900字范文 > 教育发展规划 education development program英语短句 例句大全

教育发展规划 education development program英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-06 05:36:28


教育发展规划 education development program英语短句 例句大全

教育发展规划,education development program

1)education development program教育发展规划

1.The making ofeducation development program is a process over which knowledge collision happens and disappears.教育发展规划制定的过程就是一个知识冲突不断地产生与消解的过程。


1.International Congress on Planning and Management of Educational Development教育发展规划和管理国际大会

2.Regional Education Development Planning: Necessity, Special Features and Implementation;区域教育发展规划:意义、特点及实现

3.On the Compiling of “Tianjing Modern Distance Education Development Plan”编制《天津市现代远程教育发展规划》的若干思考

4.Development Program for Vocational Education of Baoding Vocational Technical College;保定职业技术学院的职业教育发展规划

5.A Comparative View on a Nation"s Education Development Planning论国家教育发展规划的本质:一种比较的观点

6.Reaserch On the Area Planing the Model of Higher Education Development;区域规划型高等教育发展模式的探索

7.Devising School Educational Development Plan with the Scientific Development Concept;以科学发展观指导制定高校教育事业发展规划

8.Eleventh Five-Year Development Plan of adult higher education in Guangzhou Institute of P.E.;广州体育学院成人高等教育“十一五”发展规划

9.China s National Scholarship Program in Educational Studies and the Development of Ethnic Education Discipline:Achievements and Issues;全国教育科学规划与民族教育学科的发展:回顾与展望

10.Development Course and Tendency of College Students Career Planning Education in China;我国大学生职业生涯规划教育发展历程与趋向

11.The Contemporary Idea of the Higher Education and the New Tendency of the Advance Projects of Campus;当代高等教育理念与校园规划发展新趋势

12.Development of Special Education in Guangxi重视专题规划编制 推进广西特殊教育加快发展

13.Reflection on the Development of Career Planning Education at Home and Abroad对国内外职业规划教育发展状况的思考

14.The holistic education of the professional planning for the graduate nursing students试论护理本科生职业生涯发展规划的全程教育

15.Postmodern Educational Thoughts and College Students′ Development Planning后现代主义教育思想与大学生发展规划

16.Chinese Education in Great Transition--Mission and Development Plan处在历史转折关头的中国教育——中国教育的使命与发展规划

17.Planes Anuales de Desarollo Educativo Municipal市级教育发展年度计划

18.Program Research on Development Scale of the Elementary Education and the Prediction of Teachers Demand in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;内蒙古自治区基础教育发展规模与师资供求预测规划研究


the programming of education developing strategy教育发展战略规划

1.Analysis and thought ofthe programming of education developing strategy;对教育发展战略规划的简析和思考

3)Area planing the modle of the higher education deVelopment区域规划型高等教育发展模式

4)characteristics of educational development教育发展规律

5)developing plan发展规划

1.Every works of prospering the city by science and education in thedeveloping plan of 1995-2000 years should be made all efforts to organize and enforce.全力以赴地组织实施科教兴市1995年~2000年发展规划中确定的各项工作。

6)development planning发展规划

1.Problems ofdevelopment planning for electric power industry in China;我国电力工业发展规划问题

2.Upgrade Kindergarten Quality,Incarnate Kindergarten Characteristic——kindergartendevelopment planning research;提升办园品质 彰显办园特色——幼儿园发展规划研究

3.Good Development Planning as a way to enhance the College and University Competence;做好发展规划 提高高校竞争力


