900字范文 > New Phytologist | bHLH转录因子调控蒺藜苜蓿的雄性不育

New Phytologist | bHLH转录因子调控蒺藜苜蓿的雄性不育

时间:2018-08-04 20:09:55


New Phytologist | bHLH转录因子调控蒺藜苜蓿的雄性不育

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6月,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园的陈江华课题组在New Phytologist发表了一篇题为A study of male fertility control in Medicago truncatula uncovers an evolutionarily conserved recruitment of two tapetal bHLH subfamilies in plant sexual reproduction的文章,揭示了bHLH转录因子EAN1调控蒺藜苜蓿的雄性不育机制。

摘 要


Phenotypic analysis of Medicago truncatula WT and ean1-1 mutant.


Male sterility is an important tool for plant breeding and hybrid seed production. Male‐sterile mutants are largely due to an abnormal development of either the sporophytic or gametophytic anther tissues. Tapetum, a key sporophytic tissue, provides nutrients for pollen development, and its delayed degeneration induces pollen abortion. Numerous bHLH proteins have been documented to participate in the degeneration of the tapetum in angiosperms, but relatively little attention has been given to the evolution of the involved developmental pathways across the phylogeny of land plants.A combination of cellular, molecular, biochemical and evolutionaryanalyses was used to investigate the male fertility control inMedicago truncatula.We characterized the male‐sterile mutantempty anther1(ean1) and identified EAN1 as a tapetum‐specific bHLH transcription factor necessary for tapetum degeneration. Our study uncovered an evolutionary conserved recruitment of bHLH subfamily II and III(a+c)1 in the regulation of tapetum degeneration. EAN1 belongs to the subfamily II and specifically forms heterodimers with the subfamily III(a+c)1 members, which suggests a heterodimerization mechanism conserved in angiosperms.Our work suggested that the pathway of two tapetal‐bHLH subfamilies is conserved in all land plants, and has been likely established prior to the divergence of the spore‐producing land plants.论文链接:/10.1111/nph.16770
