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儒佛关系 Buddhism-Confucianism relationship英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-04 03:16:11


儒佛关系 Buddhism-Confucianism relationship英语短句 例句大全

儒佛关系,Buddhism-Confucianism relationship

1)Buddhism-Confucianism relationship儒佛关系


1.Buddhism-Confucianism Relationship and the Sinicization of the Buddhist Filial Piety Doctrine;儒佛关系与佛教孝道思想的中国化进程

2.A re-examination of the debates on sramana s disobedience of courtesies to kings during the Jin Dynasty;两晋沙门敬不敬王者之争再考察——以儒佛关系的变迁为切入点

3.Confucian Understanding and Dealing of Buddhism and Its Relationship with Confucianism in Song Dynasty--Zhu Xi s Inspection of and Excess over Predecessors;宋儒认知和处理佛教及佛、儒关系之情状——朱熹的检讨和超越

4.The Intrinsic Relation between the Philosophy of Buddhism and Chinese Confucianism;佛教哲学与中国儒学的内在关系问题

5.Relation of Xiong Shili Thoughts with Confucianism,Taoism, Buddhism and Western Learniny;熊十力思想与儒、道、佛及西学的关系

6.Probe into the Relations among Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism--About Western Jin & Eastern Jin Dynasties and Southern & Northern Dynasties儒佛道三教关系探微——以两晋南北朝为例

7.On the Relations between the Concept of "Filial Obedience" in Korea s Yi Dynasty, Confucianism and Buddhism;试论朝鲜李朝时期“孝”观念与儒教和佛教的关系

8.On the Law of the Evolution and Development of the Relationship between Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism简论儒佛道三教关系的演变及发展规律

9.The Concepts of "Dao" and "Human Nature" in Dongpo Yizhuan--Also on the Relationship between Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism《东坡易传》论“道”与“性”——兼论其中儒佛道三家关系问题

10.Religion Spread and Acculturation;宗教传播与文化调适——关于佛教儒学化与基督教儒学化的比较研究

11.On The Defect of The Confucian Ethic and Its Relation To The Heaven-Worship of Confucianism论儒教伦理的缺陷及其与儒教天道观的关系

12.Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism and Chinese Traditional Culture儒道佛与中国传统文化

13.Criticize,Abstract and Melt--From the Criticism on Buddhism Seeing Confucian Melting on Buddhism;批判·汲取·消融——从儒对佛的批判看儒对佛的消融

14.Interpretation of Modern Neo-Confucianism from the Perspective of Buddhism: A Brief Introduction to the Combination of Confucianism and Buddhism and the Theoretical Construction of Modern Neo-Confucianism现代新儒学的佛学诠释——概论儒佛会通与现代新儒学的理论建构

15.The Music Thought in Two Han Dynasties and its relationship with Confucianism两汉音乐思想及其与儒道思想的关系

16.Ecological Thought of Early Confucian and Its Relationship with the Thought of Sheng;先秦儒家生态思想及其与“生”之关系

17.Relationship between Confucian thoughts dissemination and "people s Olympics";儒家传播思想与“人文奥运”关系探析

18.Reflection on the Relationship between Confucian Propagation Thought and Humanistic Olympics;儒家传播思想与人文奥运关系的思考


relationship between Buddhism and Confucianism佛儒关系

3)Relation with Confucianism % Buddhism and Daoism儒佛道关系

4)The Relationship among Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism儒佛道三教关系论

5)relation between medical practitioners and confucianists医儒关系

6)relation between Confuciusm and Taosim儒道关系


经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关
