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活动习性 active behavior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-09 15:37:08


活动习性 active behavior英语短句 例句大全

活动习性,active behavior

1)active behavior活动习性

1.New advance of faultactive behavior research in huoshan area, anhui province;安徽霍山地区断层活动习性研究的新进展

2.Preliminary research method of seismic rhythms——Taking synthesized research ofactive behavior for Hefei s active faults as an example;地震韵律的研究方法初探——以合肥市断层活动习性综合探讨为例


1.study the behaviour of infants, apes, bees研究婴儿、 猿猴、 蜜蜂的活动习性.

2.normal or customary activity.正常的习惯性的活动。

3.The activity and oviposition behavior in common four necrophagous fly specie.;四种常见尸食性蝇类活动与产卵习性

4.There are drills and exercises to help you get to know the ball.有些练习活动可以帮助你熟悉球性。

5.Activity Desingn for the Web-based Inquiry Learning Based on the Platform of LAMS;基于LAMS的网络研究性学习活动设计

6.A Study on Research Learning Activity Based on WebQuest;基于WebQuest模式的研究性学习活动的探讨

7.Autonomous Teaching Activities for Non-English Major Class;自主性学习的大学英语课堂教学活动

8.An Exploration of Web-based Learning Activities;Webquest:一种探究性的网络学习活动

9.Learning Assessment of Science Courses Based onConstructive Teaching Activity;基于建构性教学活动的理科学习评定

10.Key words: Learn English by practice and experience; intercourse naturally in habit; teach through activities; application of language.关键词:生活化的学习;习惯性的交际;活动教学;英语语言交际应用。

11.A Research of the Effect of Learning Activities on Achievements in the Learning Process of Complex Declarative Knowledge复杂陈述性知识学习过程中学习活动对学习成绩影响研究

12.The Training Methods Pliable and Tough Warming - up Exercise in the Preparatory Activities;准备活动中的柔韧性热身运动练习方法

13.Research-oriented Learning Activity Course:Significance,Nature,Problems and Clarification研究性学习活动课程:意义与性质、问题及澄清

14.in a state of habitual or vigorous activity.处在习惯性的活跃或者精力充沛的行动之中。

15.Study on Herd Structure and Daytime Activity Rhythm of Argali( Ovis ammon karelini ) in Autumn of Tianshan天山盘羊秋季集群习性和日活动节律初步观察

16.The Pattern Design and Applied Research of Activity-based Inquiry Learning;基于活动的研究性学习模式设计及应用研究

17.Study on Investigation Activities and Its Instruction Strategies of Kindergarden;幼儿园探究性学习活动及其指导策略研究

18.A Guide and a Study of Inquiry Learning in Junior Physics Class;初中物理探究性学习活动的指导和研究


learning in activities活动性学习

3)action behavior of faults断裂的活动习性

4)Comprehensive learning activity综合性学习活动

1.Comprehensive learning activity is important to improve the composition teaching of junior middle school nowadays there are some problems in traditional composition teaching.综合性学习活动对于改进初中作文教学有着重要的意义。

5)faulting behavior断裂活动习性

1.Primary study on seismic surface deformation andfaulting behavior of Central Fault (Beichuan-Yingxiu Fault) is done by methods such as topographic analysis, field geological investigation, trench excavation, geological profile analysis and so on.本论文选择中央断裂活动特征表现较为明显的映秀镇作为主要研究对象,利用地貌分析、野外地质调查、挖槽开挖、剖面分析等技术手段,对该镇的地震地表变形带特征以及北川-映秀断裂活动习性进行初步研究。

6)Study activities学习活动


