900字范文 > 残膜回收 residue plastic film recycling英语短句 例句大全

残膜回收 residue plastic film recycling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-04 13:03:15


残膜回收 residue plastic film recycling英语短句 例句大全

残膜回收,residue plastic film recycling

1)residue plastic film recycling残膜回收

1.Dynamic stress test on the headstock ofresidue plastic film recycling machine;悬挂式残膜回收机悬挂架动应力测试


1.Research on Loosening Shovel and Curl-up Film Roller of the Machine for Retrieving the Used Plastic Film after Harvesting;抖动链式残膜回收机起膜与集膜机构的研究

2.Plastic Film Collector Hits the Pole Shovel Organization and the Performance Research;残膜回收机打杆铲组织与性能的研究

3.Patent Analysis on Mechanization Technology of Retrieving the Used Plastic Film残膜回收机械化技术的专利分析研究

4.The Cotton and Kapok Stalk Collection Strip with Remnant Membrane Recycling Combination Type Processes Machine System Design棉秆集条与残膜回收联合作业机设计

5.Study on Design and Experiment of Cotton Stalk Sets Heap and Recycling Film棉秆集堆及残膜回收联合作业机设计及试验

6.Research and Design on Separation and Dithering Transmission System of the Polythene Film Collector;抖动链式残膜回收机传动系统与膜土分离机构的研究

7.A plastic film collector was invented with analysis of motional tracks and experiments.通过理论分析和田间试验,设计研制了一种适用于回收作物收获后的残膜回收机。

8.The Study of the Key Parts and Key Components of the Field Straw Chopper Work with Film Collecting Machine;秸秆粉碎还田及残膜回收联合作业机的关键零部件研究

9.Analysis and Evaluation Research of Comprehensive Benefit on the Mechanization Engineering of Gathering the Used Plastic Film in Cotton Fields棉田残膜回收机械化工程综合效益分析与评价研究

10.Theory Analysis and Experimental Study on the Air Blast Plastic Film Collector before Spring Sowing;气吹式春播前残地膜回收机理论分析及试验研究

11.I was sent back to clean up the mess.我被派回来收拾残局。

12.Residual and waste oils shall be recovered and must not be discharged into the sea.残油、废油应当予以回收,不准排放入海。

13."To collect what"s left over," smiled Wu Sun-fu, his look of despondency vanishing abruptly.“叫他回去收集残余,都调到上海来。

14.Analysis of Impurities in EPTA Residue and Evaluation of TA Recovery Methods;EPTA残渣中杂质分析与TA回收方法研究

15.Discussion on the plan of the dyeing residue reclaim and dyestuff recycle in printing and dyeing mill印染厂染色残液回用与染料回收方案的探讨

16.Residual oil or waste oil of ships must be recovered, and its discharge into any water body shall be forbidden.船舶的残油、废油必须回收,禁止排入水体。

17.Cis-13-docosenoic acid recovery from docosenoic acid residue by short-path distillation芥酸残渣短程蒸馏回收工艺研究与应用



retrieving the used plastic film残膜回收

1.The machine forretrieving the used plastic film after harvesting is an important tool for mechanization of retrieving the used plastics.残膜回收机是残膜回收机械化的重要机具。

3)plastic film residue-collecting残膜回收

1.Based on the study on the 4JSM-1800 type cotton stem-cutting andplastic film residue-collecting teamwork machine,the study on the key work parts of the arc spring-finger in the machine cylinder applying visualized virtual design and simulation technologies are conducted.本文在分析了当前残膜回收的现状及残膜回收机研制的必要性和重要性,在4JSM-1800棉秸杆切碎及残膜回收联合作业机研究的基础之上,运用可视化虚拟设计、仿真等技术手段,对机具的核心部件——滚筒部件中的弧形挑膜齿进行研究,并辅以实地测试验证,为残膜清理滚筒的结构工艺及参数设计提供技术支持。

2.Based on the study on the 4JSM—1800 type cotton stem-cutting andplastic film residue-collecting teamwork machine, the study on the key work parts of the machine cylinder applying visualized virtual design, finite element analysis, optimization and simulation technologies are conducted.本文在分析了目前残膜回收及残膜回收机的现状及存在的主要问题,在4JSM—1800 棉秸杆切碎及残膜回收联合作业机研究的基础之上,运用可视化虚拟设计、有限元分析、优化、仿真等技术手段,针对机具的核心部件——滚筒部件进行研究,并辅以实地测试验证,为残膜清理滚筒的结构工艺及参数设计提供技术依据。

4)Plastic film residue recovery machine残膜回收机

5)reclaiming of residual ore回收残矿

6)Slag recovering残渣回收


电解食盐水溶液离子膜电解槽所用的膜材料之一分子式:CAS号:性质:又称全氟羧酸-磺酸复合离子膜 Rf-COOH-Rf-SO3H 电解食盐水溶液离子膜电解槽所用的膜材料之一。使用时,将较薄的羧酸层面向阴极,较厚的磺酸层面向阳极,因而兼有羧酸膜和磺酸膜的优点。由于Rf-COOH层的存在,可阻挡氢氧离子返迁移到阳极室,确保了高的电流效率(96%),因Rf-SO3层的电阻低,能在高电流密度下运行,且阴极液可用盐酸中和,产品氯气中氧含量低,氢氧化钠浓度可达33%~35%。可在全氟磺酸膜上涂敷一层全氟羧酸的聚合物,或是将磺酸膜和羧酸膜进行层压,或是采用化学方法处理而制得的复合膜。现以采用化学方法处理者质量最佳。
