900字范文 > 教师的文化自觉 cultural consciousness of the teacher英语短句 例句大全

教师的文化自觉 cultural consciousness of the teacher英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-13 08:11:20


教师的文化自觉 cultural consciousness of the teacher英语短句 例句大全

教师的文化自觉,cultural consciousness of the teacher

1)cultural consciousness of the teacher教师的文化自觉

2)self-conscious culture自觉的文化


1.Representing the Orientation of Advanced Culture" and Consciously Cultural Ideology;“代表先进文化方向”与自觉的文化意识

2.Cultural identity,cultural awareness and construction of harmonious cultures;文化认同、文化自觉与和谐文化的构建

3.The Awakening of Men after the Consciousness of Literature in Jian’an Period;建安“文的自觉”化的“人的觉醒”

4.Universty Students Culture Consciousness and Culture Character;大学生的文化自觉与大学的文化性格

5.Advance the Construction of Harmonious Culture by Way of High Cultural Self-Consciousness;以高度的文化自觉推进和谐文化建设

6.Cultural consciousness of P.E. curriculum under harmonious cultural ideology和谐文化视阈下的体育课程文化自觉

7."Cultural Consciousness" and the Culture of Shui Characters Locally Inherited“文化自觉”和水书文化的本土传承

8.Political and Cultural Consciousness of Chinese Nation during the Late Qing Dynasty;试论清末中华民族的政治自觉与文化自觉

9.The Cultural, Theoretical and Practical Self - consciousness: Development of Comparative Education in an Integration but Difference Maintenance Manner;文化自觉、理论自觉和实践自觉(论纲)——比较教育和而不同发展的途径

10.Keeping Distance Initiative and Giving up:Christian Culture in Chinese Modern Literature;自觉和背离:现代文学中的基督教文化

11.Sociology and Cultural Awareness;社会学与文化自觉——学习费孝通“文化自觉”概念的一些体会

12.Consciousness of personality and consciousness of culture --On the contemporary value of personality of a noble man defined in Chinese traditional culture;人格自觉与文化自觉——兼论中国传统文化中君子人格的现代价值

13.Globalization of Sports Culture and Consciousness of the Chinese Sports Culture;体育文化全球化与中国体育文化的自觉

14.Academic Independence,Cultural Awareness and Independent Development of China s Higher Education;学术自主、文化自觉与中国高等教育的自主发展

15."Historicalization" and "Consciousness" of Literature:On the Literary Characteristics in the Qin-Han Dynasty“史化”文学与文学“自觉”——论先秦两汉文学的特点

16.An Anthropological Retrospection and Reflection on the Evolution of Modern Chinese Wushu Culture--From Cultural Adaptation to Cultural Consciousness;近代中国武术文化变迁的文化人类学审视——从文化适应到文化自觉

17.From Culture Inferiority to Culture Self-consciousness: A Change of Orientation in Chinese Culture in 1920s and1930s;从文化自卑到文化自觉——20世纪20~30年代中国文化走向的转变

18."Cultural Consciousness" and The Value Choice of Teacher Educational Research;“文化自觉”与教师教育研究的价值选择


self-conscious culture自觉的文化

3)cultural self-awareness文化的自觉

4)teacher self-esteem culture教师自尊文化

1.Retrospecting to the origin ofteacher self-esteem culture,we can find that in our teacher deification tradition,the above mentioned self-esteem culture was built on teachers\" conception of themselves as "men of virture","men of knowledge" and "men of authority".追溯传统"师道"中教师自尊文化形成的根源,发现教师自尊人格建立在教师为"有德之人"、"有知之人"、"有权之人"的自我认知基础之上。

5)On Teachers" Professional Consciousness论教师的专业自觉

6)masses sense of culture民众的文化自觉

1.In order to safeguard them,it is necessary to reinforce themasses sense of culture,i.非物质文化遗产是我们的精神家园,要守护好这块家园就必须提高民众的文化自觉,即提高全民对非物质文化遗产的重要性认识,增强保护意识。


