900字范文 > 家庭社会资本 family social capital英语短句 例句大全

家庭社会资本 family social capital英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-26 17:26:47


家庭社会资本 family social capital英语短句 例句大全

家庭社会资本,family social capital

1)family social capital家庭社会资本

1.Analysis of Relationship between Family Social Capital and Behavior of Juvenile Crimes家庭社会资本与青少年犯罪行为关系探究

2.Specific to the secondary vocational schools, the state offamily social capital affects the education choice, and has a certain degree of particularity.具体到中等职业学校的家庭社会资本状况也影响着学生的教育选择,且具有一定的特殊性。


1.Positive Test on the Relationship of Household Social Capital and Household Income;家庭社会资本与家庭收入关系的实证检验

2.Study on the Influence of Family Social Capital to Secondary Vocational Education Choices;家庭社会资本影响中职生教育选择的问题研究

3.The Impact of Family Social Capital on High School Students" Profession Ideal家庭社会资本对普通高中学生职业理想的影响

4.Analysis of Relationship between Family Social Capital and Behavior of Juvenile Crimes家庭社会资本与青少年犯罪行为关系探究

5.Children of Immigration: Educationa Choices after Junior High School in the Perspective of Family Household Social Capital城市新移民的孩子:家庭社会资本视角下的初中后教育选择

6.Family Social Capital and Supporting Relatives Network of the Rural Workers Children Left in the Rural Hometown--An Ethnography Investigation of Tan Village in Hunan Province;家庭社会资本与“留守儿童”养育的亲属网络——对湖南潭村的民族志调查

7.Cultural Construction of Clean Family Politics in View of Social Capital;社会资本视觉下的家庭廉政文化建设

8.Economics analysis on social security promoting household human capital investment;社会保障促进家庭人力资本投资的经济学分析

9.The Research of the Social Capital Having Impact on Family Status of Rural Women;社会资本对农村女性家庭地位影响的研究

10.Family Socio-economic Status and Possibility of Students Employment;家庭社会经济地位与大学生就业——一个社会资本的视角

11.Parent"s Social Status and Social Capital:How Family Impact the Employment Intent of College Students父母的社会地位与社会资本——家庭因素对大学生就业意愿的影响

12.How is family policy related to the state in capitalist societies?在资本主义社会,家庭政策是怎样和国家发生联系的?

13.Impacts of Career Planning and Family Social Capital on College Students Employment;职业规划与来自家庭的社会资本对大学生就业的影响

14.The Research of the Social Capital of the Rural Women of Hui Nationality Having Impact on Their Family Status回族农村妇女的社会资本对其家庭地位的影响研究

15.The Re-building of Social Capital in the Development of Urban Community;城镇社区发展中的社会资本重建——以中部某煤矿社区打工农民家庭的社区适应为例

16.of a good Family, tho" not of that Country,一个上流社会的家庭,我们不是本地人。

17.the family as the unit of society作为社会基本单位的家庭

18.On the Knowledge-Based Education Concept in Present Families;“知识本位”家庭教育观的社会学分析



3)Entrepreneurial Social Capital企业家社会资本

1.This article combs research achievements of the concept and influence mechanism of entrepreneurial social capital.本文梳理了企业家社会资本的概念和影响机制的相关研究成果。

2.In different stages of enterprises sustainable growth,entrepreneurial social capital plays an important role in grasping market opportunities,reducing management risks and promoting organizational innovation.在企业持续成长的过程中,企业家行为是企业经营的决定性因素,而其中企业家社会资本是决定其成功的重要因素。

4)kin social capital家族社会资本

5)entrepreneur social capital企业家社会资本

1.Research on the Relationship between Entrepreneur Social Capital and Firm Performance:An Empirical Analysis Based on Chinese Listed Companies in the Manufacturing Industry企业家社会资本与公司绩效关系研究——基于中国制造业上市公司的实证研究

2.Therefore, empirical studies of howentrepreneur social capital upgrades the technological innovation performance were an important social value.因此,对企业家社会资本如何提升技术创新绩效的问题进行实证研究具有较为重要的社会价值。

3.As an important personal unique character of entrepreneur,under the condition of economy transition of China,entrepreneur social capital(ESC) plays a significant role in diversification strategy decision in Chinese firms,while which is ignored in current research.作为企业家重要的个体异质性特征,企业家社会资本对于转型经济时期的中国企业多元化战略决策具有重要的影响,而现有研究往往忽略了这一点。

6)Entrepreneur"s social capital企业家社会资本

1.Entrepreneur"s Social Capital,Absorptive Capability and Dynamic Capability——Taking Small Technological Enterprise as an Example企业家社会资本、吸收能力与组织动态能力——以小型科技企业为例


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
