900字范文 > 断层破碎带 Fault fracture zone英语短句 例句大全

断层破碎带 Fault fracture zone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-08 02:38:47


断层破碎带 Fault fracture zone英语短句 例句大全

断层破碎带,Fault fracture zone

1)Fault fracture zone断层破碎带

1.Effects of vertical fault fracture zones on the spreading of Rayleigh wave and ground motion;垂直断层破碎带对Rayleigh波传播与场地地震动反应的影响

2.Fault fracture zone often causes the collapse of the straight work in metal mines, leading to serious impact on the stability of surrounding rock.断层破碎带经常引起金属矿山采准巷道的垮冒 ,对围岩的稳定性造成严重影响。

3.The fault fracture zone and some of its soil characters are taken into consideration in the calculation.计算中还考虑了断层破碎带及断层破碎带土的一些性质,结果表明考虑断层破碎带的存在对于地震动是有影响的。


1.Construction technology for tunnel of Furonghe Hydropower Station through shattered fault zone龙胜县芙蓉河水电站隧洞断层破碎带施工技术

2.Fuzzy Safety Evaluation for Water Bursting and Mud Surging of Tunnels through the Fault Fracture Zones隧道穿越断层破碎带突水涌泥模糊安全评价

3.Research on the Catastrophe Model of Tunnel Going through Fault Fracture Zone隧道穿越断层破碎带塌方失稳的突变模型研究

4.Ahead Bolt Pre-support at Fracture Zone Construction超前锚杆预支护在过断层破碎带施工中的应用

5.Applying Continuous Mining Machine to Driving Mining Roadways in Fault Broken Zone应用连采机在断层破碎带中掘进工作面巷道

6.Construction Technology to Pass Through Broken Zone of Wide Fault with High Pressurized Water in Donghuantuo Mine东欢坨矿过高承压水宽断层破碎带的施工工艺

7.The Measurement Design and Analysis for Some a Tunnel in Fault and Crushed Zone隧道在断层破碎带现场量测设计与分析方案

8.Application of Combined Support with Bolt Wire Net Shotcrete Cable and Belt at Meeting Coal Point,Broken Fault Zone and Roadway Crossing Point锚网喷索带组合支护在见煤点、断层破碎带、巷道交岔点的应用

9.Applying the technology of smooth blasting, the complete section of the Ⅲ surrounding rock and the half section of the broken and the Ⅱ surrounding rock have been excavated at the obverse step.利用光面爆破技术,Ⅲ类围岩全断面一次开挖,Ⅱ类围岩和断层破碎带半断面正台阶开挖。

10.Study on Prediction and Early-warning of Geological Hazards during Tunnel Construction in Fault and Fracture Zone断层破碎带隧道施工地质灾害预报预警方法研究

11.Practice of Adopting Different technology Through Different Hydrological Cent fault Crushing Zone采用不同工艺通过不同水文单元断层破碎带的实践

12.The research and application of long-tube grouting in dislocation fracture zone of aquifer of mine roadway长管注浆在煤矿巷道穿越含水断层破碎带中的研究与应用

13.This paper discusses the treatment technique for highway tunnel in fault rupture zone during construction with New Austrian Tunneling Method.结合工程实例,探讨山区公路隧道新奥法施工中地质断层破碎带的处理技术。

14.Application of Bolt Grouting Technology in High-stress Wide Fracture Zone锚注施工技术在高应力宽破碎带断层中的应用

15.A research on the technology to solidify friable roof in low top coal caving longwall faces where multiple faults meet低放工作面断层群破碎带顶板固化技术研究

16.Study of Safety Mining Technology for Ore Body Close to Water-bearing Crushed Zone and Fault含水破碎带及断层临近矿体安全采矿技术研究

17.Curtain Grouting Technique for Broken Large fault Under High Pressure and Enriched Water高压富水破碎大断层围岩幕注浆技术

18.The rock in the fault zones in mine roadways are generally fractured and difficult to support. As they often connect with the water containing layer, water inrush is apt to occcur.矿山巷道中的断层带岩石一般比较破碎 ,难以支护 ,而且常常与含水层导通 ,易发生涌水。


Fracture zone断层破碎带

1.Temporary support, anchored grouting and enhanced water diversion and discharge are taken to solve the subsidence of water-saturated shallow-depth fracture zone vault of Haozhuang Tunnel along Tongchuan-Huanglin first-class highway.为了解决铜川—黄陵一级公路蒿庄梁隧道富水破碎带拱顶下沉问题 ,采用了加强临时支护、吉迈式锚杆注浆、加强引排水等措施进行了治理 ,有效地固结了断层破碎带 ,形成应力圈 ,控制住下沉 ,解决了淋滴水和漏水问题 ,处理效果较为理想。

