900字范文 > 价格弹性系数 price elasticity英语短句 例句大全

价格弹性系数 price elasticity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-18 07:04:08


价格弹性系数 price elasticity英语短句 例句大全

价格弹性系数,price elasticity

1)price elasticity价格弹性系数

1.This paper introduces the concept of electricprice elasticity,the definition of electric reserve,its functions and the traditional way to determine the electric reserve level.介绍了电力价格弹性系数的概念,电力备用的定义与功能;从市场化运营的角度,基于用户的需求曲线和消费者剩余理论,对市场条件下电力备用的价值与备用的需求曲线进行了研究,并探讨了系统最优备用水平的优化模型;通过案例分析,研究电力需求价格弹性系数与系统最优备用水平和备用价格的关系,即需求价格弹性系数越高,系统最优备用需求水平和备用价格越低,系统最优备用需求水平与价格,随电力需求价格弹性的变化而变化。


1.(3)The price elasticity coefficient of demand was -0.427 3 in CMS.(3)农民对合作医疗的需求价格弹性系数为-0.4273。

2.A mathematical discussion on the relationship between price elasticity of demand and sales income;需求价格弹性和销售收入关系的数学探析

3.Relations of brand price level and specifications to demand price elasticity of China s color TV products;中国彩电价格、规格与需求价格弹性的关系

4.Elasticity Calculation of Functions and Its Application in Cost Decisions函数弹性计算公式及在价格决策中的应用

5.Analysis on the characteristics of Cournot model under the price elasticity of demand as a constant;需求价格弹性为常数下的古诺模型特征分析

6.Electricity Price Elasticity and Optimal System Reserve;电力需求价格弹性与系统最优备用的关系

7.price elasticity of demand for import进口需求的价格弹性

8.dynamic strain optical coefficient动态光弹(性)系数

9.A Primary Discussion on Relation of Price Adjusting, Elasticity of the Requirement to Price and Maximum Revenue;略论价格调整和需求价格弹性与最大收益之关系

10.On the Relationship between Price Elasticity of Demand and Earnings;关于需求价格弹性与收益关系的一点说明

11.Exploration on Relation between Price Elasticity of Demand and Slope of Demand Curve;需求价格弹性与需求曲线斜率的关系释疑

12.Price-elastic demand有价格弹性的需求(或有弹性的需求)

13.Price-inelastic demand无价格弹性的需求(或无弹性的需求)

14.Study on Quantity Flexibility Contract with Price Dependent Demand;需求与价格具有相关性下的弹性数量契约模型研究

15.Analysis of Mathematical Model According to Elasticity of Demand Theory During the Process of Adjusting the Profit需求弹性在增加销售利润中的价格策略数学模型分析

16.Currency Launch,Interest Demand Elasticity and Price Fluctuation货币投放、需求利率弹性与价格波动——理论框架与中美数据检验

17.2-D elastic wave modeling with frequency-space 25-point finite-difference operators二维频率空间域25点优化系数差分格式弹性波数值模拟(英文)

18.On Relations Between Demand Prices And Total Income(Outcome)In Accordance With The Characterictics Of Price Elasticity;也谈需求价格弹性的性质与总收益(总支出)的关系


Power demand price elasticity coefficient电力需求价格弹性系数

3)Price elasticity价格弹性

1.Self and cross price elasticity,which had effects on farmers ability-to-pay,and the changes of elasticity coefficient with income compensation were analyzed.同时,对影响农村居民卫生支付能力的自价格弹性和交叉价格弹性以及在有收入补偿情况下的各弹性系数变化情况进行了初步分析,提出提高农民卫生支付能力的政策建议。

2.The price elasticity of medical demand in middle -economic -level areas was analyzed during 1991-1998 in this paper.对中等发达地区医疗需求价格弹性的研究表明,1991—1998年间医院并未从次均医疗费用的持续过快增长中获得更多的收入。

3.Under the demand with price elasticity of final market, the optimal price discount contract consisted of single-manufacturer and single-retailer in the international supply chain is studied in this paper.研究了在最终市场需求具有价格弹性的情况下,由单一制造商、单一零售商组成的国际供应链的最优价格折扣契约。

4)price flexibility价格弹性

1.This paper investigates two-level inventory systems consisting of several venders and several retailers,establishes inventory models separately for the vendor and the retailer with price discount or not,while market demand hasprice flexibility and short supply is permitted.研究多个供应商、多个销售商组成的两级供应链的库存系统,在具有价格弹性的市场需求、允许供应商和销售商产生缺货的条件下,针对有无价格折扣的两种情况,分别建立了供应商、销售商各自的库存模型;结合满足供应商和销售商Pareto有效性,建立了含价格折扣的供应链系统整体盈利最大的库存模型。

2.Under the demand ofprice flexibility, the paper develops a general profit maximization model for single period two product substitution problem.针对产品具有可替代性情况下的库存管理问题,建立了需求具有价格弹性的库存模型,最后通过一个算例,对销售商是否采取替代策略情况下期望总收益的变化进行了仿真分析。

3.These kind of products have a more complicated demand feature and demandprice flexibility than material products and media products that only have economic property or political property.兼有政治属性和经济属性的传媒产品有比物质产品和纯经济属性或纯政治属性的传媒产品更为复杂的需求特征及其需求价格弹性。

5)Flexible Price弹性价格

6)Own-price Elasticity自价格弹性


