900字范文 > 中间结构 middle construction英语短句 例句大全

中间结构 middle construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-09 19:39:59


中间结构 middle construction英语短句 例句大全

中间结构,middle construction

1)middle construction中间结构

1.On the properties of Germanmiddle constructions;关于德语中间结构的基本特征

2.Onmiddle construction in the framework of the minimalist program最简方案框架下的中间结构研究

3.Themiddle construction is one of the most common items of English grammar.中间结构是英语中一个很常见的句法项目。

2)middle structure中间式结构

3)malcrystalline structure中间型结晶结构

4)Polycentric spatial structure多中心空间结构


1.Research on the "Polycentric" Spatial Structure of Shanghai Producer Service Industry上海中心城区生产性服务业多中心空间结构研究

2.The impact research on daily travel by urban spatial structure:from the points of view of mono-centric and poly-centric;城市空间结构对交通出行影响研究的进展——单中心与多中心的论争

3.The Study on Chong Qing CRD s Spatial Structure Mode;重庆市中心商业区空间结构优化初探

parative Study on Civic Space Structures of Four Key Cities in Northeast China;东北四大中心城市空间结构比较研究

5.Study on Spacial Structure of Recreational Business Districts in Central Shanghai;上海市中心城区RBD的空间结构研究

6.Development of Spatial Structure of the Central Cities in Hanshui Basin;汉水流域中心城市空间结构演变探讨

7.On the Construction and Optimization of the Space Structure System of Travel Center Area in Hunan Province;湖南省旅游中心地空间结构系统的构建与优化

8.Optimization Study on Spatial Steel Roof Structure of Chengdu International Meeting and Exhibition Center;成都新国际会展中心空间钢屋盖结构优化研究

9.The Study on Spatial Structure of Dominating City in ZHUNGEER;内蒙古准格尔旗中心城镇空间结构研究

10.The Preliminary Study of Damage Identification of the Spatial Structrue of Nanjing Olympic Stadium;南京奥体中心体育场空间结构损伤识别初探

11.Study on Retail Formats Spatial Structure of Shanghai Central District;上海市中心城区零售业态空间结构研究

12.The Research on the Function and Structure of City Centre District of Xi an;西安城市中心区职能和空间结构演变研究

13.Research on Transformation of the Social Spatial Structure of Guangzhou Central City;广州市中心区社会空间结构及其演化研究

14.Characteristics and mechanics studies on residential spatial structure evolvement in Tianjin central districs since 1990s;1990年以来天津市中心城区居住空间结构演变

15.Urban Spatial Theory--Static Monocentric Model;城市空间结构理论——单中心城市静态模型

16.Structure of the Outer Space of Central City in Tianjin;天津市中心城区外围空间形态结构分析

17.The Female-centered Spatial World--An Analysis of the Structure of Kawabata Yasunari s novel;女性中心的空间世界——川端康成小说的结构分析

18.Function Change of Shanghai s central urbanarea and urban spatial restructure;上海中心城区职能转移与城市空间结构优化


middle structure中间式结构

3)malcrystalline structure中间型结晶结构

4)Polycentric spatial structure多中心空间结构

5)Total collapse of intermediate storey in multistorey building中间层结构塌毁

6)adjunct middle construction附加语中间结构


