900字范文 > 英语专业师范生 normal students of English major英语短句 例句大全

英语专业师范生 normal students of English major英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-06 15:47:22


英语专业师范生 normal students of English major英语短句 例句大全

英语专业师范生,normal students of English major

1)normal students of English major英语专业师范生

1.The wide application of microteaching has effectively improved the teaching skills ofnormal students of English major.微格教学的广泛应用有效地提高了英语专业师范生各项教学技能的培训。


1.Causes and Countermeasures for Employment Trouble Experienced by Normal University English Majors英语专业师范生就业难的原因及对策

2.A necessity of pronunciation pattern standardization for pedagogical student specializing in English;英语专业师范生语音模式规范化的必要性

3.The Key Point of Training The Specialized QualityEducation of the EnglishDepartment Students in TeachersCollegde;谈英语专业师范生专业素质教育的切入点问题

4.A Study of Communication Strategies in Oral Communication by Normal University English Majors;英语专业师范生的口语交际策略使用调查研究

5.Contrastive Study of General Knowledge Structure between Teacher-oriented English Major Students and Non-teacher-oriented English Major Students in Our College;我校英语专业师范生与非师范生人文知识结构对比

6.On the Cultivation of Basic Skills in Teaching Research for English Normal Students;英语专业师范生初步教学科研能力的培养

7.Microteaching and the Speaking Skill Training of the Normal Students of English Major微格教学与英语专业师范生的说课技能培训

8.Enhancing English Majors Creativity Through English Teaching: Reflection and Suggestions;论师范英语专业学生创新能力的培养

9.On Strengthening the Training of the Humane Qualities of the English Majors at Teachers College;师范院校英语专业生人文素质的培养

10.An Investigation of English Learning Motivation of Government-Sponsored Normal Education English Majors英语专业免费师范生英语学习动机调查

11.A survey of Learning strategies of Normal University English Major师范类院校英语专业学生英语学习策略调查

12.Views on English Major Teaching Reform from the Point of Employment Status of Teacher-oriented English Majors;从师范类英语专业毕业生就业现状看英语专业教学改革

13.Professionalization-oriented Curriculum Objectives for EFL Prospective Teachers;英语师范生教师教育课程的专业化目标

14.A Tentative Study on Language Learning Strategies of Non-English Majors at Teachers Colleges;师范院校非英语专业学生语言学习策略初探

15.A Study of Grammar Metacognitive Strategies Employed by English Education Major Freshmen;对英语师范专业新生语法元认知策略的调查

16.Ways to Improve the Pragmatic Competenceof the English Majors in Teacher College;提高师范英语专业学生语用能力的途径

17.A Teaching Approach to English for Science and Technology of English Major in Normal University师范院校英语专业科技英语教学研讨

18.An Investigation of Reading Strategies Employed by English Majors in the Normal College;师范院校英语专业学生阅读策略调查报告


English Education majors师范英语专业生

3)non-English major students in normal universities非英语专业师范生

4)English education major freshmen英语师范专业新生

1.Based on classifications of learning strategies by O Malley & Chamot,this paper reports on a study which investigated the metacognitive strategies applied byEnglish education major freshmen to their grammar learning.根据O"Malley&Chamot对元认知学习策略的分类,采用定量和定性的研究方法,对英语师范专业新生在语法学习中使用元认知策略的情况进行了调查,结果显示:学生使用语法元认知策略的总体水平不高;高分组与低分组在元认知策略的运用上存在显著差异;语法元认知策略与语法成绩明显相关。

5)English majors in teachers college师范英语专业

1.Intensive reading is one of the main courses forEnglish majors in teachers college.精读课是师范英语专业的一门主要课程 ,它要求教师在教学中不仅要传授系统的语言知识和技能 ,还要注重提高学生的师范素

6)teacher-oriented English英语师范专业


