900字范文 > 海外论文比 ratio of international papers英语短句 例句大全

海外论文比 ratio of international papers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-11 21:01:22


海外论文比 ratio of international papers英语短句 例句大全

海外论文比,ratio of international papers

1)ratio of international papers海外论文比

1.The article analyzed the changes ofratio of international papers from to of the biomedical journals(English version)in China,combined with other literature measure index to investigate the internationalizational level and problems faced by biomedical journals in English published in Chin文章从生物医学英文期刊这一特定的期刊群体出发,分析其~海外论文比的变化,结合总被引频次,影响因子等其他文献计量指标,探讨目前国内生物医学英文期刊国际化的水平和面临的问题。

2)ratio of outside school papers校外论文比

3)On Overseas Chaozhou People"s Literature海外潮人文学刍论

4)citation/publication ratios引文/论文比

1.However,the USA is still outperforming all other countries in terms of highly cited papers andcitation/publication ratios,and it is more successful than the EU in coordinating its research efforts in strategic priority areas like nanotechnology.即使这样,美国依然在高被引论文和引文/论文比方面位列第一,并且在战略优先领域如纳米技术方面远超欧盟。

5)publishing in foreign journals论文外流

6)foreign literary theories外国文论


1.A Preliminary Study of Translation of Foreign Literary Theories in China(1911-1949);1911-1949:外国文论在中国的译介初探

2.Debate on Literary Classics and Re-construction of Foreign Literary Classics文学经典论争与外国文学经典的重构

3.MI Theory and Its Application in Literature Teaching;论MI理论在外国文学教学中的应用

4.The Cultural Background of American Exceptionism and Its Influence on American Diplomacy;“美国例外论”的文化背景及其对美国外交的影响

5.Research on the Use of Foreign Literature of Sports Theses of China;我国体育学术论文对外文文献资料利用的研究

6.China s External Communication Tactics for Culture s Transformation into Soft Power;论中国文化软权力化的对外传播策略

7.A Literature Review on Foreign Industrial Cluster from An Institutional Perspective;国外产业集群文献评论:制度的视角

8.On the Crime of Unlawful Sale or Donation of Precious Historical Relics to Foreigners;论非法向外国人出售赠送珍贵文物罪

9.A Trial Comment on the Essential Outlook of Cultural Value In Chinese Foreign Strategy;试论中国对外战略文化的核心价值观

10.Literature Review on FDI Technological Spillovers,Absorptive Capacity and Human Capital;用户参与创新:国外相关理论文献综述

11.Knowledge,Market and Culture-On the Institutional Teaching by Foreign Language;知识、市场与文化——论我国大学外语授课

12.Knowledge,Market and Cultureas the Factors of the Institutional Teaching by Foreign Language;知识、市场与文化:论我国大学外语授课

13.On the Ways of cultivating the faculties of literature appreciation in Foreign Literature Course;论《外国文学》作品鉴赏能力的培养途径

14.A Speculation on the Foreign Study of Marxist Literary Theory;关于国外马克思主义文论研究的思考

15.On International Communication Chinese Internet Media from Cross Cultural Perspective从跨文化角度试论我国对外网络传播

16.Study on English-language Newspapers and Periodicals for External Communication in Mainland China试论中国大陆对外传播中的英文报刊

17.In May 4~(th) Period Translation,Introduction and Effect of the Theory of Foreign Prose“五四”时期外国散文理论的译介与效应

18.Application of the Discussional Method toTeaching Foreign Literature;讨论法在外国文学教学中的运用——《外国文学》教改研究之三


ratio of outside school papers校外论文比

3)On Overseas Chaozhou People"s Literature海外潮人文学刍论

4)citation/publication ratios引文/论文比

1.However,the USA is still outperforming all other countries in terms of highly cited papers andcitation/publication ratios,and it is more successful than the EU in coordinating its research efforts in strategic priority areas like nanotechnology.即使这样,美国依然在高被引论文和引文/论文比方面位列第一,并且在战略优先领域如纳米技术方面远超欧盟。

5)publishing in foreign journals论文外流

6)foreign literary theories外国文论


