900字范文 > 土壤属性 soil properties英语短句 例句大全

土壤属性 soil properties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-21 02:02:03


土壤属性 soil properties英语短句 例句大全

土壤属性,soil properties

1)soil properties土壤属性

1.Prediction of the spatial distribution ofsoil properties based on environmental correlation and geostatistics基于环境相关法和地统计学的土壤属性空间分布预测

2.The spatial variability ofsoil properties is the basis of decision-making in agricultural management and environmental protection,and it is also of great significance in scientific decision-making to utilize limited sample data to obtain detailed spatial information ofsoil properties.土壤属性的空间变异性是农业和环保决策的重要依据,研究如何利用有限的样本数据来获得更为详尽的土壤属性空间分布信息对于科学决策具有重要意义。

3.Analysis and forecast on the spatial distribution and dynamics ofsoil properties is an important element of sustainable land management.在横山县朱家沟小流域采集111个样点,分析土壤属性与地形因子相互关系,进行空间预测分析。


1.Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Properties and Their Affecting Factors in the Northern Jiangsu Province;江苏北部土壤属性空间变异及其影响因素研究

2.Analysis and Utilization of Soil Property in Weixian Radish Origin;“潍县萝卜”寒亭产区土壤属性分析及利用

3.Study on Spatial Variation and Establishment Model of Soil Properties in Regional区域土壤属性空间变异特征研究与模型的建立

4.Research on the Sensitivities of Vegetable and Soil Enzyme to Heavy Metal;蔬菜和土壤酶对重金属的敏感性研究

5.Progress of Studies on Soil Enzyme Activity under Heavy Metal Contamination重金属污染下土壤酶活性的研究进展

6.Environmental quality suitability evaluation of heavy metal polluted cropland soils耕地土壤重金属环境质量适宜性评价

7.The Structural Characteristics of DOC in the Soil and Behavior of Heavy Metals on Soil土壤溶解性有机质的结构特性对土壤重金属行为的影响

8.Effect of Chicken Manure Compost on the Qulity of Chrysanthemum, Soil Cu、Cd Fractions and Enzymes Activities in Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils鸡粪堆肥对重金属污染土壤茼蒿品质、土壤Cu、Cd形态和酶活性影响

9.Correlation Between Heavy Metal Pollution and Basic Properties of Agricultural Soils in Hainan Province海南省农用地土壤重金属含量与土壤有机质及pH的相关性

10.soil consistence土壤结持度, 土壤稠性

11.Effects of Surfactants on Phytoaccumulation of Heavy Metals from Soil;表面活性剂对植物吸收土壤重金属的影响

12.Effect of Compound Pollution of Heavy Metals on Soil Enzymic Activities and Rape;重金属复合污染对土壤酶活性及油菜的影响

13.The Urban Soil Properties, Heavy Metal Pollution and Its Changes in Kaifeng City;开封城市土壤性质、重金属污染及变化分析

14.Study on Interaction of Phosphate and Heavy Metal (Zinc、Cadmium) in Calcareous Soils;石灰性土壤中磷与重金属(锌、镉)交互作用研究

15.Studies on Toxicity Indexes of Cadmium Contamination Soil;重金属Cd污染土壤毒性的复合指标的研究

16.Research about Influence of Heavy Metal on Soil Microbial Activity;重金属镉对土壤微生物活性影响的研究

17.The Form Distribution and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in Greenhouse Soil;温室大棚土壤重金属形态分布及其生物有效性

18.Effects of Organic and Inorganic Combined Pollution on Soil Biochemical Properties;有机无机复合污染对土壤生化属性的影响


soil property土壤属性

1.Affected by the nature and human factors,soil property is non- homogeneous in the spatial distribution, that is spatial variability ofsoil property.改进空间插值方法,以较少的样点来尽可能地反映出一定区域土壤属性信息的空间变异规律,就成为当前研究的一个热点。

2.Soil property is the result of combined action of nature and human factors.由于经济和人力的原因,采样点是有限的,要得到整个研究区的土壤属性信息就必须借助于空间插值方法。

3.Spatial variability ofsoil property is one of the main research directions in soil.土壤属性空间变异是土壤学科领域内主要的研究方向之一,以地统计学为研究方法,半方差函数为基本工具对土壤属性的空间结构性进行分析是普遍的研究方式。

3)soil property database土壤属性库

1.The interpolation method was used to make the soil grain size conversion,and the soil water characteristics were estimated by the SPAW program to build upsoil property database.采用插值方法对土壤粒径进行转换,并利用SPAW程序估算土壤水特性参数,建立了SWAT模型土壤属性库。

4)Soil attribute data土壤属性数据

5)soil physicochemical property土壤理化属性

6)soil fertility properties土壤肥力属性

1.Spatial variability of mainsoil fertility properties and rational sampling number in pomelo plantation;柚子园主要土壤肥力属性空间变异及合理取样数研究


土壤水分运动基本方程(见土壤水运动)土壤水分运动基本方程(见土壤水运动)turang shuifen yundong iiben土壤水分运动基本方程fangeheng见土壤水运动。
