900字范文 > 破碎带 fracture zone英语短句 例句大全

破碎带 fracture zone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-01 08:51:31


破碎带 fracture zone英语短句 例句大全

破碎带,fracture zone

1)fracture zone破碎带

1.After studied the Liuqiao faultfracture zone water yield property and transmissibility,pipe shed support and advance grouting reinforced engineering were adopted before the crossheading cut through the fault,meanwhile a series of tried and true driving and supporting measures taken on to insure the-380 crossheading cutting through the fault safely.刘桥断层位于刘桥一矿东北侧,落差110~210m,通过钻探揭露、物探探查、流量测井技术,对刘桥断层破碎带的富、导水性进行了研究,在-380石门巷道过刘桥断层前进行了管棚支护及预注浆加固工程,以及在巷道过刘桥断层过程中,采取了一系列行之有效的掘进支护措施,确保了-380石门巷道安全通过刘桥断层。

2.An outline is given of technical investigation of the transformed belt-subinclined shaft passing through the soft rock bed in the high stressfracture zone of Wu-er coal mountain at Level 2 of No 6 mine in Pingdingshan Coal Group Co,Ltd.介绍了平煤集团六矿二水平戊二技改皮带暗斜井穿过高应力破碎带松软岩层支护技术研究概况。

3.It is considered that the silicatedfracture zone of carbonate rocks of the underlying Ordovician System is the mineralizing materials source of the gold deposit and the gold enrichment is relative to the extremely strong chemical weathering in tropical rainforest .该矿床的成矿物质来自下伏奥陶系碳酸盐岩硅化破碎带,金的富集刚与该区中更新世热带雨林气候极其剧烈的化学风化作用有关。



2.Pre-strengthening technology by grouting through surface into broken rock zone around shallow tunnel隧道浅埋破碎带地表注浆预加固技术

3.The main mineralized types are quartz vein type and alteration pattern with fracture zone.主要矿化类型有石英脉型和破碎带蚀变岩型。

4.Study on mining method for the mining of gentle dip orebody of fracture zone type对缓倾斜破碎带型矿体开采方法的探讨


6.Study on Application of Concrete Plug during Treating Dam Foundations in the Fractured Zone in Fault;传力洞在处理拱坝软弱破碎带基础中的应用

7.Stability Analysis of Surrounding Rock-Supports Structure of Fractured Weak Zone in Highway Tunnel公路隧道软弱破碎带围岩—支护结构稳定性分析

8.Wire Mesh Cablebeam Spray Support Technology in Large Cross-section Lane in High-stress Fracture Zone高应力破碎带大断面巷道锚网梁索喷支护技术

9.Construction technology for tunnel of Furonghe Hydropower Station through shattered fault zone龙胜县芙蓉河水电站隧洞断层破碎带施工技术

10.Fuzzy Safety Evaluation for Water Bursting and Mud Surging of Tunnels through the Fault Fracture Zones隧道穿越断层破碎带突水涌泥模糊安全评价

11.Study on setting angle of bolt forepoling in surrounding fractured rock破碎带工程围岩超前锚杆加固外插角研究

12.Research on the Catastrophe Model of Tunnel Going through Fault Fracture Zone隧道穿越断层破碎带塌方失稳的突变模型研究

13.Ahead Bolt Pre-support at Fracture Zone Construction超前锚杆预支护在过断层破碎带施工中的应用

14.Application of Bolt Grouting Technology in High-stress Wide Fracture Zone锚注施工技术在高应力宽破碎带断层中的应用

15.Reinforced Technology for High Roof Falling Area in Structure Broken Zone of Mining Gateway of Dongpang Mine东庞矿水淹巷道构造破碎带高冒区加固技术

16.A research on the technology to solidify friable roof in low top coal caving longwall faces where multiple faults meet低放工作面断层群破碎带顶板固化技术研究

17.Applying Continuous Mining Machine to Driving Mining Roadways in Fault Broken Zone应用连采机在断层破碎带中掘进工作面巷道

18.Study on Mechanism of Work Together of Rock and Wall in Broken Rock Band基岩破碎带围岩与井壁共同作用机理研究


broken zone破碎带

1.Technology of grouting and blocking water in faultbroken zone;断层破碎带注浆堵水技术

2.Support theory and practices to repair of mine roadway in tectonicbroken zone;构造破碎带大巷复修的支护理论与实践

