900字范文 > 中医心理疗法 Psychotherapy of TCM英语短句 例句大全

中医心理疗法 Psychotherapy of TCM英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-27 13:18:49


中医心理疗法 Psychotherapy of TCM英语短句 例句大全

中医心理疗法,Psychotherapy of TCM

1)Psychotherapy of TCM中医心理疗法

1.Research to the Relationship between the Client-center Therapy and thePsychotherapy of TCM;来访者中心疗法与中医心理疗法的相关性研究


1.The Compared Research of the Treatment of TCM Psychology and Shen Tian Treatment;中医心理疗法与森田疗法的比较研究

2.Chinese Traditional Mediciene Psychotherapy Cures Primary Hypertention Research;中医心理疗法治疗原发性高血压的研究

3.TCM Psychotherapy of Infertility Based on Dissipation Structure Theory;基于耗散结构理论的不孕症中医心理疗法研究

bined Treatment of TCM and Western Medicine and Psychotherapy of Cerebral Infarction脑梗死的中西医结合治疗与心理疗法

5.medical psychotherapy医药心理治疗法 医药心理治疗法

6.the treatment of sexual perversion by psychotherapy用心理疗法医治性变态

7.Method: 112 patients simultaneously have accepted Chinese medicine treatment,psychotherapy and physiotherapy and so on.方法对112例患者采用中医中药、精神心理及物理疗法等综合治疗。

8.his physician recommended psychoanalysis.她的心理医生建议采用心理分析疗法。

9.Psychotherapy and traditional Chinese medicine for perimenopausal depression:a literature review心理疗法及中医药在围绝经期抑郁症治疗中的应用进展

10.A Study on Quality Management of Medical Service in Aerospace Central Hospital航天中心医院医疗服务质量管理研究

11.Clinical Observation of Therapeutic Effect of Psychotherapy on Chronic Hepatitis B with the TCM Syndrome of Stagnation of the Liver-Qi and Deficiency of the Spleen;中医辨证论治配合心理疗法治疗慢性乙型肝炎的临床研究

12.client centered psychotherapy受辅者中心心理治疗法

13.Research and Analysis in Chinese Traditional Psychotherapist Ideas and Conceptions;中医学传统心理治疗思想与理念探析

14.Patient-Centered Therapy-Human-Based Psychological Therapy;以人为本的心理疗法──患者中心疗法

15.An Analysis on the Factors which Influence the Quality Control of the Hospital Management in Each Link in the Central Hospital中心医院医疗质量环节管理中影响因素分析

16.Probe into the Cooperation among Libraries, Medical Researches and Psychologists in Bibliotherapy对“阅读疗法”中图书馆界与医学界和心理学界合作的探讨

17.psychotherapeutic technique心理治疗法 心理治疗法

18.The application of group psychotherapy in medical and nursing psychology团体心理治疗模式在《医护心理学》教学中的应用


TCM psychotherapy中医心理治疗

3)medical psychotherapy医药心理治疗法

4)Medical center医疗中心

1.This paper discusses the planning and architectural design of WuXi medical center in three aspects.文章通过门诊单元、地下物流系统、护理单元三个方面的设计阐述了无锡市医疗中心建筑规划设计方案的创作过程,反映了设计者对于可持续发展的理念在现代大型综合性医疗中心设计中的新的诠释。

5)Traditional chinese medicine中医疗法

6)Chinese medicine中医疗法


