900字范文 > 华光研究所 Huaguang Institute英语短句 例句大全

华光研究所 Huaguang Institute英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-09 01:07:19


华光研究所 Huaguang Institute英语短句 例句大全

华光研究所,Huaguang Institute

1)Huaguang Institute华光研究所


1.The Problems and Solutions to the Scientific Research Funds Budget Management of Huaguang Institute华光研究所科研经费预算管理的问题与对策

2.An Effulgent Star in the Field of New Techniques Development in China--Record on Sichuan Kehua New Techniques Research Institute;科学之光 耀我中华——记四川科华新技术研究院

3.The Marketing Strategies Research of Thsolar Company in Kunming Area;清华阳光昆明地区市场拓展策略研究

4.On the Chinese Civilization s Cultural Genes and its Modern Transmission(Seminar);张光直对中华文明起源研究的得与失

5.Nanchang Xinhua Food Science & Technology Research Institute南昌市新华食品科技研究所

6.Research on the Allied Architects(1931-1952);华盖建筑事务所研究(1931-1952)

7.The new study comes from the Earth Policy Institute (EPI), a Washington-based environmental group.这项新研究是以华府为根据地的环保团体“地球政策研究所”所做。

8.Studies on the Constituents of Selaginella Sinensis, Senecio Kaschkarovii and the Root Bark of Ailanthus Altissima;中华卷柏、长梗千里光及樗白皮化学成分研究

9.Study on the Marketing Strategy of Thunisoft Software Products for the Court Sector;紫光华宇法院行业软件产品市场营销策略研究

10.Study on Logistics of Xinguang Brilliance Company;沈阳新光华晨汽车发动机有限公司物流研究

11.Tries to Discuss the Performance Style about the Piano Work of CuiShiguang <Tree Extemporaneously Music of Liu Tianhua>;崔世光钢琴作品《刘天华即兴曲三首》演奏研究

12.The "Narrow Gate" before the Brightness: Protestant Education for the Blind in the Modern China;光明前的“窄门”:近代基督新教在华盲人教育研究

13.The Deep and Brilliant Footprint along the Path:Zeng Minzhi and Overseas Chinese-Language Literature;深深的闪光的历史履痕——曾敏之与华文文学研究

14.Researches on Sedimentary Facies of Lower Cretaceous Guanghua Formation in Huoerqi Area Inner Mongolia内蒙古霍尔奇地区下白垩统光华组沉积相研究

15.Calculating photosynthetically active radiation in North China华北地区光合有效辐射的计算方法研究

16.The aurora, the light of the night sky, and the twilight have been studied by a large number of investigators.很多研究工作者还研究了极光、夜天空和曙光所呈现的发射性光谱。

17.Ph.D.dissertation, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School of Trinity International University, IL.新竹:国立清华大学社会人类学研究所硕士论文。

18.Talking about the origin and influence of The Washington Institute for Near East Policy论华盛顿近东政策研究所的起源与影响


The Washington Institute for Near East Policy华盛顿近东政策研究所

1.Talking about the origin and influence ofThe Washington Institute for Near East Policy;论华盛顿近东政策研究所的起源与影响

3)Institute Director研究所所长

4)"Director, Research institute"所长(研究所)

5)studies on ethnic Chinese businessmen华商研究

6)overseas Chinese studies华人研究


