900字范文 > 传统社会资本 the traditional social capital英语短句 例句大全

传统社会资本 the traditional social capital英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-19 23:16:18


传统社会资本 the traditional social capital英语短句 例句大全

传统社会资本,the traditional social capital

1)the traditional social capital传统社会资本

2)capital stock statistics社会资本统计

3)social capitals社会资本

1.The structural characteristics of the networks was explored by social capital theories,and the enterprise ssocial capitals in the given network were measured by adopting the(higher order) group coefficient of complex network.首先研究技术创新网络的数学拓扑描述,建立从给定企业出发解析整体技术创新网络的方法,构造了技术创新网络局域-全域的解析途径;在此基础上,将经济社会学中的社会资本理论投射到技术创新网络结构特征上,利用复杂网络的(高阶)群系数对网络中给定企业的社会资本进行测度;随后利用上述资本测度模型研究了我国混凝土泵车的技术创新网络,测度出该网络中2个创新企业的社会资本,并综合利用社会资本Ci(-x)与Ci(x)数值的比较,揭示了各自技术创新战略及利润率不相同的原因。

2.Honesty and credit is a very important kind ofsocial capitals, the building of which should be the main task in constructingharmonious socialist society.诚信是社会资本的重要内容,构建诚信社会资本应是构建社会主义和谐社会的题中之义。


1.Redefining the Concepts of Social Capital and Corporate Social Capital;对社会资本和企业社会资本概念的再界定

2.The Analysis of the Socialized Character of the Contemporary Capitalist Society Capital Ownership;当代资本主义社会资本占有形式的社会化特点

3.Academic Review of Social Capital--The Costs and Risks of Social Capital;社会资本理论述评——社会资本的代价与风险

4.The Research on Perforation between Corporate Social Capital and Entrepreneur Social Capital企业社会资本与企业家社会资本的贯通性研究

5.The Development of Mass Organizations--an Investment Channel of Social Capital社团发展——社会资本投资的一种方式

munity Confidence,Social Capital and Community Financial Organization;社区信任、社会资本与社区金融组织

7.The Inherent Relationship Between Social Capital and Human Capital;社会资本与人力资本的内在关系研究

8.The study on inherent relationship between Social Capital and Human Capital;社会资本与人力资本的互动机制研究

9.Human Capital and Social capital and Laborer s Income;人力资本、社会资本与劳动者收入决定

10.Social Capital,Human Capital and Western Lifelong Education;人力资本、社会资本与西方终身教育

11.Social Capital,Human Capital and Endogenous Economic Growth社会资本、人力资本与内生经济增长

12.An Analysis of Social Exclusion about Social Capital"s Negative Function社会资本消极功能的社会排斥分析

13.Studies on the "Social Capital" in the Contemporary Rural Society;当代乡村社会中的“社会资本”研究

14.Harmonious Society in the Context of Social Capital and its Realization;社会资本语境中的和谐社会及其实现

15.On the Social Capital s Base of the Modern Civil Society s Rise and Prosperity;论现代公民社会兴盛的社会资本基础

16.Social Capital and Action Logic for Improving Social Management;社会资本与完善社会管理的行动逻辑

17.Society-oriented Social Capital Theory and Its Measurement;社会为中心的社会资本理论及其测量

18.Foundation of Positive Interactions between the Nation and the Society;社会资本:国家与社会良性互动的基础


capital stock statistics社会资本统计

3)social capitals社会资本

1.The structural characteristics of the networks was explored by social capital theories,and the enterprise ssocial capitals in the given network were measured by adopting the(higher order) group coefficient of complex network.首先研究技术创新网络的数学拓扑描述,建立从给定企业出发解析整体技术创新网络的方法,构造了技术创新网络局域-全域的解析途径;在此基础上,将经济社会学中的社会资本理论投射到技术创新网络结构特征上,利用复杂网络的(高阶)群系数对网络中给定企业的社会资本进行测度;随后利用上述资本测度模型研究了我国混凝土泵车的技术创新网络,测度出该网络中2个创新企业的社会资本,并综合利用社会资本Ci(-x)与Ci(x)数值的比较,揭示了各自技术创新战略及利润率不相同的原因。

2.Honesty and credit is a very important kind ofsocial capitals, the building of which should be the main task in constructingharmonious socialist society.诚信是社会资本的重要内容,构建诚信社会资本应是构建社会主义和谐社会的题中之义。

4)social capital社会资本

1.Off-farm employment,social capital and peasant household s participation in new cooperative medical service:evidence from Jiangsu Province;外出务工、社会资本与农户新型合作医疗的参与——基于江苏省的实证分析

2.The application ofsocial capital in health area;社会资本在健康领域的应用现状

3.Study on spatial planning of urban community from the viewpoint ofsocial capital;基于社会资本视角下的城市社区空间规划研究

5)capital society资本社会

6)social convention社会传统

1.In this paper, we propose a math model for the description of evolution ofsocial convention of an ideal MAS.本文以一个我们构想的理想化的 MAS社会的模型为背景 ,首先提出了刻画 MAS中社会传统的演化的数学模型 ;然后基于该模型给出了一组判断系统中出现有害均衡的充分条件 ;最后举例验证了我们所得到的结论 。


