900字范文 > 英美女作家作品 translation of the British and American womens literature英语短句 例句大全

英美女作家作品 translation of the British and American womens literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-04 06:20:25


英美女作家作品 translation of the British and American womens literature英语短句 例句大全

英美女作家作品,translation of the British and American women"s literature

1)translation of the British and American women"s literature英美女作家作品

2)beauty writer美女作家

1.Those female writers born in 1980s have become“beauty writer”after the massive advertisement campaign initiated by the mass-media.“80后”的女性作家在媒体的包装、鼓吹下也都成了“美女作家”。

2."The Bodily Writing" of thebeauty writers is a literatural and cultural phenomenon widely concerned with in the Chinese intellectual circles since the end of the twentieth century,by which the debates are caused noisily and are unable to be agreed upon.美女作家的"身体写作"是20世纪末以来中国知识界广为关注的一个文学和文化现象,由此引发的争论沸沸扬扬。


1.The Feminists from a deformed culture --Analysis of the Writings by the Beauty Writers;畸型文化土壤中生长的女性主义者——上海美女作家文本分析

2.The Awakening is the representative work of Kate Chopin, an American women writer.《觉醒》是美国女作家凯特?萧邦的代表作。

3.Interpretation on American-Chinese Female Author Tang Tingting s Literary Works;美国华裔文学女作家汤亭亭作品解读

4.On the aesthetic tendency on creatingof Chinese contemporary authoress;浅论当代中国女作家创作的审美走向

5.Modern Female Writers Aesthetic Culture Evolution on "Death";女作家书写“死亡”的文化审美演进

6.The authors are all female writers from small mid-west cities in America.作者无一例外是美国中西部小城里的女作家。

7.Three Narrative Voices in the Writings of the New Women Immigrants to North America;试论北美新移民女作家作品的三重叙述声音

8.On Changes in the Meaning of "Diaspora" in the Works by Feminine Chinese Writers of North America;论北美华文女作家创作中“离散”内涵的演变

9.Woman Warrior --First exploration on Maxine Hong Kingston and her works文坛女勇士——美籍华裔女作家洪婷婷及其作品初探

10.Harmonious Beauty with Different Ethic Colors--A Comparison of Different Works by Xinjiang Ethnic Female Writers;闪现不同伦理色彩的和谐美——新疆民族女作家作品审美特征之比较

11.The emotional differences exist, at least, between the genders.--Delia Rios, American writer男女至少在情感上存在差异。美国作家里奥

12.Alice Walker is an outstanding contemporary Afro-American woman writer.艾丽丝. 沃克是当代美国文坛杰出的黑人女作家。

13.Cynthia Ozick is one of the outstanding American Jewish writers.辛西娅·奥齐克是当代杰出的美国犹太女作家。

14.Willa Cather (1873 - 1947) is a famous American female writer in the 19th century.威拉·凯瑟(1843 - 1947),十九世纪著名的美国女作家。

15.Willa Cather is one of the most famous women writers in the first half of the 20th century in the American literary history.薇拉·凯瑟是20世纪前半叶美国著名的女作家。

16.A Study on Translation of "Chinese Stories" by Contemporary Chinese American Women Writers;当代美国华裔女作家笔下“中国故事”汉译研究

17.Tradition and Exception: the Humble Opinion about the Love-Esthetics of the Women Writers in the Near Future;传统与另类:近期中国女作家情爱审美观刍议

18.The Anti-war Concept of Japanese Author Hayasi Fumiko--Based on The Drifting Cloud;日本女作家林芙美子的反战观——以《浮云》为中心


beauty writer美女作家

1.Those female writers born in 1980s have become“beauty writer”after the massive advertisement campaign initiated by the mass-media.“80后”的女性作家在媒体的包装、鼓吹下也都成了“美女作家”。

2."The Bodily Writing" of thebeauty writers is a literatural and cultural phenomenon widely concerned with in the Chinese intellectual circles since the end of the twentieth century,by which the debates are caused noisily and are unable to be agreed upon.美女作家的"身体写作"是20世纪末以来中国知识界广为关注的一个文学和文化现象,由此引发的争论沸沸扬扬。

3)Women"s Works女作家作品

4)American woman writer美国女作家

5)the writers of the Anglo-American school英美派作家

6)American female writers美国女性作家

1.American female writers has become a special power since early last century.美国女性作家自上个世纪初以来,开始长成特立独行的一支力量。


