900字范文 > 配套制度改革 supporting system reform英语短句 例句大全

配套制度改革 supporting system reform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-09 06:48:13


配套制度改革 supporting system reform英语短句 例句大全

配套制度改革,supporting system reform

1)supporting system reform配套制度改革

1.On the basis of analysing the necessity and the status quo of China\"s sports facilities\"supporting system reform,the paper summarizes the successful experience and revelation of thesupporting system reforms in the fields of culture and science & technology.配套制度改革是我国公共体育场馆管理体制改革的重要内容。

2.Perfecting thesupporting system reform has become an urgent task.我国集体林权制度改革即将全面完成,深化配套制度改革成为当前面临的重要任务。


1.Reform of the Supporting System for China"s Public Sports Facilities我国公共体育场馆配套制度改革研究

2.The Comprehensive Support Reforms and the DP Model with Internal Institutional Change;综合配套改革与制度内生增长极模型

3.The Necessity of China s Household Registration System Reform and the Supporting Financial Reform;我国户籍制度改革的必要性及其财政配套改革

4.Coordinated Reform: System Demand, Reform Emphases and Impelling Strategy;综合配套改革:制度需求、改革重点与推进战略

5.The Study on Reform Analysis and Necessary Policies to the Reform of Collective Forest Tenure Systerm in Henan Province河南集体林权制度改革分析及配套改革研究

6.Analysis of Measures and Countermeasures of Collective-owned Forestry Propery Right System Backup Reform;集体林权制度配套改革的举措与对策分析

7.Analysis of the Necessary Policies of the Reform on Forestry Property Right System in Fujian;福建林业产权制度改革的配套政策分析

8.National Pilot Zone for Overall Reform and Spatial Evolution Analysis of Institution;国家综合配套改革区与制度的空间演化分析

9.Several Issues of Supporting Reform of Forestry Property Right System关于林业产权制度配套改革几个问题的探讨

10.Thinking on Counterpart Reform of Deepening Collective Forest Property Right System in Yongsheng County对永胜县深化集体林权制度配套改革的思考

11.On Improving the Supporting Systems in Reform of Collective Forestland Property Right System论深化我国集体林地产权制度的配套改革

12.Reform and Improvement of the Judicial Examination System and Its Correlated Systems;论我国的司法考试制度及相关配套制度的改革完善

13.Sixth, the pace of supporting reforms will be speeded up, with focus on the establishment of a social security system.六、加快配套改革步伐,特别是社会保障制度的建立。

14.A Study on Institutional Linkage between the Pilot Zone for China s Comprehensive Reforms and the Regional Capital Market in China;国家综合配套改革试验区与区域性资本市场的制度关联分析

15.A Research on Comprehensive Supplementary Reform of Wuhan Metropolitan Area in the Perspective of the Regional System Transplantation;武汉城市圈综合配套改革研究——基于区域制度移植视角

16.Perfection of Prosecutorial Supervision upon Judicial Review of Death Sentence;完善我国死刑复核法律监督制度——收回死刑复核权的后续配套改革

17.Deepening Supporting Reform of Forestry Propery Right System to Achieve Sustainable Development of Forestry;深化林业产权制度配套改革 实现林业可持续发展

18.The theory research on Land System Innovation in urban and rural comprehensive complementary reforms pilot area统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区土地制度创新理论研究


Supporting reform配套改革

1.This article focuses on the comprehensive legal analysis about the main reform of collective tenure system and the supporting reform.对集体林权制度主体改革与配套改革进行全面的法律解析。

3)related reform配套改革

1.For this reason,the Corportation will startrelated reforms internally in personnel system, housing, bentfit distribution, diversified business and transportation organization.为此,公司要在人事、住房、分配、多经和运输组织上进行内部配套改革;还要推进科技进步,推行现代化管理和推进精神文明建设。

2.Consequently we should place emphasis on wholy new status of tax revenue over market economy,deepen the reform of tax revenue itself andrelated reform of economy circumstance,exert fully the functions of tax revenue in socialism market economy.必须深化税收本身的改革 ,深化经济环境的配套改革 ,让税收的上述功能在社会主义市场经济中得到充分的发

4)supporting reforms配套改革

5)matching reform配套改革

1.In order to push tax evaluation into a further development,we have to quicken the institution of tax evaluation set up and perfect thematching reform of legislation of tax evaluation.要推进我国纳税评估向纵深发展,必须加快纳税评估机构设置和完善纳税评估法制建设的配套改革。

6)Coordinated reform配套改革


