900字范文 > 学缘 the former majors of postgraduate student英语短句 例句大全

学缘 the former majors of postgraduate student英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-10 02:50:18


学缘 the former majors of postgraduate student英语短句 例句大全

学缘,the former majors of postgraduate student

1)the former majors of postgraduate student学缘


1.Structural Changes in Academic Qualification and Origin of Alma Mater of Tsinghua Faculty;清华大学教师学历与学缘结构的变迁

2.From the Former Majors to Research the Study Type Sports Postgraduate;从学缘看学术型体育研究生招生培养

3.It is an interdisciplinary subject between law and economics.是法学和经济学科际整合的边缘学科。

4.The bionics is a subject of a colligated frontier study.仿生学是一门综合性边缘学科。

5.Cooperation across different disciplines can develop new and fringe disciplines不同学科的合作可产生新的边缘学科

6.On Vulnerable Groups of Student;边缘生存:“学生弱势群体”的社会学解读

7.Edge Reciting: "Tibet Literature" and "Seek the Root Literature";边缘的吟唱:“西藏文学”之于“寻根文学”

8.Peripherization: current situation of College Chinese Language and Literature in vocational school;边缘化:职业学校中大学语文的现状

9.An Analysis of Marginal Phenomenon in Foreign Languages Learning and Countermeasures;当前大学生英语学习边缘化现象研究

10.The Marriage Between the "Literary Supplement" of Great Communique and "The New Literature";《大公报·文学副刊》与新文学姻缘

11.A Color Edge Extracting Based On Mathematical Morphology基于数学形态学的彩色图像边缘提取

12.An Edge Detection Operator Based On Mathematic Morphology一种基于数学形态学的边缘检测算子

13.The branch of geopolitics that deals with strategy.地缘战略学地缘政治学的论述战略问题的一个分支

14.Petrology and geochemistry of an active continental-margin intrusive rock belt on the northern margin of the Tarim plate塔里木板块北缘活动陆缘型侵入岩带的岩石学与地球化学

15.THE FILLING UP OF EDGES Appraisal on the Second Students Competition of Edge Space Environmental Art Design边缘的弥合——第二届边缘空间环境艺术设计学生竞赛述评

16.The paper defines what the edge is, based on the edge effect of ecology,.论文从生态学中的“边缘效应”入手,界定了边缘区内涵。

17.Studies on Phylogeography of Croomia and Phylogeny of Croomia and Its Allies;黄精叶钩吻属的亲缘地理学及其近缘类群的系统进化研究

18.Significance to Literary History of Writers the New Feeling and the Left Wing;新感觉派作家与左翼文坛缘起缘落的文学史意义


frontier science边缘科学

1.Therefore,importance should be attached to the development offrontier science.通过概述电离理论艰难的发展过程 ,揭示出某一学科理论和实践上的重大突破 ,往往需要其他学科的理论和成果 ,从而得出应注重边缘科学发展的结

3)Learning-origin structure学缘结构

1.The thesis describes and analyses the present situation and the formation mechanism of learning-origin structure of China and Europe,and suggests we must draw on the experience of learning-origin structure construction in Europe and America and make the reform in.本文对中西高等学校的教师群体结构中的学缘结构的现状、优劣和形成机制作了描述和分析 ,借鉴欧美高校学缘结构建设的经验 ,从宏观管理体制、高校管理和具体操作三个层面提出了改进措施。

4)related science亲缘学科

1.Terminology, since its appearance, is closely related with linguistics, logic, semiotics, information science and otherrelated science.术语学从产生之日起,就与语言学、逻辑学、符号学、信息学等亲缘学科有着密切的联系,这些学科相互依存、相互促进。

5)frontier science边缘学科

1.Interdisciplinarity is a transregional science or afrontier science which has evolved in the joint area of mathematical science, natural science, philosophical science and social science.交叉学科是指形成于数学科学、自然科学与哲学科学、社会科学之间交汇区域的跨界学科或边缘学科。

6)edge students边缘学生

1.The analysis ofedge students through the thought of strangers creation and development;从“陌生者”的产生与演变审视“边缘学生”

2.Beginning with distorted behaviors ofedge students,the author suggests the teachers should use a series of psychology methods to correct distorted behaviors ofedge students,which is good for developing harmony and stable campus environment.高职院校边缘学生是一个特殊群体,是班级中的不稳定因素。


