900字范文 > 教师人格 teachers personality英语短句 例句大全

教师人格 teachers personality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-27 05:49:26


教师人格 teachers personality英语短句 例句大全

教师人格,teachers personality

1)teachers personality教师人格

1.Based on the researches onteachers personality about the definition,characteristics and influencing factors,especially on the review of the researches and their abundant results on personality characteristics of excellent teachers,expert teachers and creative teachers,the authors then analyze the problems among the researches,and provide an outlook into the future studies.教师人格是影响教师自身和学生成长的重要因素。

2.There are many channels in the cultivation of students nonintelligence quality but the power ofteachers personality can not be neglected.为此必须明了教师人格的类型、教师人格对学生非智力素质影响的原因和如何强化教师人格对学生非智力素质的积极影响。

3.This paper deals with the influence ofteachers personality on education.教师人格对学生人格具有多方面的重要影响。


1.To Improve Teachers Teaching Quality and Personality--Research into the Subjet Education and the Relationship between Teachers and Students;完善教师从教素质 提高教师人格修养——主体性教育与师生关系研究

2.A Brief Exploration into the Teachers Personality Charms of the Political and Ideological Education in Colleges and Universities;高校思想政治教育教师人格魅力探微

3.Researches on Chinese Teachers Personality and Its Enlightenment to Teachers Training in New Curriculum;教师人格研究及其对新课程教师培训的启示

4.The Investigation and Study on Relationship between Personality Characteristic and Teaching Style of University P E teachers;对高校体育教师人格特征、教学风格的调查研究

5.The Promotion and Return of University Teachers" Personality Charm in the Teachers" Morality Construction高校教师人格魅力在师德建设中的提升与回归

6.A Comparative Study on Personality Characteristics between Special Education Teachers and Elite Teachers in General Schools;特教教师与普教中小学骨干教师人格特征比较研究

7.The Study of Personality and Job Satiafaction of Teachers in High School;中学教师人格特质与工作满意度研究

8.Discussion on personality image and moral character of teachers;教师队伍建设管见——教师的人格形象与道德人格

9.Character Power and Moulding of "Two-subject" Teachers;“两课”教师的人格力量与人格塑造

10.Personality Glamour of Confucius as a Teacher and Contemporary Teachers Personality Molding;孔子为师的人格魅力与现代教师的人格塑造

11.Exerting Teacher Wisdom and Cultivating the Students’Sound Personality;发挥教师教育智慧 培养学生健全人格

12.On the Training Teachers Emotional Personality Quality in Classroom Teaching of University;论高师课堂教学中教师情感人格素质的培养

13.Analysis of Music Teacher’s Education Current Situation in Normal University高师音乐教师教育人才培养规格的基本设想

14.Personality Education of Adulthood for Students in Minorities Normal College论民族师专大学生人格“成人”教育

15.Harmonious Moral Quality:the practical pursuit of College Teachers with CPC Membership;和谐道德人格:高校党员教师的现实人格诉求

16.The Relationship among Teacher s Adult Attachment, Teacher-student Relationship Expectation and Teacher Interaction Style;教师成人依恋、关系预期与师生互动风格的关系

17.Relationship Between Teacher"s Adult Attachment and Teacher Interaction Style中小学教师成人依恋与其师生互动风格的关系

18.a typical Scot, teacher, gentleman典型的苏格兰人、 教师、 绅士


teacher"s personality教师人格


1.Being a special educational power,the teacher spersonality is with educational,stable and harmonious characteristic.教师人格作为一种特殊的教育力量,对学生人格的发展和完善具有重要意义。

2.Thepersonality of a teacher includes many aspects,which is embodied in every process of education by all means.高品位的教师人格是理想的教学境界,是每一位教师所向往和追求的目标。

4)teacher"s personality influencing教师人格影响

5)teachers personality trait教师人格素养

1.Seeking truth,yearning towards kindness and reaching beauty are necessary contents in the meaning ofteachers personality traits.求真、向善、达美是教师人格素养内涵的重要内容,而要达于此,则需教师进行自我教育,进行自我设计、自我反省和自我实践。

6)teachers charm of personality教师的人格魅力


《关于高等学校教师职务名称及其确定与提升办法的暂行规定》中华人民共和国国务院于1960年3月5日颁发试行的一项规定。目的是为了鼓励高等学校教师不断提高政治业务水平,努力做好教学工作和科学研究工作。《暂行规定》规定,高等学校教师职务名称定为教授、副教授、讲师、助教 4级;教师职务名称的确定与提升,以思想政治条件、学识水平和业务能力为主要依据。《暂行规定》对各级职称的具体条件和审批办法等作了规定。《暂行规定》颁布后,对推动高等学校教学、科研工作,加强高等学校教师队伍的建设,起了一定的作用。但在"文化大革命"期间,高等学校确定和提升教师职称的工作中断。1978年 3月,国务院批转了教育部《关于高等学校恢复和提升教师职务问题的报告》,决定恢复高等学校教师职称,并开展提升教师职称工作。为了使高等学校教师提职工作经常化、制度化,教育部于1982年 2月又下达了《关于当前执行〈暂行规定〉的实施意见》,对《暂行规定》作了一些补充。
