900字范文 > 低压低频脉冲电场 low voltage and low frequency pulse electrical field英语短句 例句大全

低压低频脉冲电场 low voltage and low frequency pulse electrical field英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-16 09:17:32


低压低频脉冲电场 low voltage and low frequency pulse electrical field英语短句 例句大全

低压低频脉冲电场,low voltage and low frequency pulse electrical field

1)low voltage and low frequency pulse electrical field低压低频脉冲电场


1.Study of the Low Voltage and Low Frequency Pulse Electrical Field-ozone Coordination Kill Alage低压低频脉冲电场—臭氧协同灭藻的研究

2.Low-frequency and High-voltage Pulsed Power Supply Based on Single Chip Micyoco;基于单片机的低频高压脉冲电源的研究

3.Investigation of the bioeffects of ELF Pulsed Magnetic Fields极低频脉冲磁场生物效应的实验研究

4.Effect of Exercise and Low Frequency Pulsing Electromagnetic Fields on Nitrogen Oxide and Bone Remodeling in Ovariectomized Rats;运动、低频脉冲电磁场对去卵巢大鼠一氧化氮及骨重建的影响

5.Reversal Effects of Low-frequency Pulsed Electrical Field on Multidrug Resistance of MCF-7/ADR to HHT and VCR;低频脉冲电场逆转MCF-7/ADR对HHT和VCR耐药性的研究

6.The Bioeffects of Extremely Low Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Field on PC12 Cells and the Study of the Related Signaling Pathways;极低频脉冲电场对PC12细胞的影响以及相关通路的研究

7.Effects of Low Frequency Pulsing Electromagnetic Fields on Endothelial Progenitor Cells Derived from Rat Bone Marrow;低频脉冲电磁场对大鼠骨髓来源的内皮祖细胞的影响

8.Clinical study of treatment of primary osteoporosis by low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields低频脉冲电磁场治疗原发性骨质疏松症的临床研究

9.program control low frequency pulse treatment程控低频脉冲治疗仪

10.Effect of Parameters of Low-Voltage Electric Current Pulse on Primary Phase of Semi-Solid AZ91D Alloy低压脉冲电场参数对半固态AZ91D镁合金初生相的影响

11.The Effect of Low Frequency, Low Energy, Pullsing Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) on Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Metastasis of Osteosarcoma Cell Line;低频低能量脉冲电磁场照射辅助化学疗法的研究以及对骨肉瘤细胞株转移的影响

12.emissions of light and very low frequency perturbations due to electromagnetic pulse sources因电磁脉冲源引起的光辐射和甚低频微扰

13.Research on the Method of Cable Fault Automation Location Based on Low Voltage Pulse;电力电缆故障低压脉冲自动测距方法研究

14.The influence factors for the treatment of oil-bearing wastewater by means of low-voltage pulse electrolysis with Aluminum electrode铝电极-低压脉冲电解含油废水影响因素

15.Studies on effect of low-voltage electric impulse on S.natans growing;低压电脉冲对球衣细菌生长特性影响的研究

16.The Physiological and Biological Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Pulsed Electric Field on the Primarily Cultured Neurons in Vitro;极低频脉冲电场刺激对原代培养神经细胞的生化和生理功能的影响

17.Effect of Exercise and Low Frequency Pulsing Electromagnetic Fields on Bone s Biomechanical Properties in Ovariectomized Rats;运动结合低频脉冲电磁场对去卵巢大鼠骨生物力学性能影响的研究

18.Change of Bone Mineral Density and Biomechanics Influences by Exercise and Low Frequency Pulsing Electromagnetic Fields Ovariectomized Rats;运动、低频脉冲电磁场对去势雌性大鼠骨密度及其生物力学性能的影响


Low-voltage High-frequency Pulsed Electric Field(LHPEF)低压高频脉冲电场

3)low-frequency pulsed electrical field低频脉冲电场

1.In order to explore the reversal effect and mechanism oflow-frequency pulsed electrical field (LF-PEF) on multidrug resistance (MDR) of MCF-7/ADR, MTT analysis was used to detect resistance factor (RF) and reversal index (RI).为了探讨低频脉冲电场对人乳腺癌多药耐药细胞系MCF-7/ADR耐药性的逆转作用及机制,采用MTT比色法检测MCF-7/ADR的耐药指数和耐药性的逆转倍数,荧光显微镜观察脉冲电场对MCF-7/ADR细胞内DiOC2(3)(P-gp的特异性荧光底物)积累和外排的影响。

2.PC12 cells were exposed tolow-frequency pulsed electrical field (f=50 Hz, τ=20 ms, Epp=1 V/ m) to study the possible effects of electrical field exposure on nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR) and outgrowth in PC 12 cells.以PC12细胞为实验材料,研究低频脉冲电场(f=50 Hz,τ=20 ms,Epp=1 V/m)对神经细胞突起生长及膜受体聚簇的影响。


1.A clinical study:PEMFS as therapeutic method for osteoporosis;低频脉冲电磁场对骨质疏松症的治疗作用

5)Extremely low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field (ELF PEMF)极低频脉冲电场

6)low-voltage electric current pulse低压脉冲电场

1.The influence oflow-voltage electric current pulse on solidified microstructure of aluminum was studied,and the effects of discharging voltage and treating time on grain size of aluminum were investigated.研究了低压脉冲电场作用下纯铝凝固组织的变化,考察了放电电压和处理时间对纯铝晶粒尺寸的影响。

2.The non-dendritic semi-solid magnesium alloy AZ91D is prepared by reheating the AZ91D alloy treated bylow-voltage electric current pulse(LVECP) technique.研究利用低压脉冲电场技术制备的AZ91D镁合金在部分重熔过程中的组织演变,考察加热温度和保温时间对不同脉冲电压制备的AZ91D合金初生相形态和尺寸的影响。

3.Preparation of semi-solid alloy of AZ91D bylow-voltage electric current pulse discharge was studied, and the effect of discharging cycle, voltage, capacitance and time on microstructure of semi-solid alloy of AZ91D was investigated.研究了低压脉冲电场作用下半固态AZ91D镁合金的制备,考察了脉冲电压、放电电容、处理时间及放电周期对半固态合金组织的影响。


低压1.物理学上指较低的压力。 2.较低的电压,通常指二百五十伏特以下的电压。 3.心脏舒张时血液对血管的压力。也叫舒张压。
