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心理机能 psychological function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-04 19:04:06


心理机能 psychological function英语短句 例句大全

心理机能,psychological function

1)psychological function心理机能

1.Psychological education is the educational activities on human′spsychological function.心理教育是作用于人的心理机能、旨在优化心理机能、促进和谐人格发展的教育活动。


1.concerning mental functioning that is not represented in consciousness.关于不表现在意识中的心理机能。

2.From the viewpoint of materialistic mind-body monism, the body of a human being (mainly the nerve system) has two functions-physiological and psychological.从唯物论的心身一元论的观点来看,人体(主要是神经系统)有两种机能,即生理机能和心理机能。

3.Psychological Adjustment of Music in Terms of Psychological Efficiency,Mechanism and Form;音乐心理调适的心理效能、机理及形式研究

4.A Variable in Group Psychology:Perceived Collective Efficacy;团体心理学中的动机变量:团体效能感

5.The Impact Of Psychological Training On Students Muscle Restoration After Class;心理训练对学生课后机能恢复的影响

6.The Mental Mechanism of Superstition and Its Psychological Consolative Functions;迷信的信息加工机制和心理安慰功能

7.On Social Adaptation: Mental Mechanism, Structure and Function;关于社会适应的心理机制、结构与功能

8.The forming mechanism of the core competences based on meta-learning;基于元学习的企业核心能力形成机理

9.The Psychological Mechanism and Functional Analysis of the use of Witty Remarks;妙语诞生的深层心理机制及功能分析

10.Elements and Dynamic Development Mechanism of Core Competence;核心能力的构成及动态发展机理研究

11.Relationship between Theory of Mind and Executive Functioning from the Perspective of Brain Research;从心理理论的脑机制研究看心理理论与执行功能的关系

12.Changes of Immune During Physical Exercise and Psychological Stress and Research of Their Mechanism;运动及心理应激对免疫机能影响及其机制研究

13.Influence of Stepped Tip Gap Casing on Centrifugal Compressor Performance梯形间隙处理机匣对于离心压气机性能的影响

14.Performance analysis of centrifugal fan for air handling unit离心风机在空气处理机组中的性能分析研究

15.Improving Motor Skills through Imagery Training:Its Effects and Psychological Mechanism表象训练提高运动技能效能的心理机制

16.Study on Formation Mechanism of Core Competence of Corporation and Related Management Tactics;企业核心能力形成机理与管理策略研究

17.The Sychological and Physiological Regulation in Vocal Music Performance;声乐演唱中心理活动与生理机能的关系

18.The Psychological and Physiological Dialectical Relation in Vocal Music Performance;声乐演唱中心理活动与生理机能的辩证关系


mental feelings心理效能

1.Enlightened by the consumers psychology,the mental efficiency of domestic ceramic products have been discussed by the authors in this paper based on the generalmental feelings of consumers towards different forms and decorations of domestic ceramic products.受消费心理学的启示 ,通过对消费者因日用陶瓷产品不同的造型、装饰而产生的一般心理感觉 ,探讨了日用陶瓷产品的心理效能。

3)psychological function心理功能

1.Analysis of Psychological Function of Management by Objectives;目标管理的心理功能探析

2.Analysis on Social and Psychological Function of Media Entertainment;从电视传媒解析娱乐的社会功能与心理功能

3.Through research on the basic psychological theory,this article discusses thepsychological function of campus culture,its effect on students psychological health,and the importance of strengthening the construction of campus culture.通过研究心理学的基本理论,讨论了校园文化的心理功能及对高校心理健康教育的影响,以及加强校园文化建设的重要性,建议充分发挥其心理功能,以增进学校心理健康教育的成效。

4)mind level心理能级

1.From clientsmind level,the brand assets are made up of brand cognitive degree,brand awareness degree,brand association degree,brand beauty degree and brand loyalty degree.从顾客的心理能级出发提出品牌资产由品牌认知度、品牌知名度、品牌联想度、品牌美誉度、品牌忠诚度构成。

5)psychological ability心理能力

1.This text adopts the preliminary research of long-distance runnerspsychological ability in the amateur sports school of Dandong.通过对丹东市业余体校中长跑运动员心理能力的初步研究,目的在于了解中长跑运动员心理能力的现状,心理能力与运动成绩的关系,以及在今后的训练中具体调节心理能力的方法。

2.This article focus on the discussion on the training to the players pre-competitionpsychological ability and the corresponding problems.对400 m栏运动员赛前心理能力的培养及相关问题做了初步的分析探讨。

3.The application of the biological feedback technical to the physical training will play an active role on the improvement of the sportsmen spsychological ability in training or in competition.在运动训练中导入并推广生物反馈技术 ,无论是对训练还是对竞赛 ,都将在提高运动员的心理能力方面起到积极的作用。

6)psychological functions心理功能

1.This paper discusses the four aspects of Chromatology:firstly,Chromatology as an interdisciplinary subject;secondly,basicpsychological functions of Chromatology;thirdly,basic physiological functions of Chromatology;lastly,the basic frame theory of Chromatology.色彩学对人的基本心理功能;3。


