900字范文 > 抽查监督 Stochastic surveillance英语短句 例句大全

抽查监督 Stochastic surveillance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-13 23:29:27


抽查监督 Stochastic surveillance英语短句 例句大全

抽查监督,Stochastic surveillance

1)Stochastic surveillance抽查监督

2)supervision inspection监督抽查

1.Review on result of nationalsupervision inspection for productquality of plate heat exchangers in 1998;98板式换热器产品质量国家监督抽查结果评述


1.″General Acceptability Supervision″ and ″Random InspectionAcceptability Supervision″;浅析“监督总体合格”与“监督抽查合格”


3.Surveys were conducted by authorized institutions to check the quality of 7,804 kinds of products of 200 categories from 6,265 enterprises.国家监督抽查6265家企业200类7804种产品和商品。

4.How Strengthen a Fixed Amount Packing Direct to Make Selective Check with Service;如何加强商品定量包装监督抽查和服务

5.Quality Analysis for the State Selective Supervision of Rubber Condoms in 2001;2001年橡胶避孕套国家监督抽查质量分析

6.The Analysis on the Result of Sample Quality Inspectionof Shanxi Province in the First Quarter of 2001;2001年一季度山西省质量监督抽查结果浅析

7.The Result and Analysis of 2000 Spot-check for Speech Repeating Players;2000年语言复读机行业监督抽查结果及分析

8.Analysis on Recent Years" Situation for Block Board Product Selective Supervision in Zhejiang Province近年浙江省细木工板监督抽查质量形势分析

9.Experience and suggestions of quality supervision and spot check of coal product煤炭产品质量国家监督抽查工作的体会与建议

10.Analysis on the quality results of national fruit wine and liqueur sampling国家监督抽查果酒及露酒产品质量结果分析

11.Statistical Analysis about the Ratio of the Standard Products of Shanghai Random Checked by Authorized Institutions during the 10th Five-Year Plan;十五期间国家监督抽查上海产品合格率统计分析

12.Some questions analysis about the product quality of wood working maching;木工机械产品质量国家监督抽查及发现的若干问题简析

13.The result bulletin and analysis of national supervision checking of steam coal product in the fourth quarter of year ;第4季度动力用煤产品质量国家监督抽查结果通报及分析

14.The quality of PVC resin in China and improvement suggestions for it--Analysis for the results of national product quality spot test;我国PVC树脂质量状况及改进建议——国家监督抽查产品质量情况分析

15.From the result of national supervision spot-check for product quality to view the product quality status of solvent-borne wood coatings从产品质量国家监督抽查结果看溶剂型木器涂料产品质量现状

16.Analysis of product quality of wine and liquor preparation(liqueur) by state supervision果酒及配制酒(露酒)国家监督抽查检测结果与分析

17.Finding out some problems of Chinese woodworking sawing machines through the state supervision从国家监督抽查看我国木工锯类机床存在的一些问题

18.Procedures and the plan of sampling for repeat test or inspection in product quality auditGB/T16306-1996产品质量监督复查程序及抽样方案


supervision inspection监督抽查

1.Review on result of nationalsupervision inspection for productquality of plate heat exchangers in 1998;98板式换热器产品质量国家监督抽查结果评述

3)national supervision checking国家监督抽查

1.The result bulletin and analysis ofnational supervision checking of steam coal product in the fourth quarter of year ;第4季度动力用煤产品质量国家监督抽查结果通报及分析

4)Quality supervision sampling质量监督抽查

5)sampling quality supervision抽查型质量监督


1.With the marketsurveillance and results analysis of three prepared Chinese crud drugs from their mainly cultivated areas and concerned drug manufactures in China,the qualities of these crud drugs were studied,and quality problems of prepared Chinese crud drugs currently existed in Chinese market were discussed,also some suggestions and strategies were presented.通过对三种中药饮片的监督抽验结果进行分析,考察了全国中药饮片主要产区和中成药生产企业集中地区的中药饮片质量状况,探讨了中药饮片目前存在的主要质量问题,并提出了建议和对策。

2.With the marketsurveillance and results analysis of the drugs packing material and containers in Anhui province in ~,the qualities of the drugs packing material and containers which were made by enterprise and used by medical institutions were studied,and quality problems of the drugs packing material and containers were discussed,also some suggestions and strategies were presented.通过对安徽省~药品包装材料和容器监督抽验结果进行分析,考查了全省范围内药包材生产企业生产的和药品生产企业及医疗机构使用的药包材产品的质量状况,探讨了全省药包材产品目前存在的主要质量问题,并初步提出了建议和对策。


