900字范文 > 电力需求价格弹性 price elasticity of electric demand英语短句 例句大全

电力需求价格弹性 price elasticity of electric demand英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-07 15:58:02


电力需求价格弹性 price elasticity of electric demand英语短句 例句大全

电力需求价格弹性,price elasticity of electric demand

1)price elasticity of electric demand电力需求价格弹性


1.Electricity Price Elasticity and Optimal System Reserve;电力需求价格弹性与系统最优备用的关系

2.The Relationship Between Price Elasticity of Demand and Generation Market Equilibrium Analysis Based on Game Theory;基于博弈论的电力需求价格弹性与发电市场均衡关系

3.Relations of brand price level and specifications to demand price elasticity of China s color TV products;中国彩电价格、规格与需求价格弹性的关系

4.Price-elastic demand有价格弹性的需求(或有弹性的需求)

5.Price-inelastic demand无价格弹性的需求(或无弹性的需求)

6.price elasticity of demand for import进口需求的价格弹性

7.Generation Capacity Investment Dynamics Based on Price Elasticity of Demand Side计及需求侧价格弹性的电源投资动态仿真

8.The Application of Demand Price Elasticity in the Price Fixing Strategy of the Catering Trade需求价格弹性在餐饮定价中的应用

9.The influence of The Price Elasticity of Demand on price strategy;商品需求价格弹性对定价策略的作用

10.Price elasticity of demand--Strategy of fixing a real estate price;需求的价格弹性——房地产业的定价谋略

11.Exploration on Relation between Price Elasticity of Demand and Slope of Demand Curve;需求价格弹性与需求曲线斜率的关系释疑

12.The Improvement of the Elastic Analysis on the Demand Price of Information Product;对信息商品需求价格弹性分析的改进

13.A restrained condition in the application of the price elasticity of demand;需求价格弹性应用中的一个约束条件

14.China Civil Aviation Domestic Passenger Transport Demand Price Elasticity Research中国民航国内客运需求价格弹性研究

15.Application of the Price Demand Elasticity Theory in Marketing Price Decisions;需求价格弹性理论在价格策略中的应用

16.Application of the Principle of Elastic Demand Price in Deciding the Tourism Price;需求价格弹性原理在旅游价格决策中的应用

17.The Relation between Brand Market Share and Price Elasticity: An Empirical Study in Chinese TV Industry;品牌需求价格弹性与市场份额的关系——对国内彩电行业的实证研究

18.Analysis on Public Resources Price Elasticity of Demand in the Rent Action and Its Policy Implications;权力寻租过程中公共资源需求价格弹性分析及其政策意蕴


Power demand price elasticity coefficient电力需求价格弹性系数

3)price elasticity需求价格弹性

1.This Thesis adopted the Extended Linear Expenditure System(ELES)Model to study the short-run medical serviceprice elasticity of China s rural residents.利用扩展的线性支出系统模型(ELES),采用最小二乘法估计计算了我国农村居民的短期医疗服务需求价格弹性。

4)price elasticity of demand需求价格弹性

1.Influence ofprice elasticity of demand to configuration for the reserve capacity of generation side;需求价格弹性对发电侧备用容量配置的影响

2.A mathematical discussion on the relationship betweenprice elasticity of demand and sales income;需求价格弹性和销售收入关系的数学探析

3.Study on application ofprice elasticity of demand in reality;需求价格弹性在现实中的应用研究

5)demand price elasticity需求价格弹性

1.Starting from supply chain integration,taking the maximum profit as a target and following the market regulations,a factor ofdemand price elasticity was introduced.从供应链集成的角度出发,以整体利益最大化为目标,遵循市场规律引入了产品的需求价格弹性因素。

2.A reasonable electricity price discount is used to balance the benefits between buyers and sellers for the existing of powerdemand price elasticity.针对中国目前用电市场的电力供应形式以及定价机制,研究考虑电力需求价格弹性的条件下,多买方和单一卖方组成的电力供应链中制定电价折扣的问题。

3.This paper introduces the general theory of demand curve anddemand price elasticity, and improves the elastic analysis on the demand price of material information product, expansionary information oroduct and idiosyncratic information product.介绍了需求曲线与需求价格弹性的一般理论,对物质型信息商品、扩张型信息商品、特殊型信息商品的需求价格弹性分析进行了改进。

6)Price elasticity of demand需求的价格弹性


