900字范文 > 电力供应链 power supply chain英语短句 例句大全

电力供应链 power supply chain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-14 08:57:40


电力供应链 power supply chain英语短句 例句大全

电力供应链,power supply chain

1)power supply chain电力供应链

1.Thinking of the current power competition system of our country,this text analyzes the neccessity and the possibility of executingpower supply chain.本文第一章从目前我国的电力竞争体制出发,分析了实行电力供应链的必要性和可行性。


1.Research on Equilibrium of Electric Power Supply Chain with Fuel Market计及燃料市场的电力供应链均衡研究

2.The Researchof Supply Chain Management Application to Power System;供应链管理在电力系统中的应用探讨

3.The Application of Supply Chain Management Theory in Power Equipment Market;供应链管理理论在电力设备供应市场中的应用

4.Integration of Supply Chain Management Based on Materials Supply of Power Supply Companies基于电力企业物资供应的供应链管理整合

5.Supply Chain Management of the Power Industry Based on Speed Competition;基于速度竞争的电力行业供应链管理

6.The Research of Integrated Supply Chain and Application to the Power Industry;集成供应链研究及其在电力行业中的应用

7.Study and Application of Supply Chain Management in GuoHua Electric Power Group国华电力集团供应链管理的研究和应用

8.Research on Performance Measurement System for Supply Chain Competitiveness of Electron-manufacturing Enterprises;电子制造企业供应链竞争力绩效评价体系研究

9.Study on Supply Chain Logistics Management of ANHUI Electric Construction Group;安徽电力建设公司供应链物流管理研究

10.current meter (electrical supply)电流(电力供应)表

11.motor meter (electrical supply)电动式电力表(电力供应)

12.An Effective Way to Optimize Business Supply Chain: E-SCM;供应链优化的有效手段:电子供应链管理

13.To Improve Management Strategy of Supply Chain Competitiveness on China s Distributors of the Electronic Components and IC;提升中国电子元器件和集成电路分销商供应链竞争力的管理策略

14.Study of the Regional Electric Power Fuel Supply Chain Management for C Corporation of Henan;河南省C集团公司区域电力燃料供应链管理研究

15.Applicaltion of supply-chain theory to materials supply management of hydropower projects;供应链理论在水电工程材料供应管理中的应用

16.Research on the Innovative Power of Supply Chain Technology Skill Development;供应链技术能力成长的创新动力研究

17.Researches on BPR Application of Home-electricity Supply Chain;家电行业供应链的流程再造应用研究



Power ISC电力集成供应链

3)Supply Chain Capabilities供应链能力

1.Research onSupply Chain Capabilities Evaluation and Application of WABCO;威伯科汽车控制系统有限公司供应链能力评价及应用研究

4)Supply Chain Power供应链权力

1.Based on the resource dependence theory, this paper analyzes the relationship between supply chain power and resource dependence, the power\"s impact on its\" cooperation performance.基于资源依赖理论研究供应链权力与资源依赖的关系,以及供应链权力实施对于供应链合作绩效的影响,希望从资源依赖角度建立一个框架,来解释供应链关系中不同权力的表现形式,以期为提高企业的供应链合作水平和积极应对供应链权力提供战略参考。

5)electronic supply chain电子供应链

1.Multi-objective robust dynamic operating model forelectronic supply chain with uncertain demands;需求不确定的电子供应链多目标鲁棒动态运作模型

2.Research of Electronic Supply Chain Information Exchange Platform Based on ASP Model;基于ASP模式的电子供应链信息交互平台的研究

3.A single-objective robust operation model is proposed for anelectronic supply chain that consists of multiple suppliers and customers with uncertain demands,in which every supplier can directly supply its products to the customers with uncertain demands or supply them through electronic marketplace.建立了由多个供应商、多个顾客构成的电子供应链在顾客需求不确定情况下的单目标鲁棒运作模型。

6)E-supply chain电子供应链

1.Research on Quick Response of Mass-Customization Based on E-Supply Chain;电子供应链下服装大规模定制的快速反应的研究

2.For widely usage E-commence technology andE-supply chain technology in modern enterprises,a workflow model supportingE-supply chain and B 2 B E-commence based on agent is given.在模型中引入Agent技术,并考虑到现代企业运用电子商务技术和采用电子供应链管理的新特点,提出一种基于Agent支持电子供应链和B2B电子商务的工作流模型。

3.A new model for supplier performance evaluation in e-supply chain is proposed.总结了传统供应商评价方法的优势和缺陷,提出了一个能够适应电子供应链环境的供应商绩效评价模型。


脂肪乳剂(中链及长链复合剂) (10%~20%中/长链脂肪乳剂)药物名称:脂肪乳剂(中链和长链复合物)英文名:Fat Emulsion for Injection(MCT/LCT)别名: 脂肪乳剂(中链及长链复合剂) (10%~20%中/长链脂肪乳剂) 外文名:FatEmulsion forInjection(MCT/LCT)药理作用及用途: 胃肠外给药,可补充人体热能,避免必需脂肪酸缺乏。具有易于氧化水解、氧化完全、生酮作用和对肝功能影响较少等特点。 适用于创伤以及肝功能不全病人。 用法及用量: 同长链脂肪乳剂。 不良反应: 基本同长链脂肪乳剂。 注意事项: 基本同长链脂肪乳剂。 规格: 注射乳剂 250ml, 500ml类别:肠内、肠外营养药
