900字范文 > 税务筹划 tax planning英语短句 例句大全

税务筹划 tax planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-21 15:19:54


税务筹划 tax planning英语短句 例句大全

税务筹划,tax planning

1)tax planning税务筹划

1.Research On The Firm s Tax Planning——how to cut in thetax planning from the differences of taxation;企业税务筹划研究——如何从税收制度的差异性进行税务筹划

2.Research on Tax Planning Risks Based on Financing Decision in Enterprises;税务筹划风险及防范研究

3.Study on the Surroundings Optimization of China s Tax Planning;优化我国税务筹划环境的思考


1.Research On The Firm s Tax Planning--how to cut in the tax planning from the differences of taxation;企业税务筹划研究——如何从税收制度的差异性进行税务筹划

2.Tax Planning of Production-oriented Enterprises in Importing and Exporting;生产型企业进、出口业务的税务筹划

3.Tax-plan: A Development to the Non-auditing Businesses;非审计服务领域的拓展——税务筹划

4.Study on the Taxation Planning of Financial Management of Enterprise;企业财务管理中的税务筹划问题研究

5.VAT Planning of Purchase-sale Pricing and Selection of Taxpayer Identity;购销定价的增值税税务筹划与纳税人身份选择

6.The Financial Analysis and Application of Tax Planning for the Enterprise Income;企业所得税税务筹划的财务研究与运用

7.The Inevitability and Significance of the Enforcement of Tax Planning;论税务筹划实施的必然性及现实意义

8.Study of Strategy of Tax Administration of Overseas Project of Shengli Oil Field;胜利油田海外项目税务筹划策略研究

9.New Exploration on Tax Plan in Middle and Small-scale Enterprises;中小型企业有关税务筹划问题新思考

10.On the Tax Plan of Education and Training Organization of Large-scale Enterprise;试论大型企业教育培训机构税务筹划

11.Increasing the Economic Benefit through Making Rational Use of Tax Planning;合理运用税务筹划 提高企业经济效益

12.An Exploration of Tax Planning in Shipping Industry of China我国航运行业税务筹划若干问题探讨

13.Effects Of Tax Planning On Enterprise Operation浅析税务筹划对企业经营活动的影响

14.On the Functions of Taxation Planning in the Financial Decision-making of Enterprise;谈税收筹划在企业财务决策中的作用

15.On the Application of Tax-paying Planning in the Enterprise Finance Management;企业财务管理中的纳税筹划应用研究

16.Talking about the Taxation Design in Financial Management of Modern Enterprise;浅谈现代企业财务管理中的税收筹划

17.Application of tax revenue planning in finance management;论税收筹划在企业财务管理中的运用

18.Study on Tax Planning of Financial Administration for Private Enterprises;民营企业财务管理中纳税筹划的探讨


tax plan税务筹划

1.New Exploration on Tax Plan in Middle and Small-scale Enterprises;中小型企业有关税务筹划问题新思考

2.On the Tax Plan of Education and Training Organization of Large-scale Enterprise;试论大型企业教育培训机构税务筹划

3.Research on International Tax Plan of Zte Corporation;中兴通讯国际业务税务筹划研究

3)risk tax planning风险税务筹划

4)enterprises tax planning企业税务筹划

5)On the Tax Plan in VAT论增值税税务筹划

6)Tax Planning税收筹划

1.On Feasibility and Application of Oil CompanyTax Planning;石油企业税收筹划可行性研究与应用

2.Research on the tax planning problem of oil-gas field enterprise in our country;中国油气田企业税收筹划问题研究

3.Enterprises income tax planning;企业所得税税收筹划初探


