900字范文 > 历年高考英语真题最高频词组大盘点(4)


时间:2021-06-21 06:28:05



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401 by name 名叫; by the name of 以...为名; in name 只在名义上; in one"s own name 以某人自己的名义

402 by nature 天生的

403 there is no need to do sth. 没有必要干某事; in need (of) 需要

404 no sooner… than = hardly…when (用于倒装句) 一...就...

405 not…nor…nor .. 既不...也不...也不...

406 lead sb. by the nose 牵着某人鼻子走; turn up one"s nose at 瞧不起; nose to nose = face to face 面对面地

407not only…but (also) 不但...而且

408 not… but 不是...而是 not… until直到...才...

409 from now (then) on 从现在(那时)起; now that = since 既然;由于; by now 到现在; till now 直到现在

410 take office 就(任)职; resign (leave) office 辞(离)职 ;in office 执政,任职

411 once in a while 偶然

412 one after another = one by one = one after the other 一个个地,一个接一个

413 by oneself 独自地

414 be open to 乐意接受; come into open 公开;open up 开发;开辟

415 have a good opinion of sb. 对...印象好

416 in one"s opinion在某人看来

417 whether…or… 是...还是不是...

418 or else = otherwise 否则

419 in order 按顺序

420 owing to (thanks to) 由于

421 on one"s own 独自,独立

422 be parallel with 与...平行,与...并列

423 participate in a discussion 参加讨论;

424 in particular = particularly尤其;特别

425 pass by 从旁经过, 经过; pass on 传下去; pass through 穿过;经历

426 pay attention to 注意

427 pay a visit to 访问某人 / 地方

428 at peace 处于和平局面; keep the peace 维持治安

429 in person = personally 亲自; in the person of 代表;以...的资格

430 persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事; persuade sb. into / out of doing sth. 说服某人做 / 不做某事

431 pick out 挑选; pick up 拾起 ;用车接人(用车载物)

432 take place 发生; take one"s place / take place of 代替; in place 在适当的位置

433 play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑

434 on the playground 在操场上

435 in point of 就...而言; on the point of 即将...之时; to the point 中肯; to the point of 达到...的程度

436 polish up 擦亮(光),温习(功课)

437 put into practice 实行,成为现实; put theory into practice 把理论与实践结合

438 sing sb"s praise (think highly of sb.) 赞扬某人 ;in praise of 为颂扬...

439 without prejudice 无偏见 have a prejudice against = be prejudice against 对...有偏见(成见)

440 make preparations for = prepare for 为...做准备; prepare sb. to do sth. 使某人准备做某事

441 prepare sb. for 使某人为...做好准备;be / get (well) prepared for sth. / to do sth. 对...有(充分)准备

442 at present = presently 目前; for the present = for the time being 暂时; up to the present 直到现在

443 preserve…from 保护;保藏...以免

444 under the pressure of 在...压力(迫) 下

445 raise / bring up the price 提价;reduce / bring down the price 降价; (the price) go up (价格)上升;(the price) go down / fall (价格)下降

446 in principle 原则上; on principle 根据(按照)原则

447 go to prison 入狱; be in prison 在坐牢

448 in process 在进行中 in (the) process of 在...期间

449 make a profit on 在...上获利; make progress 取得进步(进展)

450 prohibit sb. from doing sth. = forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事

451 make (sb.) a promise to do sth. 许诺做某事; keep a promise守诺言; carry out a promise 履行诺言

452 be proud of = take pride in 以...而自豪

453 provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. 给某人提供某物

454 make a purchase 买东西

455 for / with the purpose of 为了...的目的; on purpose 故意地

456 push…aside 把...推倒在旁边; push on 推动;推进

457 put aside 把...放一边; put away 收拾好;put down 放下,平息 ;put off = delay推迟,延期;put on 穿(戴),上演; put out 出版,消灭;put up 举起,建造,张贴; put down 记下;

458 rather than 而不是; would rather do… than do… 宁愿做...而不做...

459 beyond (out of) one"s reach 超出某人的能力

460 be ready to do sth. 乐意做某事; be ready for sth. 为某事做准备; in reality 实际上

461 by reason of (by reason that) 由于;因为

462 recommend sth. to sb. = recommend sb. sth.向某人推荐某物;recommend doing 建议做;recommend sb. to do 建议某人做

463 set a record 创记录; keep a record 保持记录; break a record打破记录

464 keep a record of 记录下来

465 refer to 查阅,参考, 提及,求助

466 have no relation to 与...无关; the relation between…and … 和...之间的关系

467 for rent (sale) 为出租(出售)的

468 make repairs 修理; under repair 在修理中

469 It is reported that 据报道

470 live up to one"s reputation 名副其实,have a reputation for 以...而闻名

471 request for 要求得到某物; at sb."s request / at the request of sb. 应某人之邀

472 come / go to sb"s rescue 来 / 去营救某人

473 make researches on 对...进行研究; do research on sth. 对...进行研究

474 without reservation 直率地; with reservation 有保留地; ticket reservation 留票 seat reservation预定席位

475 a nature reserve 自然保护;in reserve 备用的;All rights (are) reserved 版权保留

476 bear responsibility for 对...负有责任; on one"s own responsibility自作主张地; take the responsibility for 负起...的责任

477 result in ( lead to )导致,造成...的结果; result from 由于,因...而起

478 in return (for) 作为(对)...的回报

479 rid oneself of 摆脱,去掉 be (get) rid of 摆脱,除去

480 the answer to a riddle 谜底; read a riddle 猜迷

481 ring sb. up = ring sb. = call sb. up = give sb. a telephone call = call sb. = telephone sb. = give sb. a ring 打电话; ring back 回电话;ring off 挂断电话

482 take a risk (risks) to do sth = risk doing sth.冒险做某事; at all risks / at any risk 无论冒什么危险

483 play a role (part) in 在...起作用; play the role (part) of 扮演...角色

484 make room for 为... 腾出地方 ; There is no room left for… 没有...的余地

485 root in 扎根于; be rooted in 起源于

486 rot away 朽坏;(身体)衰弱

487 rot off 因朽坏而断

488 go into one"s routine 做自己照例做的事; the day"s routine = daily routine 日常工作

489 in a row 排成一排;in rows 成排地

490 come to ruin 使毁灭;in ruins 荒芜地; fall into ruin 成废墟

491 break the rule违反规定; obey / follow the rules 遵守规定; as a rule一般来说; during the rule of 在...统治期间

492 run after 追赶; run for 竞选

493 rush through 匆忙通过;(the) rush hour交通高峰时间

494 safe and sound安然无恙

495 on sale 在销售中

496 much the same 几乎一样

497 with satisfaction 满意地; to one"s satisfaction 使某人满意的是...

498 be satisfied (pleased) with 对...感到满意

499 say hello (sorry / good-bye) to sb. 向某人问好(道歉,告别); say for oneself 为自己辩护; say to oneself 自言自语

500 finish school完成学业


