900字范文 > 世界教育发展 world education development英语短句 例句大全

世界教育发展 world education development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-12 21:56:49


世界教育发展 world education development英语短句 例句大全

世界教育发展,world education development

1)world education development世界教育发展


1.Educational Globalization -New Thoughts on World Educational Development;教育全球化——世界教育发展的新思考

2.Talks on the Revolution of University from Development of World Education;从世界教育发展谈我国高校体育改革

3.Dissecting the Development and Changes of International Education,Drawing a Grand Design of International Education--For the Publishment of A Grand Series of International Education;剖析世界教育发展变化 刻绘世界教育雄伟画卷——为《世界教育大系》问世而作

4.Equity and Excellence:The New Pursuit of Education Development Around the World;公平而卓越:世界教育发展的新追求

5.On the Trend fo the Development of the World Higher Education in the 21th Century;浅议21世纪世界高等教育的发展趋势

6.The Development of China s Higher Vocational and Technical Education under the Developmental Tendence of the World s Higher Education;世界高等教育发展趋势下的中国高职教育发展

7.A Study on Vocational Education Development in China from the Perspective of Vocational Education History in the World从世界职业教育发展历程看中国职业教育发展

8.Developing International Education of Chinese Language and Promoting Construction of a Harmonious World;发展国际汉语教育 推动和谐世界建设

9.Overall Description and Features of Higher Education after World WarⅡ;战后世界高等教育的发展概况及特点

10.Trend and Experience of the World Higher Education Development;世界高等教育发展的基本趋势和经验

11.On Influences of World Education Reform to the Development of Technical and Vocational Education in Taiwan;世界教育改革趋势对台湾技职教育发展的影响

12.The Development of the Ideaof the World Higher Educationand the Reform of China s Higher Education;世界高等教育理念的发展与我国高等教育改革

13.From Margin to Center--The Developing Track of World Higher Education in the 20th Century;从边缘到中心:20世纪世界高等教育的发展轨迹

14.Trends of military schooling in the 21st century;21世纪世界军事院校教育体制的发展趋势

15.The International Tendency for the Development of Early Childhood Education:National Financing Support;世界幼教事业发展趋势:国家财政支持幼儿教育

16.The Orientation of Early Childhood Education toward Holistic Education:An International Trend in Early Childhood Education;全人发展的幼儿教育——世界幼儿教育的发展趋势之一

17.Reflection on Development of Vocational Education in World世界各国发展职业教育的成功经验及对中国职业教育发展的启示

18.Discussion of the Direction of Developing Chinese Packaging Design Education from "World Star";从“世界之星”谈我国包装设计教育的发展方向


the international tendency of preschool education幼儿教育世界发展趋势

3)educational development in the New Century新世纪教育发展

4)world education世界教育

1.Equity and excellence have been the new trend and pursuit ofworld education development.随着知识经济和全球化时代的到来,各国政府和国际组织从政策法案到具体实践,从基础教育到高等教育,都已经不再满足于一般意义上的教育公平和教育质量,公平而卓越已成为当今世界教育新的发展趋势和追求。

5)Education world教育世界

1.The life world is the foundation of reality and headspring of significance for the education world.生活世界是教育世界的现实基础和意义之源。

2.With the development of natural science and the standardization of the school during the past hundred years, the education world has been insulated from the life education.教育世界源自于生活世界,又与生活世界有着一定的区别。

6)Education World《教育世界》

1.Education World and the Introductin of Western education into China;《教育世界》与西方教育的传入


