900字范文 > 优势差异费用 advantageous differential cost英语短句 例句大全

优势差异费用 advantageous differential cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-16 03:50:24


优势差异费用 advantageous differential cost英语短句 例句大全

优势差异费用,advantageous differential cost

1)advantageous differential cost优势差异费用

2)difference advantage差异优势

1.We can draw three fields: cost advantage,difference advantage,leading advantage,from the industry organization economics explaining the company competitive ability.物流标准化问题已成为制约我国物流发展的瓶颈问题之一,而物流产业的发展需要产业内的公司的竞争力的持续提升,由产业组织经济学对企业竞争力的解释框架,可得出企业竞争力的市场表现主要有成本优势、差异优势和领先优势三个方面。

3)expense variance费用差异


1.OVA [overhead variance analysis ]间接费用差异分析[

2.Variances for factory overhead are generally more difficult to understand than those for direct materials and direct labor.制造费用差异比直接材料差异和直接人工差异更难理解。

3.Medical Cost Difference Analysis of the In-patients in Medical Insurance and of Those on Their Own Expenses in the Operation Department;手术科室医保与自费患者住院费用差异性分析

4.At the end of a cost period, the difference between overhead applied and overhead actually incurred is the factory overhead variance.制造费用差异是期末分配的制造费用和实际发生的制造费用的差额。

5.fixed overhead quantity variance固定制造费用耗量差异

6.factory expense efficiency variation account制造费用效率差异帐户

7.variable overhead price variance变动制造费用价格差异

8.factory expense budget variation account制造费用预算差异帐户

9.service department allocated cost variance辅助部门费用摊配差异;辅助生产部门费用分配差异

10.The controllable variance is the difference between the overhead budgeted at the operating level achieved and overhead actually incurred.控制差异是指实际制造费用与标准产量的预算制造费用的差额。

11.Static budget variances are differences between actual results and corresponding amounts( revenues and expenses) in the static budget.固定预算差异是实际结果与预算结果(收入和费用)之间的差异。

12.To determine the effects of these two factors, the factory overhead can be expressed as the sum of a volume variance and a controllable variance.考察此二因素对制造费用的影响,可将制造费用从产量差异和控制差异两方面来分析。

13.A Study on Difference of Consumer Credit Risk of Commercial Bank between Regions;商业银行消费信贷信用风险的地域性差异研究

14.An Empirical Study of Cost "Stickiness" Behavior and Difference across Industry of Chinese Companies;企业费用“粘性”行为:基于行业差异的实证研究

15.An analysis on the regional disparity of transaction cost and its forming mechanism in China;中国交易费用水平的地区差异及其形成机制

16.On the Different Treatments of the Errors in the Planned Overhead Rates in China and in the US;中美制造费用计划分配差异处理的启示

17.controllable factory overhead variance可控制间接制造费差异

18.material usage price variance原材料消费价格差异


difference advantage差异优势

1.We can draw three fields: cost advantage,difference advantage,leading advantage,from the industry organization economics explaining the company competitive ability.物流标准化问题已成为制约我国物流发展的瓶颈问题之一,而物流产业的发展需要产业内的公司的竞争力的持续提升,由产业组织经济学对企业竞争力的解释框架,可得出企业竞争力的市场表现主要有成本优势、差异优势和领先优势三个方面。

3)expense variance费用差异

4)differnt superiority差异性优势

5)advantage in differentiation差异化优势

1.Furthermore,the dissertation also analyzes the compatibility of theadvantage in differentiation and cost from foreign trade enterprises by applying the mode of E-commerce.本文以波特的竞争优势理论为基础,研究了外贸企业应用电子商务模式可获取的成本优势与差异化优势。

6)cost of ignorance最优费用差

1.We also discussed some of its asymptotic properties, such as asymptotic consistency, asymptotic efficiency andcost of ignorance, under some certain assumptions.并讨论了在一定条件下,当d→0,它的渐近相合性、渐近有效性及有界的最优费用差(EN(d)-n(d))等渐近性质。

2.Some of its asymptotic properties, such as asymptotic consistency, asymptotic efficiency andcost of ignorance under certain conditions, are also discussed.并讨论了在一定条件下,当d→0时,估计的渐近相合性、渐近有效性及有界的最优费用差(EN(d)?n(d))等渐近性质。


优势1.能压倒对方的有利形势。 2.指超过同类事物中其他情况的形势。
