速发展,对镀锌钢板的需求持续旺盛。

3.occured in forming and after coating of the prephosphatinggalvanized sheet steel,this paper demonstrates analyses on all kinds of influential factors happened in production and forming in detail,after that,provides some solutions on purpose.为解决预磷化镀锌钢板加工成形、涂装后易出现的条影、针孔、粗糙等问题,对其生产及加工成形过程中的各种影响因素进行了详细分析,并有针对性地提出一般的解决办法。


表面合金化镀锌钢板表面合金化镀锌钢板surface-alloyed galvanized steel sheet裹面合金化镀锌钢板(surfaee一alloyedgalvanized steel sheet)由普通镀锌钢板经合金化处理而成的钢板。其镀层表面呈银白色,具有良好的耐蚀性、加工工艺性和涂装性,可焊性也比普通镀锌钢板好。其镀层结构主要受扩散、退火温度、时间、镀锌层厚‘望以及镀液中锌含量等因素的影响。不同的工艺条件,可使合金化层形成不同的相结构。合金化镀锌钢板的使用性能与镀层结构有密切关系。铁一锌合金化层中,铁的含量对合金化层的耐蚀性、涂装性及加工性有重要影响。从综合性能考虑,以镀层中含铁8%时为最佳。合金化镀锌钢板可简化表面处理工序.省去酸洗、喷砂等工序,有较好的经济效益。在农业机械产品上的应用有:施肥机械、施肥播种机、中耕施肥机的肥料箱和种子箱:手扶拖拉机的带轮罩壳等薄板件;金属粮仓的仓体、仓盖等;种子加工机械的窝眼筒、筛板等;农用汽车的薄板件;谷物和茶叶烘干机的薄板件等。(王广扬)