3.Study on pilot bolt reinforcement with dowelling function in project surrounding rocks ofbroken zone base on DDA theory基于DDA理论对超前锚杆加固在破碎带工程围岩起销钉作用机理研究

3)surf zone破碎带

1.The effects of longshore currents,Stokes mass transport by waves,large scale eddies and the instability of longshore currents on the transport of pollutant in asurf zone are discussed based on the experimental results.实验表明,在破碎带外污染物主要受波浪非线性引起的质量输移流的影响;在破碎带内主要受沿岸流的影响,同时还受沿岸流不稳定运动及大尺度旋涡运动的影响。

4)crushed zone破碎带

5)Fractured zone破碎带

1.TSP advance geology forecasting is conducted during the construction of the tunnel penetrating through the fractured surrounding rock mass,so as to determine the distance and strike of the fractured zone.以客运专线合武铁路大别山隧道工程大断面施工为背景,在通过隧道施工设计中存在的围岩破碎带时,应用TSP超前地质预报初步确定破碎带的距离和走向,并结合隧道施工现场开挖揭露出的围岩情况,应用离散单元法(UDEC)对围岩破碎带全断面施工开挖、支护方案参数进行数值模拟理论分析。

2.Through the engineering case of ZhuanBao tunnel project in Nanchuan-Fuling highway, this paper elaborated the construction technology to deal with the poor geological conditions as faults, weak intercalations and fractured zone in section K32+302~306, the results indicated that this construction technology was successful and could provide guidance for similar projects.本文依托重庆南涪路赚宝隧道工程,详细介绍了处理K32+302—306段出现的断层、软弱夹层、破碎带等不良地质所采取的施工技术。

6)G23 fracture zoneG23破碎带

1.This paper gives a brief introduction to the features of the G23 crushed altered fracture zone located within the dam foundation area of a hydropower project and then makes a preliminary analysis and an appraisal of the influence of theG23 fracture zone on settlement and stress of the dam body by using the definite element method.简要介绍了某水电站坝基内G23挤压蚀变破碎带的特征,在此基础上,采用区间有限元法就G23破碎带对坝体的变形和应力进行了初步分析和评价。


断层破碎带处理断层破碎带处理treatment of fracture zone of faultduanCeng Posuidai ehuli断层破碎带处理(treatment of fraetureZone of fault)为一了使坝基岩体的物理力学性能 (承载力、变形、抗渗等)得到改善,对岩基中存在的断层破碎带所进行的处理。处理方式主要有:①规模较小的断层破碎带,常采用开挖的方式处理,其挖深一般为断层破碎带宽度的l一15倍。规模较大并对岩基的强度和变形有较大影响的断层破碎带以及交汇区的处理,需根据有关资料进行专门设计。通常用有限单元法分析计算和地质力学模型试验,比较详细地了解断层破碎带、岩体及坝体的应力分布、岩基沉陷变形量及抗滑稳定的超载能力等资料,据以确定处理方案。②倾角较陡的断层破碎带,常用的处理结构型式为混凝土塞,即沿断层破碎带挖除一部分后回填混凝土,见图1。塞的作用是使坝体压力大部分传递到塞两侧的完整的基岩上,从而提高了承载能力并改善了沉陷变形问题。混凝土塞的深度由分析计算确定。③倾角平缓的断层破碎带的处理较复杂,因为在断层破碎带的上部为一层整体性较差的楔形岩体,其下则为软弱的断层破碎带,因此在承载力和沉陷变形等方面的问题尤为突出。常用的处理结构型式除顶部设置混凝土塞外,再在沿断层破碎带的不同深度开挖若干个平洞与斜井回填混凝土,以形成支撑,承担坝体和岩体的压坝块坝块晦道混凝土塞断层破碎带郡补场协图l倾角较陡的断层破碎带处理力。处理深度一般可根据计算及试验确定,见图2。④贯穿岩基上下游的断层破碎带,处理范围应延伸到坝体外,其长度一般为断层破碎带宽度的1.5一2倍,其深度可与坝基部位处理深度相同。位于坝体以外,特别是距离坝址较近且与坝轴线平行的断层破碎带,当其坝块廊道混凝土塞平洞回填断层破碎带图2倾角平缓的断层破砰带处理对岩基和坝体的稳定、变形等有较大影响时,应一并予以处理。
