900字范文 > 物资供应链 materials supply chain英语短句 例句大全

物资供应链 materials supply chain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-25 02:31:14


物资供应链 materials supply chain英语短句 例句大全

物资供应链,materials supply chain

1)materials supply chain物资供应链


1.The Study for Supply Chain Virtual Enterprise of Power-net Engineering Materials;电网工程物资供应链虚拟企业的研究

2.Design and Implement on Supply Chain Management Subsystem of ERP Based on Steel Structure;钢结构ERP物资供应链管理系统设计与实现

3.Research on BPR of Power Grid Construction Supply Chain Based-on Petri Net基于Petri网的电网物资供应链流程重组研究

4.A Shipbuilding Logistics Mode Led by the Regional Material-supplier;以区域船用物资供应商为主导的船舶供应链

5.Research on Evaluation and Selection of Grid Material Supplier in the Supply Chain Circumstance供应链环境下电网物资供应商评价与选择研究

6.Integration of Supply Chain Management Based on Materials Supply of Power Supply Companies基于电力企业物资供应的供应链管理整合

7.Materiel supply chain management solution based on enterprise resource planning基于企业资源管理的物料供应链管理

8.Research on Logistics Consolidation with Construction Supply Chain;基于建筑供应链的物流资源整合研究

9.Centralized Procurement of Electric Products Based on SC;基于供应链的电网物资集中采购管理

10.Blance of Supply and Demand of Logistic Funds in Supply Chain System based on System Dynamics基于系统动力学的供应链物流资金供求平衡

11.Research on the Resource Allocation Management of Combat Readiness Material Reserve Supply Chain战备物资储备供应链资源配置管理研究

12.Research of Applying SCM Theory in Material Management of Petrochemical Enterprises;供应链理论在石化企业物资管理中的应用研究

13.Research of Applying SCM Theory in Material Management of TangShan Steel Group;供应链理论在唐钢集团物资管理中的应用研究

14.The Material Supply Management of Opening Laboratory Based on Logistics and Supply Chain Management;基于物流及供应链管理的开放型实验室物资供应管理

15.Research on Reconstruction and Application of Grid Material Supply Management Firm Based on Supply Chain Management基于供应链的电网物资供应企业构建与应用研究

16.Research on Material Supermarket Management of Power Plants in the Environment of Supply Chain;供应链环境下发电企业的物资超市管理研究

17.Research and Implementation of Material Supply Management System Based on SCM;基于供应链的煤矿物资管理系统的研究与实现

18.The Research on Deepening Supply Chain Management in the Telecommunications Materials Distribution Firms;电信物资流通企业深化供应链管理的研究


combat readiness reserve supply chain战备物资储备供应链

3)Supply chain financing供应链融资

1.Supply chain financing risk management research basing on information common share system;基于信息共享机制的供应链融资风险管理研究

2.As a new banking service, the supply chain financing is an effective preliminary tool to marketize small and medium-sized enterprises’ financing.供应链融资服务是一种新型的银行金融产品服务,是实现中小企业资金市场化的有效切入点。

3.In recent years, the Supply Chain Financing Business developed rapidly at home.近几年来,供应链融资业务在国内迅速发展,但是伴随这一信贷业务市场规模的增大,风险也逐渐暴露。

4)Supply Chain Finance供应链融资

1.Research onSupply Chain Finance Model and It s Credit Risk Evaluation of Small & Midium-sized Enterprise;中小企业供应链融资模式及其信用风险评价研究

2.Nevertheless,the development of domestic supply chain finance exists a series of drawbacks:weak awareness of supply chain management,big potential risks,less enthusiasm of core businesses and lag of information technology.供应链融资在我国有较大的发展潜力。

5)capital supply chain资金供应链

6)material supply物资供应

1.The analysis ofmaterial supplying management in tobacco productive corporation;卷烟生产企业物资供应管理探析

2.MIS of Material Supply Based on C/S Structure;基于C/S体系结构的物资供应管理信息系统

3.Designing and Developing of Material Supply Management Information System;赤天化股份有限公司物资供应管理信息系统的设计与开发


空军物资供应体制空军物资供应体制air force materials supply systemkon91un WuZi gongying tizhi空军物资供应体制(ai:伪ree materialssupply system)实施空军物资供应的组织体系和制度的统称。是军队物资供应体制的组成部分。主要内容包括供应关系和供应环节的确定,供应机构设置、职责权力划分,以及相应供应标准制度等内容。通常依据军队后勤保障体制、空军作战指挥体制、供应任务、供应手段和供应能力等因素确定。科学合理的空军物资供应体制,对于增强空军后勤供应能力,提高供应效率,保障空军作战、训练等任务的需要具有重要作用。许多国家空军的物资供应体制大同小异。美国空军实行统供与专供相结合的物资供应体制,即通用物资由国防后勤局负责供应,专用物资由空军自行组织供应。空军供应机构由空军后勤司令部管辖,供应环节分总部后勤和作战部队后勤两级,空军后勤司令部通过下辖的后勤中心,直接向空军基地供应作战物资。苏联空军也实行统供与专供相结合的物资供应体制,除通用物资由国防部下设的总后勤部统一供应外,还在空军设有军种后勤机构—空军后勤部,负责给养供应等后勤工作,军区空军和空军师、团都设有独立的后勤部门,形成一整套的供应系统。空军后勤部、军区空军后勤部通过直属的航空兵后勤保障部队,向航空兵部队提供各类物资。苏军远程航空兵虽设有后勤部门,但只负责本兵种后勤计划工作,不直接担负供应任务。中国人民解放军空军实行按建制系统组织全面供应的体制,主要供应环节上编有物资仓库,配备运输力量。多数国家空军重视加强战区空军物资供应机构建设,提高独立供应能力;在战役战斗范围内,尽可能缩短垂直供应距离,就近组织供应;努力提高供应手段的自动化程度,增强物资供应能力和提高供应效率。(刘有峰)
