900字范文 > 论文被引率 Rate of paper cited英语短句 例句大全

论文被引率 Rate of paper cited英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-12 19:14:02


论文被引率 Rate of paper cited英语短句 例句大全

论文被引率,Rate of paper cited

1)Rate of paper cited论文被引率

2)papers cited论文被引


1.Analysis of the high cited papers of the endometriosis子宫内膜异位症高被引论文被引规律分析

2.The analysis on the citation relevance of journal research papers;期刊工作研究论文被引相关性的分析

3.Statistical Analysis on Papers Citation of Preventive Medicine Tribune from to ~《预防医学论坛》杂志论文被引统计分析

4.Quantitative Analysis of Citation Data of Journal of Tianjin University;《天津大学学报》引文及论文被引数据的定量分析与研究

5.The Research of the Relationship between Impact Factor of a Journal and Citation Frequency of a Journal Article;期刊影响因子与论文被引频次的关系研究

6.Analysis of Cited Literatures Published in Chinese Mental Health Journal from 2000 to 《中国心理卫生杂志》2000-论文被引分析

7.An Analysis of the Thesises(1979-) of Zunyi Normal College Cited遵义师范学院(1979-)学术论文被引情况分析

8.A citation analysis of the papers published in Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine from -~《中国美容医学》刊载论文被引情况统计分析

9.An age distribution of productivity of scientific papers for highly cited scientists高被引科学家论文产出力的年龄分析

10.Analysis of Articles" Citation in Library Forum from 1981 to 《图书馆论坛》(1981~)发文的被引分析

11.Perfectly Writing the English Abstracts of Scientific Articles to Raise the Cited Rate写好科技论文的英文摘要以提高被引率

12.Relativity analysis of downloads and citations for scientific papers学术论文的下载频率与被引频率的相关性分析

13.An Empirical Research on Relationship between Journal H-type Index and Journal"s Number of Publications and Cited Records期刊h型指数与论文数量和被引的关系实证

14.Analysis of the Papers of Information Studies:Theory & Application Cited from 1980 to 《情报理论与实践》1980—发文的被引分析

15.Quantitative Analysis on High Cited Articls on Competitive Intelligence in China国内竞争情报领域高被引期刊论文的定量分析

16.Citation Analysis of the Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery Cited by doctoral thesis《中华小儿外科杂志》被博士学位论文引用的分析

17.Analysis on the Highly Cited Papers and Authors of《大学图书馆学报》高频被引论文和作者分析

18.An Analysis of the High-Frequently Cited Writers and Their Essays from Modern Library and Information Technology(1980-)《现代图书情报技术》(1980——)高频被引作者及论文的分析


papers cited论文被引

3)cited papers被引论文

1.According to the citation of the papers published in Journal of Library Science in China(1994-),this paper analyzes the distribution of the highlycited papers and highly cited authors,and reveals the development situation and academic level of Journal of Library Science in China.根据《中国图书馆学报》(1994—)发文被引情况,分别从高频被引论文分布和高频作者分布两个方面进行了分析,揭示了《中国图书馆学报》的发展状况和学术水平。

4)highly cited papers rate高被引论文占有率

5)quotation of thesis论文被引证

6)highly cited papers高被引论文

1.This study analyzes the citations of papers on the study of law in CSSCI and CNKI,and sorts out thehighly cited papers in this field in the period between 1978 and .本研究分析了中国法学学术论文CSSCI、CNKI两个数据库被引证的现状,找出了中国法学自1978~三十年以来的高被引论文,比较两个数据库的引证特点,并对发现的中国法学高被引论文的领域分布、年代分布、期刊分布等数据进行了分析,找出中国法学研究三十年的发展脉络,并就当前中国法学研究中存在的一些共性问题提出了反思。

2.This study analyzes the citations of papers on journalism and communication in CSSCI and CNKI,and sorts out thehighly cited papers in this field in the period between 1978 and .本研究分析了新闻传播学学术论文CSSCI、CNKI两个数据库被引证的现状,找出了新闻传播学自1978年~30年以来的高被引论文,比较两个数据库的引证特点,并对发现的新闻传播学高被引论文的领域分布、年代分布、期刊分布等数据进行了分析,找出目前在新闻传播学学术研究中存在的一些学科新兴、外在保守等共性问题。


高文1.汉高祖刘邦和汉文帝刘恒的并称。 2.唐高祖李渊和唐太宗(谥文皇帝)李世民的并称。 3.指优秀诗文。亦用作对对方诗文的敬称。
