900字范文 > 税收筹划 Tax Planning英语短句 例句大全

税收筹划 Tax Planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-18 15:32:55


税收筹划 Tax Planning英语短句 例句大全

税收筹划,Tax Planning

1)Tax Planning税收筹划

1.On Feasibility and Application of Oil CompanyTax Planning;石油企业税收筹划可行性研究与应用

2.Research on the tax planning problem of oil-gas field enterprise in our country;中国油气田企业税收筹划问题研究

3.Enterprises income tax planning;企业所得税税收筹划初探


1.Talking about the Tax Planning of Enterprise Income Tax under the Environment of New Tax Law新税法环境下的企业所得税税收筹划

2.The Types of the Tax Design and the Necessity of Practicing the Tax Payment Design;税收筹划的种类及实施纳税筹划的必要性

3.An effective tax plan framework requires that the planner take into consideration all the parties of the transaction, covert tax and non-taxable incomes.有效税收筹划框架要求筹划者在进行税收筹划时考虑交易各方利益、性税收和非税收成本。

4.The Research on Tax Planning of Financing Base on Risk Control;风险控制下的企业筹资税收筹划研究

5.The Analysis and Study on Tax Plannin of Value-added Tax for Medium-and-small-sized Enterprises;中小企业增值税税收筹划分析与研究

6.The Tax Policy and Tax Revenue Preparation of Veteran and Active Servicemen;现、退役军人(武警)涉税政策与税收筹划

7.Tax Planning on The Foreign Investment Enterprise Investing Again the Tax Reimbursement;外商投资企业再投资退税的税收筹划

8.The Tax Plan for the Income Tax Offset by the Invest on State-owned Equipment;国产设备投资抵免所得税的税收筹划

9.On enterprise income tax planning ways;浅析企业所得税税收筹划的基本方法

10.Tax-Planning of Export Goods on Foreign Trade-Corporation;外贸企业出口货物退(免)税税收筹划

11.A Revenue Designing Research According to the New"Corporation Income Tax Bill"基于新企业所得税法的税收筹划研究

12.Improving Taxation Management and Increasing Capacity of Profit--Discussion on Taxation Management in Geological and Prospecting Enterprises;巧用税收筹划 提高盈利能力——地勘单位税收筹划的几点思考

13.Choice of Enterprise"s Optimizing Taxpaying Planning Scale--Research Based on Effective Taxpaying Planning Theory企业最优税收筹划规模的选择——基于有效税收筹划理论的研究

14.Research on Certain Problems of the Tax Planning and the Criminal Offenses Relating with Taxation;税收筹划及税收违法犯罪行为若干问题研究

15.On the Relations of Tax Planning and the Targets of Tax Preferential Policy;论税收筹划与税收优惠政策目标实现的关系

16.A Design of the Tax on Individual’s Yearly Lump-sum Bonus个人年终一次性奖金发放的税收筹划

17.The Strategy Choice of China s Tax Planning from Economic Perspective;经济视角下我国税收筹划的战略选择

18.Study on China s Real Estate Development Business Tax Planning;我国房地产开发企业税收筹划的研究


tax plan税收筹划

1.Flexible application oftax plan in enterprise s management;税收筹划在企业经营决策中的灵活应用

2.Tax plan,as an operating activity,possibly due to the regulation of tax policy and unscientifictax plan,may result in failure.税收筹划作为企业的一项经营活动,可能由于税收政策的调整、税收筹划方案不科学等原因而导致失败,产生不良的后果。

3.With China entry WTO,the demands oftax plan grow up rapidly because the businesses related to the tax are increasing in the enterprises and the tax consciousness is becoming strong and strong.税收筹划起源于西方,在我国是一个新的领域。

3)tax revenue preparation税收筹划

1.Thetax revenue preparation refers a kind of economic activity in the legal laws and regulations permission scope,through the preparation and the arrangement of the management,investment and managing finance activity to reduce the tax payment cost as far as possible,seek the greatest tax revenue benefit.税收筹划是指在法律法规许可的范围内,通过经营、投资、理财活动的事先筹划和安排,达到尽可能减少纳税成本,谋求最大税收利益的一种经济行为。

2.As one kind of enterprise festival tax behavior,thetax revenue preparation must conform to government s legislation intention.税收筹划作为企业的一种节税行为应当符合政府的立法意图。

3.Because of different definitions,evading payment of taxes is different from tax preparation,tax revenue preparation and tax thrift.由于对避税的定义不同,使得它与税务筹划、税收筹划、节税等其他相关概念之间关系的表述也有所不同,学术界有着各种各样的观点。

4)taxation planning税收筹划

1.Enterprises′taxation planning and its methods;谈企业税收筹划及其方法

2.This paper expounds the paths and measures for strengthening the financial management from aspects of doing well thetaxation planning, preventing the financial risks, increasing the efficiency of the financial management, and cultivating the high-quality financial managers, etc.从做好税收筹划、防范财务金融风险、提高财务管理效率、培养高素质的财务管理人员等方面阐述了加强财务管理的途径和措施。

3.This paper discusses the definition and the basic principles of thetaxation planning in enterprises.文章论述了企业税收筹划的概念和遵循的基本原则,具体分析了企业财务决策中的税收筹划。


1.So more and more enterprises adopttax-planning project to make preparations for the taxes on production,administration,investment and financial management,so as to promote the maximum interests of the busineses.因此,在法律许可的范围内,以收益最大化为目的,对企业的生产、经营、投资、理财等事项进行事前安排的税收筹划,越来越成为企业经济决策的重要内容而被企业接受和采纳。

2.Tax-planning theory has been known and recongnized in recent years, to which many people began to pay special attention .税收筹划理论近些年来逐渐被人们所认识、了解、实践和关注。

3.The premise oftax-planning is not to violate the laws and regulations in the tax players’ country.税收筹划也称为纳税筹划、税务筹划,是指纳税人在不违反国家法律、法规、规章制度的前提下,自行或通过中介机构的帮助,为实现企业价值最大化或者股东权益最大化而对企业的生产、经营、投资、理财和组织结构等经济业务或行为涉税事项预先进行设计和运筹的过程。

6)tax planning point税收筹划点

1.Value increment planning can be done on the basis of analyzingtax planning point of ordinary tax-payers,i.首先,增值税的纳税人可以分为一般纳税人和小规模纳税人,小规模纳税人的税负不一定比一般纳税人重,通过一般纳税人税收筹划点分析,即通过分析纳税人销售额增值率是否超过税收筹划点来进行增值税纳税人的税收筹划。