2.The characteristic anomalies of resistivity contour over the fracture zones have been illustrated.该文介绍几个成功应用高密度电阻率法的工程实例 ,并以实例说明断层破碎带在电阻率等值线图上的异常特

3.The procedure and method of TBM quickly driving across fracture zone are presented in this paper.主要论述了TBM (隧道掘进机 )快速通过断层破碎带的方法和步骤。

3)fault zone断层破碎带

1.Research purposes: Jiaozhou Bay Tunnel is needed to cross the seabedfault zone,but a little survey geological data are obtained because of the means limitation of engineering survey.研究目的:胶州湾隧道需穿越海底断层破碎带,因工程地质勘察手段的局限性,决定了勘测阶段的地质资料不足。

2.Together with engineering case,this paper introduces this technique application to make known karst,fault zone and intensive weathered bed weak layer.文章结合工程实例,介绍利用地震层析成像技术查明岩溶、断层破碎带、强风化软弱夹层方面的应用。

3.According to the probability of poor geology,fault zone for example,stochastic va.通过对全断面岩石掘进机作业特点的详细分析,提出了施工地质勘测点应选在支撑油缸换步支撑点处;根据不良地质地层(文中以断层破碎带为例)出现的概率,以勘测出的不良地质地层的出现与否为随机变量构造随机变量函数ξ=(ηn-np)/np(1-p),当勘测点数量足够大时,此随机变量函数近似服从标准正态分布。

4)fault crushed zone断层破碎带

1.Attracts worldwide attention the the Changjiang Rive Three Gorges r project, in the dam base scope has different the scale geological flaw and so onfault crushed zone, contains will meet the water electrode to be easy to soften contains the putty band, the modulus of deformation is 0.举世瞩目的长江三峡工程,坝基范围内存在不同规模的断层破碎带等地质缺陷,含遇水极易软化的含泥夹层,变形模量一般为0。

5)water-bearing fault belt含水断层破碎带

1.Detectingwater-bearing fault belt during highway tunnel construction by Rayleigh wave technique;瑞利波探测公路施工隧道含水断层破碎带

2.Detection and Control Technique for Water-bearing Fault Belt in Tunnel;隧道含水断层破碎带的探测与治理

3.Detection ofwater-bearing fault belt in tunnel;隧道含水断层破碎带的探测

6)crush zone characteristics断层破碎带特征

1.And the concrete position & occurrence & scale are determined by thecrush zone characteristics.本文根据广州市轨道交通二、八号线延长线工程初步勘察阶段、江泰路站详细勘察阶段及江泰路站断裂补充勘察中取得的有关断层破碎带资料,归纳出断层破碎带的各种不同特征,并根据断层破碎带特征,较为准确地确定了断层破碎带的具体位置、产状及规模。


断层破碎带处理断层破碎带处理treatment of fracture zone of faultduanCeng Posuidai ehuli断层破碎带处理(treatment of fraetureZone of fault)为一了使坝基岩体的物理力学性能 (承载力、变形、抗渗等)得到改善,对岩基中存在的断层破碎带所进行的处理。处理方式主要有:①规模较小的断层破碎带,常采用开挖的方式处理,其挖深一般为断层破碎带宽度的l一15倍。规模较大并对岩基的强度和变形有较大影响的断层破碎带以及交汇区的处理,需根据有关资料进行专门设计。通常用有限单元法分析计算和地质力学模型试验,比较详细地了解断层破碎带、岩体及坝体的应力分布、岩基沉陷变形量及抗滑稳定的超载能力等资料,据以确定处理方案。②倾角较陡的断层破碎带,常用的处理结构型式为混凝土塞,即沿断层破碎带挖除一部分后回填混凝土,见图1。塞的作用是使坝体压力大部分传递到塞两侧的完整的基岩上,从而提高了承载能力并改善了沉陷变形问题。混凝土塞的深度由分析计算确定。③倾角平缓的断层破碎带的处理较复杂,因为在断层破碎带的上部为一层整体性较差的楔形岩体,其下则为软弱的断层破碎带,因此在承载力和沉陷变形等方面的问题尤为突出。常用的处理结构型式除顶部设置混凝土塞外,再在沿断层破碎带的不同深度开挖若干个平洞与斜井回填混凝土,以形成支撑,承担坝体和岩体的压坝块坝块晦道混凝土塞断层破碎带郡补场协图l倾角较陡的断层破碎带处理力。处理深度一般可根据计算及试验确定,见图2。④贯穿岩基上下游的断层破碎带,处理范围应延伸到坝体外,其长度一般为断层破碎带宽度的1.5一2倍,其深度可与坝基部位处理深度相同。位于坝体以外,特别是距离坝址较近且与坝轴线平行的断层破碎带,当其坝块廊道混凝土塞平洞回填断层破碎带图2倾角平缓的断层破砰带处理对岩基和坝体的稳定、变形等有较大影响时,应一并予以处理。
