900字范文 > 中医发生学 generation science of TCM英语短句 例句大全

中医发生学 generation science of TCM英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-15 08:38:15


中医发生学 generation science of TCM英语短句 例句大全

中医发生学,generation science of TCM

1)generation science of TCM中医发生学

1.Methods:To expound the formation and development of basic concepts, viewpoint and theory during the period of initiation of TCM with study methods ofgeneration science of TCM --a synthetical method of phiology, historiography, characterology, phiosophy, sociology and logic, etc.研究方法: 采用中医发生学研究方法,即运用文献学、史学、文字学、哲学、社会学、逻辑学等综合方法,对脾藏象学说初创时期基本概念、基本观点和基本理论的形成与演变,作出客观而确实的诠释。

2.We use study methods ofgeneration science of TCM- a synthetical method of phiology, historiography, charaterology, philosophy, sociology and logic, etc.方法:采用中医发生学研究方法,综合文字学、文献学、史学、哲学、社会学、逻辑学等学科的相关内容,对肺藏象理论产生时期的基本理论和主要观点作出客观详实的阐述。

2)students of traditional Chinese medicine中医学生

1.The curriculum character of neurology and the relative weakness of foundation of western medicine instudents of traditional Chinese medicine decide the necessarity of application of introduction teaching method.神经病学的课程特点及中医学生西医基础相对薄弱的事实决定了神经病学导入教学法应用的必要性,介绍神经病学导入教学法的作用及其设计原则,并举神经病学教学实例说明以教师或学生为中心的导入教学过程,提出基于多媒体的神经病学导入教学法。


1.Research among TCM Students and West Medicine Students in Guangzhou Medical Colleges about Their Knowledge of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine;广州医学院校中医学生与西医学生对中西医结合认识的调查报告

2.Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering中国生物医学工程学报


4.A Study on the Design of Reproduction Medicine Center in the Hospital;医院中生殖医学中心的建筑设计研究

5.An Experiment Program on Basic Medicine for Postgraduates of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医研究生基础医学实验课程的研究

6.Experience of intern training program of medical imaging for traditional chinese medicine major浅谈中医专业学生的医学影像学实习教学

7.The advancements of medical science have transformed traditional medicine practices from pure biological perspective models to more sociological, psychological, and biological models.这当中,医学进展也已由生物医学模式,转为社会-心理-生物医学模式。

8.Introducing Evidence-Based Medicine in the Education of Medical Undergraduate Students;在医学本科生教学中引入循证医学干预

9.Research on the Experiment Teaching Reform on the Medical Microbiology at the Chinese Medicine Institution中医药院校医学微生物学实验教学改革与探索

10.a medical student, school医学院学生、 医学院

11.Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals, R. D. Frandson, Lea& Febiger.兽医解剖生理学,兽医学要览(5)白火城等,中华民国兽医学会编印。

12.The Applications of PBL Pattern in the Teaching of Medical Microbiology;PBL模式在医学微生物学教学中的应用

13.A discussion of medical microbiology teaching reform of Chinese pharmacy specialty;中药专业医学微生物学教学改革探讨

14.A probe into teaching method of gynecology of TCM for blind students;视障学生《中医妇科学》教学法初探

15.Applications of Chemical Genetics in Biomedical Research化学遗传学在生物医学研究中的应用

16.Preliminary remarks on the educational modes of training non-medicine major postgraduates of Chinese medicine试论非医学专业攻读中医学研究生的培养模式

17.Role of Trainee Doctors in Clinical Practice Teaching in Teaching Hospitals;教学医院进修医生在临床实践教学中的角色

18.Investigation and Analysis on Non-medicine Majors in Medical Universities and Colleges;医科院校中非医学专业学生基本情况调查分析


students of traditional Chinese medicine中医学生

1.The curriculum character of neurology and the relative weakness of foundation of western medicine instudents of traditional Chinese medicine decide the necessarity of application of introduction teaching method.神经病学的课程特点及中医学生西医基础相对薄弱的事实决定了神经病学导入教学法应用的必要性,介绍神经病学导入教学法的作用及其设计原则,并举神经病学教学实例说明以教师或学生为中心的导入教学过程,提出基于多媒体的神经病学导入教学法。

3)development of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医学发展

bining syndrome differentiation with disease differentiation is an important method to improve the therapeutic effect and promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine.就如何提高中医的临床疗效及临床疗效在中医学发展中的重要作用等采访了金实教授。

4)TCM etiology中医发病学

5)traditional Chinese medicine health中医养生学

1.Huang Di Neijing was a classic of internal medicine that laid the foundation fortraditional Chinese medicine health preservation .中医养生学在我国源远流长,萌芽于先秦时期,到了春秋战国时期,初步形成了以道家、儒家为特色的养生理论。

6)Students for medicine polytechnic school医学中专生


