900字范文 > 历年高考英语真题最高频词组大盘点(3)


时间:2018-08-18 10:23:04



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301 take / give a glance at 对...一瞥 at the first glance第一眼 glance at对...一瞥

302 go on doing sth.继续做同一件事情 go on to do sth. 继续做另一件事情; go on with 继续做某事

303 be good at善于 be good for 对...有益;for the good of 为...利益 It"s no / some / any good +doing sth.做(干)是无有用的

304 graduate from 毕业于

305 grasp at 抓住; beyond grasp 某人不能理解

306 a great deal 大量 a great deal of +不可数名词 a great (good) many+可数名词的复数

307 offer greetings to sb. 向某人致敬

308 grow up 长大; grow into 发展为

309 on guard 在岗上; keep guard 放哨

310 guide sb. to a place引导某人到某一地方; guide sb. in (out)领着某人进(出)

311 get into (form) the habit of 养成...的习惯;break away from a habit 改掉一个习惯; out of habit 出于习惯

312 by hand 用手(工); from hand to hand 从一人手传到(奇速英语推荐)另一人手中;hand in 上交;hand out 分发; give (lend) sb. a hand 给予某人帮助 on the one hand…on the other hand 一方面...另一方面

313 hang on = hold on 不挂断(电话) hang up = ring off挂断(电话)

314 have a word (a few words) with; 和...讲句话 have words with sb. 与...吵架 ; have much / nothing to do with 与...很有(没有)关系

315 from head to foot 浑身 head for 朝...行走; hold one"s head high 趾高气扬

316 be in good (poor, bad) health 健康(不健康); heart and soul 全心全意; learn sth. by heart 记住某事; put one"s heart into 用全部精力做某事

317 can"t help (to)do 不能帮忙做 can"t help doing 禁不住做

318 say hello (sorry) to sb. 向某人问好(道歉)

319 help oneself to 随便用(吃); help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事; with the help of (with one"s help) 在...帮助下; help out 帮助(解决困难)

320 hesitate at / about / over sth. 对...迟疑不决 hesitate to do sth. 不好意思做某事

321 on / for hire 供租用;

322 hold back 阻止; hold on 坚持下去; hold up 举起; 阻挡 take (catch, get, seize) hold of 抓住

323 on holiday 在休假中 take (have / spend) one"s holiday 度(休)假

324 be / feel at home 感觉舒适; on one"s way home 在某人回家的路上

325 in honour of 为...纪念... pay (give)honour to 向...致敬

326 in hope of (in the hope of / in the hope that) 怀着...的希望

327 be in hospital 住院

328 go hungry 挨饿; be hungry for 渴望

329 hurry away (off)匆忙离去; in a hurry 匆忙

330 speak ill of sb. 说某人坏话

331 impress (sth.) on / upon (sb.) 使某人对某物印象深刻;be deeply impressed by 对...印象深刻

332 out of question 毫无疑问;out of the question = impossible 不可能

333 increase to 增加到(指总数); increase by 增加了(指幅度)

334 for an instant 一瞬间; the instant (名词词组当连词用引导时间状语从句 ) = as soon as一...就 ...; in an instant 立刻;马上

335 instead of = in place of 代替

336 intend to do sth. 企图做...intend sb. to do sth.打算让某人做某事

337 with the intention of 抱有...目的

338 take (have, feel) (no) interest in 对...感(不感)兴趣; to one"s interest使某人感兴趣的是...; with interest 怀着兴趣 ;be / feel interested in 对...感兴趣

339 introduce sb (oneself) to sb.else 把某人(自己)向他人介绍

340 join…to… 把...和...连接起来; join up 连接起来; join sb. 和某人一起; join (sb.) in… 参加(某人)某项活动

341 play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑; make a joke about sb. ( sth. )以某人(物)为笑柄; make / take a journey to 到...去旅行

342 to one"s joy 使某人高兴的是..

