900字范文 > 英汉诗歌 English and Chinese poems英语短句 例句大全

英汉诗歌 English and Chinese poems英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-07 08:20:42


英汉诗歌 English and Chinese poems英语短句 例句大全

英汉诗歌,English and Chinese poems

1)English and Chinese poems英汉诗歌

1.The comparison and contrast of iconicity inEnglish and Chinese poems英汉诗歌中的象似性对比


1.The Aesthetic Function of Language in Poem Translation;英汉诗歌翻译中语言美学功能的运用

2.Chinese-English Poetic Traditions and the English Reproduction of Chinese Poetic Ideorealm;英汉诗歌传统与汉诗“意境”传译的局限性及可能性

3.The Linguistic Functions and Layers of Meanings of English and Chinese Poems--A Case Study of Chinese and English Poems from the Perspective of Functional Linguistics;语言功能与英汉诗歌的意义多层性——英汉古典诗歌语篇的功能语言学个例探讨

4.The Usage and Contrast of the Color Words in Tang Poetry and English Romantic Poetry;英汉诗歌中颜色词的运用及其差异对比

5.A Comparison between English Poetry Culture and Chinese Poetry Culture from Historical Point of View;从历时性角度比较英汉诗歌文化的不同特点

6.Contrastive Study of Translation of Color Words in English and Chinese Poems英汉诗歌中颜色词的翻译异同对比分析

7.A Response to Professor Gu Zhengkun on His Theory of Poetry Translation对“英汉诗歌翻译批评与学术道德规范”一文的回应

8.A Comparative Study of Metaphors of Love in English and Chinese Poems;英汉语诗歌中“爱情”隐喻的对比研究

9.Disadvantages of Hermeneutic Approach in C-E Poetry Translation;阐释学译论对于汉英诗歌翻译的局限

10.Main Directions of Themes and New Points of Methodology in thePoems by English and Chinese Women Poets of 20th Century;20世纪英汉女性诗歌的主题和结构

11.On Poems Translation from Chinese to English--Reading Two Translated Versions ofSong of EternalSorrow or the EverlastingRegret;浅谈汉诗英译感悟——读《长恨歌》的两个英译本

12.Reflections on Unconventionality of Poetic Form;诗歌语形出位之思——英汉异形诗歌平行比较与翻译学实证研究

13.Features of Rhythm of Chinese Poetry--Also Comparing with Features of Rhythm of English Poetry;汉语诗歌节奏的特点——兼与英语诗歌节奏的特点比较

14.The Implicit and Explicit Modes of the First Person Indicators Respectively in Chinese and English Poetry: An Aesthetically Comparative Analysis汉英诗歌第一人称指示词隐显模式的美学比较

15.The Lexical Difference Between Chinese and English in the Poetic Translation;浅析英汉词汇差异在诗歌翻译中的表现

16.The Characteristics of English-Chinese Metrical Poems And Translation;论英汉古典诗歌的格律特征及翻译艺术

17.On the Semantic and Discourse Differences of English and Chinese Poetry in Translation;论诗歌翻译中英汉词义和语篇的结构差异

18.On Translatability of Poetry and Difficulties in Translating;从共性和个性看汉英诗歌的可译性及其障碍


Chinese and English poetry汉英诗歌

1.The first person indicators are treated fundamentally distinctively inChinese and English poetry implicit in this former and explicit in this latter.第一人称指示词在汉英诗歌中有着迥然不同的表现形式 ,即汉语诗歌中第一人称指示词常常处于隐匿状态 ,而在英语诗歌中则表现得彰显。

3)English and Chinese shaped poetry英汉异形诗歌

4)English-Chinese women poets英汉女性诗歌

5)English-Chinese poetry translation英汉诗歌翻译

6)E-C poetry mutual translation英汉诗歌互译


