900字范文 > 儒佛会通 combination of Confucianism and Buddhism英语短句 例句大全

儒佛会通 combination of Confucianism and Buddhism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-26 08:31:00


儒佛会通 combination of Confucianism and Buddhism英语短句 例句大全

儒佛会通,combination of Confucianism and Buddhism

1)combination of Confucianism and Buddhism儒佛会通


1.Interpretation of Modern Neo-Confucianism from the Perspective of Buddhism: A Brief Introduction to the Combination of Confucianism and Buddhism and the Theoretical Construction of Modern Neo-Confucianism现代新儒学的佛学诠释——概论儒佛会通与现代新儒学的理论建构

2.A Study of the Fusion of Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism in Fang Yizhi"s Thought方以智儒、佛、道三教会通思想研究

3.The Intercourse Mode of Liu Zongyuan s Digestion of Confucianism and Buddhism and Its Cultural Significance;柳宗元会通儒佛的交往模式及文化意义论

4.On the Song - Confucianist Ideal Realm;宋儒境界论——以儒释道会通为视角

5.Cultural Integration of Confucianism and Buddhism--A Brief View on Liu Zongyuan and Buddhism统合儒释的文化贯通——柳宗元与佛教论略

6.The tenets of Confucianism and Buddhism are interlinked, so it goes without saying that both of them embrace, permeate and absorb each other.儒佛矛盾中,相互包含、渗透、吸收是主要的,因为儒学要旨与佛法大义固多相通之处。

7.Fusion of Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist Thought in Business Culture of Shanshan - guildhall论社旗山陕会馆商文化中的儒、佛、道融合

8.Fusion of Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist Thought in The Business culture of Shanshhanhuiguan;谈谈社旗山陕会馆商文化中的儒、佛、道融合

9.Decoration Style of Qing Dynasty Folk Guild Halls in the Middle Part of China Integrating Confucianism,Daoism and Buddhism现存清代中原民间会馆装饰中的儒、道、佛融合

10.Buddhist and Secular Attitudes towards Human Life -The Influence of the Integrated Outlook on Life from Both CombiningConfucianism and Buddhism on Feng Zikai s Literary Creation;亦僧亦俗话人生——试论儒佛融通的人生观对丰子恺文艺创作的影响

11.Studying on Leibniz s Understanding to Confucianism and Christianity Theology;莱布尼茨对儒学与基督教神学的会通

12.The Influence of Confucianism on Modern Korean Law;会通之路:儒教对韩国现代法律的影响

13.There Being an Ideal Realm of Ming Jiao Naturally On the Integration of Metaphysics and Confucianism of Zhang Hua;名教内自有乐地——张华会通玄儒研究

14.On the Complementation and Combination between Confucianism and Daoism from the Vision of Symbolic Interpretation in the Yizhuan《易传》符号解释视域下的儒道互补会通

15.Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism(or Shintoism) were traditionally the principal religions in the East Asian society.儒教、佛教、道教(或神道教)是东亚社会的三大基本宗教。

16.Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism and Chinese Traditional Culture儒道佛与中国传统文化

17.Criticize,Abstract and Melt--From the Criticism on Buddhism Seeing Confucian Melting on Buddhism;批判·汲取·消融——从儒对佛的批判看儒对佛的消融

18.Introducing Buddhism into Confucianism as Remedy:An Examination of the Motives and Objectives of Practising Buddhism by LIU Zhong-yuan;援佛入儒 以佛疗伤——论柳宗元习佛的动因与目的


The Unison of Confucianism and Taoism儒道会通

3)merging the thoughts of Confucianism and Buddhism儒释会通

4)opinions concerning integrating Confucianism with Buddhism儒佛融通思想

5)combination of Yi theory and Buddhism易佛会通

1.The paper starts with Shengtan’s philosophy characterized with thecombination of Yi theory and Buddhism, then represents his whole philosophy system and methodological character.本文由金圣叹易佛会通的哲学思想入手,阐释其哲学体系及方法论特点,并在此基础之上,分析金圣叹审美的人生理想及现实人生,进一步解析其诗文评点的文法意义和思想意义,由此提炼出贯穿于金圣叹哲学思想、人生观和文艺观的美学智慧,即以儒家思想为核心的“诗”“史”合一的古典美学精神。

6)Integrating Buddhim with Change佛易会通