343 judge by (from) 依据...来判断

344 jump off 跳下(离); jump onto 跳到...上

345 keep back 阻止; keep..in mind 记住 ; keep out 不让进入; keep up with 跟上; keep up 保持;继续 keep watch守望; keep one"s promise 履行诺言

346 keep (on) doing sth. 继续做某事

347 kick off 踢落;

348 of a kind 同一类的; all kinds of = of all kinds 各种各样的

349 get (fall)down on one"s knees 跪下; bring sb. to his knees 迫使某人屈服

350 know of (about) (间接)知道;了解

351 make oneself known to 向某人介绍自己

352 to one"s knowledge 据某人所知

353 for (through) lack of 因为缺乏; lack in 在...方面缺乏

354 at large详细地; by and large 总的说来

355 to the last直到最后

356 late (far / deep) into the night 直到深夜

357 sit / stay up late 熬夜

358 pass the / a law 通过法律 / 法令; break the law 违反法律; go to law (against sb.) 打官司

359 lay the table 摆好餐具; lay aside 放在一边; lay down 放下;lay off 解雇;lay stress (emphasis)on 强调

360 lead to 导致;通向 lead sb. by the nose 牵着鼻子走; lead the way带路; lead sb.in doing 领导某人干

361 leak out泄漏 learn of (间接)了解到

362 not.. / . in the least一点也不

363 leave alone 别管 leave… for (leave for)离开...前往; leave out 省略; leave a message for sb.给某人留口信;

364 give a lecture 做演讲

365 at length (at last)最后

366 attend one"s lesson 听某人的课;give sb. a lesson 给某人上课; teach sb.a lesson 给某人教训;do one"s lesson 做功课

367 let alone 更不用说; let out 泄露

368 by letter 以书信形式

369 at liberty 得到许可

370 come back to life 复活; give one"s life to 为...而献身

371 in line排队; line up 排队

372 make a list 列表; as is listed above (below)如上(下)所列

373 little by little 逐渐地; live through 度过; live out 活过(某一段时间) live on 靠...生活

374 as (so)long as 只要... long after 在...后不久; no longer / not…any longer 不再 It"s not long before ...不久...就 long for 渴望

375 look about (around) 环视; look back upon 回顾; look down upon (on) 看不起; look forward to (介词) 盼望;look into 调查; look on (upon) as… 把...看着... look out 当心; look through 浏览

376 lose heart 失去信心 be lost in (thought) 消失在...中

377 at a loss 不知所措; make up a loss弥补损失

378 fall in love with 爱上...

379 go mad (crazy) 发狂 drive sb. mad使某人发疯 be mad about (for) 对...着迷

380 be made into 制着成产品; find (meet) one"s match (遇到)对手

381 no matter what / how / where 无论什么 / 怎样 / 哪里; in the matter of


382 in the meanwhile = at the same time 同时;

383 by means of 凭借;用; by all means务必;by no means 决不;by this means通过这种方式

384 meet sb"s wishes 达到某人的愿望; meet with 遭遇意外;偶然碰到

385 in memory (honour) of 为...纪念; from memory 凭记忆

386 as mentioned above 如上所述; not to mention 更不用说; make mention of 提及

387 make a mess of 弄乱, get into a mess 陷入困境; in a mess 混乱,一团糟

388 leave a message 留话; take a message for sb. 捎口信;

389 in the middle of 在...中间

390 keep (bear) sth. in mind 记住某事; call / bring sth. to mind 回忆某事; make up one"s mind 决定(心); speak one"s mind 说出心里话; keep one"s mind on 专心于

391 the minute / moment…( 名词词组连词用) = as soon as 一...就...

392 make a mistake 犯错误

393 mix up 搅和;混淆; be (get) mixed up 混杂

394 make (earn) money 赚钱; collect money 筹款; save money省(存)钱

395 more or less 或多或少

396 many more 后接可数名词复数;much more后接不可数名词

397 no more = not…any more 不再

398 no more… than 用于表达双方否定,"两者都不";not more…than 用于表达"前者不如后者"

399 make the most of 充分利用

400 (all) by oneself 自己


